Summoner: Monster Girl Harem!

Chapter 4 The Dungeon

Milla is my younger adoptive sister. She was the same age as me, but had awakened her talent at a young age. She could use wind magic and had the class [Shield maiden] In the summer she will leave for the capital to join the female knight group named Lazarus.

"Come to think of it, they will both leave soon. I hope they will be okay. My sister is a little clingy…"

My mother\'s name was Verda. She was a tanned woman who came from a southern tribe of mainly women. They had great strength, but lacked a powerful affinity for magic. She was my father\'s vanguard during his days as a dungeon explorer.

It only took around 30 minutes for me to get home. Small wooden houses with dull glass windows filled the surrounding roads. The ground was a mix of poor quality soil and garbage from the slum located a few hundred metres away.

\'This place never changes. I hope to leave this city as soon as possible. I want to explore the world beyond the fog one day!\'

I threw my body through the reinforced wooden door. The slam rang through the house as the scent of boiled potatoes and roast chicken filled my nose.

\'Ah, I love mom\'s roasted chicken!\'

My body dashed to the kitchen to see an exotic beauty standing around 195cm tall. Her black hair was wavy and down to her buttocks as she swayed from side to side. Her emerald eyes were glistening as she watched the pot boiling and added several herbs and brightly coloured spices to the broth.

"Welcome home, Vince. Did you have a good day at school today?" Verda said. Her dark green eyes shining with a glint as they narrowed with joy hearing his good mood.

"Ah Mom! Your son gained a class and talent, hehe! We\'ll be going into the dungeon tomorrow morning, so wake me up before you train!" I said, filled with excitement. She smiled at me gently.

"I\'ll wake you up before I start. How? Want to join mommy for morning training? It\'ll help you loosen up?" She said with a fierce glint in her eyes. \'Her training is extremely hard! Maybe I\'ll pass… Who\'s kidding? She\'ll force me to train even if I cry!\' I thought.


A flash of light entered the kitchen. I felt my body hit by an intense impact, knocking me to the ground. My sister had just come home from playing with her friends. She was wearing a chain-mail vest and a cute frilled black dress made of daemon skin. Her black hair was shorter than mother\'s and only down to her neck and wasn\'t curled but straight, forming a cute bob type haircut hovering over her short bushy eyebrows barely over an inch.

I could feel the heat from her body warming my skin. Her nose sniffed my entire body, then rubbed her cute face against my chest. \'Brother has had many women close to him! There\'s one that smells like an elf, a spirit and a half elf! Brother, you can\'t do this… Not when you have Milla!\' She thought before giving him a fierce bite on his arm, running off with a giggle as she left a deep tooth mark.

"Tehe! Mother\'s roast chicken stew, yay! I\'m going to shower. I smell terrible. Want to join me, brother?" Milla said. She then ran off into the garden and filled the wooden tub with water from the well.

Dinner was wonderful. The way mother cooks the potatoes and add\'s her secret herbs makes this so divine. Even Silvari tried to escape from my spirit world to taste the food. I had to sneak a piece of the chicken into my room later that night, as she kept pouting.

The night passed quietly. Honestly, I thought I\'d be up all night, but the moment my head touched the pillow, I fell asleep. My mother\'s banging woke me up at 3:30am as she ran inside and gripped me by my pyjama\'s throwing me into the garden and so my morning training began!

(Vincent POV end)

We all stood outside the Windsor dungeon\'s entrance. I was the only one not wearing any armour. \'I cannot help it. We\'re really poor and my sister is starting her service in the knight group soon. I\'m glad we bought her a full set of moonsteel plate armour.\'

"Hey Vincent! Come here, Hehe!" Felia said. She waved towards him as the others looked at him and gave a polite nod.

Odette wore an expensive robe. It had her family\'s crest embroidered onto her breast. Her robe was purple with black features. The elf Felia wore armour that chose stealth and movement over protection. It seemed to be an elven type used by the Federation\'s royal guard.

"Are you excited about going to the dungeon today, Vincent?" Felia said, as she turned to Vincent.

"Mmmm very!" He replied with large glimmering eyes.

\'Ahhhh~ He\'s so adorable when he looks excited,\' Felia thought.

She was an archer, there was a short bow on her back. The Windsor dungeon was too small to use a longbow effectively. Dirk had a large shield equipped with his left hand. It was black and made of black steel. His plate armour had the same insignia as Odette. He stood beside her, holding a spear, and looked excited.

The dark elf wasn\'t present, so Vincent felt at ease. That crazy woman might try to stab him in the back of the dungeon. Their teacher strolled from the guild\'s office build just outside the dungeon. She was wearing a long black robe like a jacket. Her eyes peered at the students and gave a smile.

"All of you got here early. Good! Shall we enter and see what the dungeon is really like? Don\'t piss yourself, little kids."

Her words filled the four children with excitement as they entered the dungeon. A dark and wet atmosphere greeted them. They could smell a disgusting scent and tried to block their noses, especially the elf Felia. "Ah, I forgot, the dungeon entrances stink of decomposing corpses. Nobody know\'s why, but once you reach deeper, it slowly fades."

Violette was really serious despite acting lax. The death of students entering the dungeon for the first time was very normal. \'I just hope that his summoner job isn\'t useless. Where is that little pixie he summoned yesterday?\' She thought, looking at the person equipped for the worst. No armour, no weapons and only a simple pair of black robes.

"Ah, there, it\'s the first enemy. You guys are lucky! It\'s the enemy of all female adventurers and dungeon knights. The goblin, they like to hide in small gaps and shadows and then ambush you. From behind, knocking the women unconscious with a heavy blow to the back of their heads. Then killing the men and eating them on the spot. They drag women deeper into the dungeon and used to spawn new goblins."

There was a group of 5 goblins wandering around holding wooden clubs and wearing small cloth loincloths. They were in front of the group, unaware of their presence.

"So, which of you is going to step up first? How about you? Vincent."

(Vincent POV)

I stepped forwards. Silvari manifested, standing on my shoulders with her arms crossed, looking proud, as if to say these inferior goblins were not worth her time. My body shook from both excitement and fear.

I noticed something strange about the spells I had learnt didn\'t require me to chant. To cast the spell, I only needed to say the trigger word, and they\'d fire. My arms raised into the air, pointing at different goblins.

The mana in my body flowed towards my hands. It filled my body with a sense of pleasure, like when someone strokes your skin gently. I hadn\'t really tried to cast spells before and didn\'t realise the magnitude of unlimited mana. Twelve purple shards of arcane magic appeared above my head. These were the [Magic Missiles] I had learnt. Silvari then mimicked my actions, but she created ice elemental shards.

I waited for the goblins to stop moving before opening my mouth slowly. " [Mana Missile!]" With a booming sound, the countless shards flung towards the unaware goblins like comets, causing a purple tail to follow them. Unlike mine, Silvari\'s flew in a long arc, as if homing onto the targets. \'Damn, she\'s so much better! I can\'t wait to learn to do that!\'

*Thud! Thud!*

The missiles ripped through the goblins like butter. They formed huge, deep craters in the ground as they ripped the goblins apart, making them squeal and make death cries. Black blood sprayed everywhere, but I was oblivious, just looking at my gains from killing them.

[Killed Goblin Scout - Level 1] x 5

[Gained 15 Experience]

[Vincent Schwartz - Aged 18]

[Summoner - Level 3] [EXP 0/15] ^

[Strength: 3 Agility: 2 Stamina: 3 Wisdom: 3 Intellect: 3]

[Silvari - Level 3]

[Efrita (Need to reach level 5) - Level 0]

"Wow, it feels so good!"

A brilliant golden light surrounded my body. This was the phenomenon know as levelling up. I felt unlimited power filling my body. I gained a bonus of 2 points for each level that seem to be allocated at random. Normally, people would only gain +1 even with the most rare classes. So I felt fantastic.

\'Impressive his mana control and power are far beyond a level 1. I hope the others can match his skills. This year might be my first time to win the grand tournament and leave this shithole,\' Violetta thought to herself, seeing the attractive male glowing gold.

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