How I Became the Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 95 - The Fall Of The Safe Zone II

-Nina\'s POV-

I held in my instincts to growl and my canines ached to show themselves but I held it in. All I had to do was handle the contestant. I knew the smartest decision would be to run. We were facing an army of demons here and there was no way I could show who I was without putting a bounty on my head.

"You really think I\'ll just come with you?" I scoffed mockingly.

"Wasn\'t planning on it." he returned with just as much mischief.

Naz pinched my waist and from the side of my eye, I realised everyone was holding onto her. There\'s no way she could teleport all of us. I didn\'t give a flying mushroom if they didn\'t make it out alive. I only cared about Malia and I.

"Come get me." I returned firmly.

\'If anyone is left behind because you couldn\'t be bothered, I will rip you out of me and burn your scalp off.\' Malia sent through the mind link, sending shivers up my spine. Somehow, she made it clear how serious she was. I guess I\'ll have to bring these baboons to safety then.

At that second, the demons all charged at us horns first, roaring. It was the scariest moment of it all. The apex of the tension had finally reached its optimum point and there was only one way this could go now. 

Naz let out a scream, pushing all her mana around us. She just needed more time to accumulate all her power.

"JACE!!!" I screamed, my hair flowing back from the shift of atmosphere. I flung both of my hands up, pushing them outwards and creating a wall of fire. 

Jace caught onto what I was trying to do, letting out a yell before water shot out of his hands and created a wall of strong thick water opposite mine.

"Naz, hurry!!!" Allefin stressed, holding onto her belt in a frenzy. He could help!!!

A force of power pushed around us as the demons tried to break through the barrier. I stood my ground, gritting my teeth and clenching my jaw while exerting all the fire I could. Even after just recovering, the undead soldiers and demons barely reached the first layer of my shield but I couldn\'t afford to lose focus. 

All this power was euphoric. Malia was really lucky in this life. We were weak in my life. Now we are strong. I guess there is a sort of balance to the universes after all.

I craned my neck over my shoulder, glancing at Jace behind me. Sweat dripped down his forehead, tears welling in his eyes as his hands shook. He was clearly struggling.

A bad feeling tingled my back and before I knew it, a dark force tore Jace\'s wall apart and we all went flying. I flew across the air, finding my footing mid-air. I could have caught Naz in my arms but I couldn\'t be bothered to hold her. She was heavy. My feet skid against the floor, creating smoke before I halted. Naz on the other hand, fell on her ass, cursing and forcing herself up to stand next to me. The darkness contestant stood with his arms up.

"Naz, grab them and teleport." I whispered while keeping eye contact with the contestant.

"What about you?" her voice shook in fear. 

"Come back for me later."

She was pathetic for caring about me. If I was in her position, I would have poofed myself out of here already. I wonder how Malia actually cared about these idiots. They are useless. Jace could barely even hold up a wall and Allefin\'s family were all utterly stupid. They just stood there.

"I\'m impressed. I\'ve never met commoners who could keep up a barrier against my shadow soldiers." he chuckled, darkly.

"Shut up!" Jace yelled, running towards the dark cloaked guy but demons stepped in his way, attacking him. He dodged a few of their fists before he was side tackled by a demon\'s horns. The dark contestant cackled as Jace struggled against 30 demons on the floor.

"Jace!" Naz yelled, running towards him but I pulled her back.

"Get Allefins family outta here. Trust me Naz." I cried, pushing her towards Allefin\'s family, who were paralyzed by fear.

I didn\'t care to see if they had listened to me. I trusted Naz so I flash stepped towards the fight, yelling at Jace.

"STOP FIGHTING!" I screamed, dodging the demons who tried to grab me and letting myself fall into complete tunnel vision towards the shadow contestant.

"What?!" Jace yelled back in disbelief, letting go of the water rushing out of his fists and letting the demons leap onto him. I gotta say, the amount of trust he put in Malia is what I loved about his and Malia\'s team. I know they\'ll make it far.

I unleashed the full energy of my fire mana, letting heat radiate off of me. The darkness candidate let out an annoyed puff at how easily I was dodging his soldiers\' attacks. I could see he was struggling to see me at how fast I was moving.

He kicked off his heels, charging at me. We both glared into each other\'s eyes as we met midway, him just missing my temple with a kick. My eyes watched his next move, stepping back at his fast fists as they barely missed me.

In the most perfect timing, a burst of water extended outwards sending all of us flying.

My theory was right. 

Here comes unconscious Jace. 

According to the memories in Malia\'s mind, Jace fought Ranveer while being unconscious so lets hope he can hold up an army of demons with this trick.

The shadow contestant stood back on his feet but I was still coughing up water a few metres away from him. The demons all turned into ash and it was only Jace, him and I. 

The shadow candidate flash stepped towards me as I let out a gasp of shock at the close proximity of his fist before Jace caught it from behind me. 

The back of my head bumped against his chest as I glanced at his eyes. They were blank with no iris and he looked… deadly.

"What the-" the shadow contestant stood in shock. Bad move on his side.

I kicked his abdomen as Jace ran after his flying body, followed by me. Kicking the contestants head while he flew back, Jace mirrored my move, kicking the other side. 

Sadly, the contestant recovered quickly, teleporting himself out from between Jace and I. We both halted, spinning around; a gush of air rushed past us in a godly speed but we both caught the moving figure by the hand. He flung us off but Jace low kicked while I threw a slash of fire aimed at his eyes.

"Argh!" he let out a shout of pain, stumbling back a few metres away from us, cradling his eyes.

Undead soldiers immediately emerged from the ground to his aid, roaring in anger. Water gushed around Jace\'s feet as his aura intensified. I needed a new distraction.

An idea popped up into my head and at that moment, it seemed like the only option. Gathering up all my spiritual aura, I let out an ear splitting roar, the air reverberating and the ground shaking. 

The demons stumbled back along with their leader, shocked from my bold statement. I blinked my urging wolf back, taking a deep breath and exhaling. My golden eyes tried to glow through but I had already activated my fire mana, blocking it so my eyes glowed orange.

"Who the hell-"

A glimpse of blonde hair flew past me and the fresh scent of Naz filled my nose. Black Mist surrounded both Jace and I. It worked! I distracted them long enough! Jace\'s body dropped against Naz\'s shoulders as the mist fully submerged us. 


The shout dissipated as we were teleported back to our mansion\'s living room.

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