How I Became the Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 139 - Reunion At The Hunter Bureau

[You have entered a Blue Portal]

After recovering my mana that Voadhailis had stolen for his rapid growth, I had breakfast with the villagers and left for the Hunter Bureau.

It seemed that the busyness of the Hunter Bureau had calmed down a little; now the problem was that the place was swarming with Hunters, who had arrived from all over the kingdom in preparation for the raid.

A lot of hunters looked my way, especially at the odd flying familiar that was flying next to me. 

\'This is a trek. Let me sit on your shoulder.\' Voadhailis sighed, hovering down to my shoulder and resting on it. His tail wrapped around my neck to the other side and he tucked in his wings, sitting comfortably.

\'Looks like you got some fans. Everyone\'s loving your cuteness.\' I teased. 

\'Shut up. This is a mockery. I should\'ve had a larger body. It\'ll take me years to grow to my original size.\' He moaned telepathically. 

I had finally arrived at the Reception and all the Hunters looked my way. Being the youngest there, with the best fashion sense and with my adorable partner, we were bound to attract attention.

I was already kitted out in an unusual attire. I wore a black turtleneck, a navy blue Hunter\'s coat  on top matched with dark cargo trousers. With my rings, eye patch and well built slender figure it looked like I had stumbled into the wrong place. However, the Little Dragon wrapped around my neck said otherwise.

"Hi sir! Welcome back. May I see your ID card please?" The girl behind the desk blushed, looking at Voadhailis, before looking back at the Screen powered by light mana.

I pulled out my black card and handed it over to her. 

She scanned it, smiling happily before handing it back.

"Welcome back once again, Mr Amara. Your friends are in the training facility below us and your mother is there too. They\'ve been patiently waiting for you."

"How do I get there?" I asked, politely.

"Ask the security over there. He will guide you downstairs." She smiled.


I couldn\'t help but gasp. So such a facility existed underneath the Hunter Bureau. Several fighting rings spanned out around the vast white facility.

The walls around the edges were about 300 metres in height, till the ceiling could be seen, whilst the length of the facility was close to a kilometre. Anyone could\'ve easily become lost in this huge place.

"Are you Mr Amara?"

I heard a voice come from behind me. 


"If you\'ll please follow me. I\'ll be escorting you to where your friends are training." An old man with a grey moustache spoke. He wore a black suit and had a spectacle in one eye. 

I gave him a quick nod and followed him down the stairs to where the mock battles were being held. 

The Hunters that were fighting were strong. The clashing of weapons and explosions of spells echoed around the large facility. Some of the stronger looked my way, glaring at me and I returned the attitude whilst others complimented Voadhailis\'s cuteness (mostly the females).

After a good 5 minute walk I had finally arrived. There was a 50 metre by 50 metre platform that Malia, Jace and the others were fighting on. They all worked as a team jumping over one another and teaming against the instructor that was struggling to hold his own. 

"Zeref!!! You\'re back!" Mother was the first to see me and the others stopped fighting at hearing her scream of joy.

Voadhailis, opened his eyes and hovered up by flapping his wings.

Mother came running and gave me a huge and tight hug, which I loved. I kissed her forehead, before letting go. 

"I missed you too ma."

"Look at you. Every time I see you you look more and more like your father and what\'s that strange beast hovering above you?" Mother smiled, before looking up at Voadhailis.

"That\'s my bond. He\'s like my partner." I replied.

"It\'s so cute!" She squealed.

\'Let her hug you too.\' I said through our mental network.

\'Hell no.\' 

\'Come on. You might even like it.\'

\'Fine!\' He rolled his eyes, before descending into mother\'s open arms. She treated him like a baby rubbing his small head. 

\'See it\'s not so bad.\' I teased, smiling.

\'Shut up brat!\'

"Zeref!!" Jace and the others rushed over and I bro hugged Jace. 

Malia pushed Jace away before pulling my neck down and hugging me too. I grabbed her waist in an embrace as she looked into my eyes. S he let go, moving back and letting the other see me.

"My turn!" Naz butted as she and Sara hugged me at each side. She hugged me quickly before backing up again. Lastly, I shook Allefin\'s hand, dragging him into a hug too.

It had only been 2 weeks but I had missed the group a lot, it felt like months had gone by.

"Next time you\'re taking us with you! Something special always has to happen when you go away. Like what\'s that?" Jace pointed at the cute Dragon Pup 1 foot in height, that mother held in her arms.

"I want one! It\'s so cute!" Naz squealed like a little girl rushing over to mother\'s side. She asked if she could take Voadhailis into her arms, mother nodded reluctantly.

However, Voadhailis had other plans and blew a small breath of fire, making Naz jump backwards in shock.

"Did that small thing just blow fire?!! Don\'t tell me it\'s a-" 

"Yup. It\'s a Dragon, or should I say Dragon Pup." I smiled, finishing off Jace\'s sentence.

"So this is the well respected Zeref Amara I\'ve heard so much about. I must say I\'m impressed, I can tell you\'re an experienced fighter by the way you carry yourself

"I\'m Rank 7 A Rank Hunter, Eldrin Qinberos." Their instructor appeared last, offering to shake my hand. 

He had a slender figure and blonde hair. I spotted his pointy ears and realised he was an elf like Allefin. There was also a round rapier on his waist, so he must have been a swordsman. His light armour meant he was a speed type striker type mage. 

"It\'s nice to meet you, Eldrin." I said, shaking his hand.

"Yo, Zeref he\'s been wanting to spar you for a long time." Jace spoke excited to see a standoff between us.

"Oh really?" I smiled.

Eldrin rubbed the back of his head and laughed awkwardly, clearly embarrassed.

"Fine. I\'ll spar him first, then test how much you all have improved." I replied. 

"You think you could take all of us? Don\'t get cocky." Malia teased, "Only a couple weeks ago I almost beat you."

I shrugged, saying  "I improved a lot since then as well," before stepping up and onto the platform. 

Taking off my trench coat, I placed it into my dimension ring. Everyone else took their seats besides my mother. 

She gave me a complicated look of worry. This must have been her first proper time seeing me fight. I had to give her hope.

Eldrin pulled out his rapier and stood in front of me in wait, getting into a fighting stance.

"Will you not be using any weapons?" He asked.

"I won\'t be needing them." I smiled, releasing my mana pressure.

A gust of lightning mana spread throughout the platform and fighters all around stopped to look this way. I was making a statement here.

"What a violent mana pressure." Eldrin gritted his teeth, before releasing his own.

"Here I go!" He shouted charging towards me. 

Just like I thought he was fast and nimble on his feet. 

He disappeared then quickly appeared, throwing a variety of lunges with his rapier. His fencing was good and precise. He aimed for my pressure points, but none of his attacks could touch me, as I dodged them all.

I flash stepped behind him, before side kicking his back. He flew forwards, before quickly recovering. 

He was weaker than I predicted. Much weaker. Or was I just that much stronger than him?

Gritting his teeth he shrouded himself in nature magic, before charging towards me. His movements became much faster but I still dodged his attacks effortlessly, making him get frustrated.

A burst of vines erupted from his body and they catapulted towards me. I blocked one of the blows but I was sent backwards. My feet skidded on the platform, and a large cloud of dust covered the arena. 

Suddenly, Eldrin appeared out of the smoke lunging forward with his rapier.

"This is the end!" He roared, piercing through the air with his strong imbuing of nature magic.

Leaning to the side, I watched as he moved in slow motion. My agility stat was so high that even without \'lightning aura\',  in my eyes he was moving like a turtle.

I grabbed onto his arm and shifted his body\'s momentum over my shoulder, slamming him into the ground.


A quake shook the platform as a large crater formed under Eldrin\'s body. He was knocked unconscious by the heavy impact with the reinforced platform.

Did I use too much strength?

The medics came straight away with a stretcher and took him away.

The others jumped onto the platform with open eyes.

"Don\'t you know how to hold back?!" Malia shook her head. 

"What do you mean? I was holding back." I said, shrugging, "Are you sure you guys even learned anything from him, not to be rude."

"Yeah, he was actually a great teacher. We learnt a lot from him." Sara chimed in to the convo.

His performance made it hard to believe. Was he not trying against me?

"Yeah why don\'t we all fight you, since you beat the instructor so easily?" Jace put his arm on my shoulder. 

"No! That\'s enough fighting. Aren\'t you guys tired?" mother finally stood up with the Dragon Pup still in her arms. 

"You guys should catch up with each other, but make sure you\'re upstairs by dinner time. It\'s already late." Mother sighed, making her way to the elevators.. She took Voadhailis with her happily, cradling him like he was her own child.

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