Back For My Daughter

Chapter 866 Picking Up Favorite Toys

Indeed seeing so many toys, it would not be wrong to say that the little girls were a bit excited to see every toy and it would take at least 15 minutes for them to look at each of them.

Wang Jin and Guo Yulao nodded as the two walked out.

While stopping by the door, Guo Yulao stopped while saying something to Wang Jin as he walked ahead while Guo Yulao stayed.

He then walked to Ye Qian and then asked.

"Mr Ye, with what had happened during the journey, I am really sorry for that."

He said with his head low.

It could be said that if even a slight change had happened then their lives would have been threatened.

He of course, still had the gun to save him, but that could not be said about Ye Qian and his daughters.

Although things didn\'t take a turn for the bad, Guo Yulao still felt ashamed knowing that this was all his fault.

"It\'s alright, it was not your fault."

Ye Qian waved his hand and then turned around to the girls.

Guo Yulao understood that Ye Qian didn\'t want to scratch this topic again and didn\'t say anything.

He didn\'t intend to tell about this to Wang Jin, but of course, he was going to take care of this incident by himself.

He definitely could not go easy, it was just a matter of luck that Ye Qian and his daughters were safe but he could not deny the possibility of what might have happened if Ye Qian didn\'t have the ability to protect himself.

Although Guo Yulao had not seen what had exactly happened by the side of the road after Ye Qian was taken by them, he was sure that he had seen a lot of blood on the road, and he didn\'t doubt that it belonged to someone from the bandits who were beaten by Ye Qian.

"Papa, look, this one Qiqi likes the most."

Upon seeing that the two uncles left, the little girls rushed to Ye Qian pointing to the teddies that they held in their hands.

Little Qiqi had a pink bear which was about 40 cm tall and was roughly half of her height.

The little girl had to use both of her hands to carry the puffy teddy bear making Ye Qian couldn\'t help but be amused.

"Wow, that is really very cute."

"And Qiqi\'s favourite is also Pink right?"

Ye Qian asked with his brows raised high.

"Hehe, yes Papa understood it, Qiqi likes pink the most hehe."

The little girl grinned noticing that her Papa had found what was her favourite colour.

Followed by Little Qiqi, Xiao Ya came skipping.

The little girl held a black and white cow in her hands.

Ye Qian couldn\'t help but shake his head wondering if she knew that her grandpa had the business of slaughtering animals.

"Dad, did you not like my cute cow?"

Seeing Ye Qian shake his head, Xiao Ya asked with her eyes getting wider.

"Haha, how can that be, isn\'t this cow so small and cute with two small horns just like my Xiao Ya?"

Ye Qian shook his head and smiled.

"Huh, but Dad, I don\'t have horns?"

The little girl raised her brows and asked, but still confirmed with her other hand if she really had horns on her head.

Seeing her acting like this, Little Qiqi and Little Jia giggled while hiding their teeth, not wanting to make their small sister feel like she just acted a bit stupid.

"Haha, of course not, how can my Xiao Ya have horns, I just said that because small cows are also very cute."

Ye Qian chuckled and stroked her head.

"Wow, now I also want to see a small cow!\'

Xiao Ya nodded as she said in excitement.

"Haha, you will, we will need to go on another trip after a few days, you can see many cattle and horses there."

Ye Qian said as he thought of Little Qing who had the Pure Spirit Body and then about Little Ming who still needed to be cured of her disease.

The reason why Ye Qian could still think of being able to cure the poison from Tarda Mors was due to him having the knowledge about it and when he met Little Ming, he was not able to use his Spiritual Energy at all.

If not then he was sure that he could still be able to cure her in just a matter of a few days.

"Ohh really Papa, where will we go?"

Little Qiqi asked with her brows raised high.

She was really excited knowing that they would be going on a trip like this later on as well.

Although all that the little girl did was sleep and listen to the story while watching the scenery through the car, she still felt very happy that she was travelling with her Papa.

"Well it\'s just a village, I stayed there for some time, when I came back, and the people there helped me."


Little Qiqi and Little Jia nodded with their lips curved into an O.

They, of course, understood what their Papa was talking about.

They had heard from their Papa about how he came back for Qiqi and Yuan Meng and his parents.

Meanwhile, Xiao Ya who was not knowledgeable like Little Qiqi and Little Jia about this fact was confused as she thought that he would have gotten injured and the people in the village saved him.

"Alright, Jia which fluffy toy did you choose?"

Ye Qian shook his head and then asked.

He could of course not be partial to anyone with his love, no matter if Xiao Ya and Little Jia were not his blood daughters, but he had accepted them as one and could not differentiate between them now.

"Umm, Papa, I picked a dolphin."

Little Jia blushed as she stood up and down on her toes while holding the blue-coloured dolphin in her hands.

"Do you like Dolphins so much, Jia?"

Ye Qian asked with his brows raised.

"Umm, yes, a bit, I always think that they are very cute and also the smartest animals. And.. and..."

Little Jia said while tilting her head and a beaming smile.


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