Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 359 - Kant’s ultimate goal

Chapter 359: Kant’s ultimate goal

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The thick dark clouds were like the blackest ink. The curtain of death was covering the sky and the sun, covering the sky and the surrounding areas.

The Oasis lLokout could no longer receive the light of the sun.

Other than the sun disc that was still emitting a faint golden light, which brought light to this place like a real sun, this area that was completely shrouded in darkness had long been extinguished by evil in the cold.

At this moment, the guards in Drondheim Castle had been fighting for a long time.

They didn’t even have the concept of time.

The curtain of death shrouded this place, blocking out the sun. There was no sunrise or sunset, and it was unclear whether it was day or night.

It was like chaos that was confusing and unclear.

But it was more like..

The undead’s hell that would never see the light of day!

Outside the cliff under the city wall, broken white bones were randomly scattered on the ground.

If one looked carefully, one could see many crossbows and arrows embedded in these bones. They looked like weed growing on the ground, mixed with gray and black decaying armor and weapons. It did not look like the human world.

It was like hell with no possibility of reincarnation, an underworld that would sink forever, and a dark and bleak end.

An unimaginable desolate place.

Standing on the city wall.

Kant’s expression was calm, but his eyes were cold.

Two days and two nights had passed. If his calculations were correct, it should be four o’clock in the afternoon. The sky that was covered by thick dark clouds might be about to slowly darken into dusk.

He was still at the top of the city gate on the south side of the urn city.

Bandake stood beside him.

And on the ramp below the urn city gate in front of him, there were still many skeleton warriors holding their decaying halberds, opening their jaws and letting out soundless roars.

This was not a bluff.

The blue soul flames in their eyes flickered.

The halberds in their hands also swung forward heavily. This was a basic tactical move. These undead that still had basic biological instincts used it as skillfully as in their previous lives.

The Iron Gate made of cast iron and the 20-centimeter thick log gate let out muffled sounds.

These skeletons wanted to come in.

But it was obvious.

Kant and the soldiers stationed at the gate did not welcome this group of undead that only had skeletons left.

No one would like a group of dead people who should have died and slumbered in the mausoleum. They would stand up, bring along rotten old things, and appear as skeletons or zombies. Yes, no one would like that!

The first impression was often the most important, and many people would maintain this for a long time.

And the undead had precisely the worst first impression.

No one would feel good if they saw a dead body rise again.

Moreover, these undead were truly terrifying on the outside. They hated the living. They did not possess any means of communication. They even spread disease and pestilence, and a bone-chilling cold!

Just look at the dark and evil curtain of death outside the Oasis Lookout.

Even the sun disk could barely hold on.

If it wasn’t for the help of such a strange object that contained extremely positive energy, the Oasis Lookout would have long been enveloped by the evil and darkness. It would have been devoured by the terrifying undead under the cold, disease, and other negative buffs.

Perhaps in the end, even its own body would become a part of the undead, becoming a member of the undead army.

“Just thinking about it makes me feel embarrassed.”

Kant spoke softly, a hint of gloominess flashed in his eyes.

He looked at the large number of skeleton warriors and skeleton soldiers below, and there was an extreme depression between his brows. “Now that we are surrounded by these terrifying undead, we are already in an embarrassing situation.”

“Of course.”

Bandake nodded. “It looks like that on the surface.”

Kant frowned. “Do you have a good idea?”

“I don’t.” Bandake shrugged. “My lord, on the other hand, if the undead want to attack the city, they don’t have a good plan either. Even if they can attack the city wall, what can they do?”

“Yes.” Kant pondered for a bit and did not answer. He understood what Bandake meant.

These undead were not enough to threaten the city wall.

Even if they were attack a certain point like they expected, using the skeletons of the skeleton warriors and soldiers to build a ramp that allows the following troops to charge up the city wall, it would not be a big deal.

Because Kant still had infantry troops stationed on the city wall.

For example, there were 1,000 Swadian footman and 3,000 civilians who could be recruited as armed militia at any time!

As for the main force of the undead, which was the skeleton warriors, not to mention the Swadian footman who was wearing a full set of mail armor, holding a sword, shield, and lance, even if they were wearing leather armor, the militia who were holding spears and warhammers could form a neat formation and easily kill them in a frontal attack.

Even the strong civilians who were holding long scythe, wearing normal linen robes, and wearing leather hat could easily kill four to six skeleton warriors if they tried their best!

The ability to fight alone was not an advantage of the undead.

Of course, even if it was a group battle, the undead would not be able to do it. It was not their advantage.

It was a constant battle of attrition.

It was the advantage of the undead for doing everything they could to drag the enemy into this endless battle of attrition.

It consumed resources, stamina, morale, faith, time, soldiers, soldiers, and everything else that could be used to exhaust the enemy to death.

This was the advantage of the undead. After the opponent was exhausted to death, new soldiers would reappear due to the characteristics of the undead.

It was still an endless undead army.

The endless consumption continued.

Just like now, Kant, who was surrounded by the undead, had been dragged into a battle of attrition by the undead.

The battle that lasted for two days and two nights did not stop. The tireless undead continued to attack crazily. They knocked on the iron gate and thick wooden city gates ceaselessly, making clanging sounds.

By this time, everyone was already familiar with this sound, and even numb to it.

This was the battle of the undead’s attrition.

It had already consumed a large number of arrows, exhausted their stamina, and at the same time, also consumed their morale and faith.

Kant turned his head.

On the city wall, the elite Veruga marksman was already resting. He was sitting at the back with his eyes closed to rest.

Even the level 3 Swadian crossbowmen were already lying lazily on the city wall. They were bored to death as they watched the skeletons below the city wall knock on the city gate in vain. They would only occasionally shoot an arrow to kill the fiercest ones for fun.

It had only been two days and two nights, and everyone had already lost a large amount of faith.

After all, they were all living people.

Even the desert bandits who were waiting below were only walking back and forth with their desert horses. They were not like before, riding their warhorse in an awe-inspiring manner and galloping around quickly to inspect any abnormalities.

“Drondheim” castle was currently extremely safe. Even if it was in an encirclement status, it was still extremely safe.

But this safety was not easy.

It was not an almost numb relaxation!

Kant narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice, “Banfake.”


Bandake instantly replied.

“This can not go on,” Kant said.

Looking around at the endless skeleton warriors that occupied most of the Oasis Lookout, Kant said, “I am prepared to launch a counter-attack and wipe out the skeletons that have appeared in front of me.”

“You mean... taking the initiative to attack?” Bandake frowned slightly.

“That’s right.” Kant nodded.

“This is a little dangerous.”

Bandake said in a deep voice, “My lord, this requires careful consideration.”

“I understand,” Kant said. “It is precisely because I have considered it that I have decided on this plan. Wiping out these undead is one of my goals. More importantly, it get everyone back on high alert.”

“I understand.” Bandake nodded.

Kant waved his hand. “Go and make the arrangements. I need all the light infantrymen to fight.”

“Yes!” Bandake bowed and turned to leave the city wall.

Soon, along with the sound of a large number of footsteps, the 1,000 Swadian footman soldiers had already formed up inside the city gate. Each of them held a sword and shield in their hands and were ready for battle. The eyes under the helmets of the infantrymen had regained their luster.

The upcoming close-combat made all the archers on the city wall slightly stunned.

Even the mage apprentices who were resting in the tower walked out.

This was their first time taking the initiative to attack.

“Let’s begin.”

Kant waved his hand and gave his orders.

As the door shaft let out a slightly sour sound of friction, and as the rotating wheel slowly raised the iron gate, the south side of the city gate immediately opened, allowing these light footmen to enter the urn city.

The urn city was safe, and it could accommodate 1000 people just as well. It was the barrier of the inner city gate.

The archers on the four walls were ready.

When the urn city gate opened, the flood of skeleton warriors would rush in.

And that was the most dangerous moment. If they could not hold on, the urn city gate would fall, causing the entire urn city to fall. Although Kant’s troops could take back the urn city, it was still equivalent to defeat.

“Lord Kant, isn’t this a bit risky?”

Behind him, Manide, who had rushed over from the east gate, bowed and greeted him. At the same time, he tried to dissuade him, “We haven’t reached the limit of our defense. Those skeletons can’t do anything to us either. It’s not wise to attack rashly.”

“No, it’s very wise.”K ant replied indifferently, “This is also an experience.”


Ma Nide was slightly stunned.


Although it was said to be simple, it was actually a fierce battle.

Of course, he understood Kant’s meaning. It was to let these 1,000 swadian footman go through a real battle and gain experience. From there, they would miraculously obtain a promotion!

A qualitative change in promotion. A promotion from A Level 3 troop class to A Level 4 troop class!

This was Kant’s ultimate goal.

Wiping out the skeletons and rebuilding morale were secondary. Upgrading to a high-level troop class was his goal!

Whether it was the level 4 Swadian infantry or the level 4 Swadian heavy cavalry, they were all powerful elite troops. As long as there were 500 of them, Kant could guarantee that they would be able to kill tens of thousands of skeleton warriors or skeleton soldiers in a head-on battle.

The armored infantry and heavy cavalry were not something that the rotten weapons in the hands of the skeletons could deal damage to.

They probably could not even break through their defenses!

Based on the current situation, those skeleton warriors and skeleton soldiers did not have the strength to do so!

Perhaps the defense of these Swadian footman could not be broken through!

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