Elite Mages' Academy

Chapter 392: Deep Talks With Song Junlang

Chapter 392: Deep Talks With Song Junlang

Facing the targeting by the examiners, Xiao Lin still had no way of contacting the dean. However, he bore his anger and suspicions and looked for Song Junlang to voice his dissatisfaction. He did not know who was behind Song Junlang, but he felt that Song Junlang could definitely help him out a little.

Song Junlang had basically guessed why Xiao Lin had come, so he said straight away, “I’ve already heard of your matter before you even got back, but I never expected it to get to this extent. I can indeed help you, but I don’t want to do too much.”

Xiao Lin paused, not saying anything as he waited calmly. Song Junlang was trustworthy, and their relationship had been quite decent in the few months they had been interacting. They could be considered friends, and could also be considered a researcher and his guinea pig.

Song Junlang looked at him before retrieving a document from his desk, saying, “This is a report that is only circulated internally. Anyone below a certain rank isn’t allowed to look at it. Even the student union president doesn’t have the right to look at it.”

“So how did you get it? Ah, from the person backing you.” Xiao Lin took the document after realizing he was asking a stupid question, flipping through the document curiously.

To be accurate, it was an internal report from Judge Academy; it came from spies that Dawn Academy had placed within New Washington.

About half a month ago, Judge Academy sent a team out to approach the elves. The goal was to continue their non-aggression treaty, but the elven king had delayed the signing, reason being that he was ill. However, the elves still treated the American delegation very well, and a few of the elvish royalty had even been in charge of receiving the delegation. The elves were usually an organized race, so the Americans did not think too much about it.

Around a month ago, the Americans once again tried to seek an audience with the elvish king, but was rejected. The reasoning was that the elvish king was heading toward the north to handle the rebellion of the dark elves. The Americans did not return empty-handed, bringing back a large amount of gifts as a show of goodwill.

Judge Academy and the elves signed a non-aggression treaty that lasted a hundred years, and it was still about a year away from the expiration, which was why it was still not that urgent.

At around half a month ago, Judge Academy received reports that the elves were organizing their troops at a large scale, with the reasoning being to suppress the revolt in the north. The elves and the dark elves had already been in conflict for thousands of years, but the lazy elves had not amassed their troops because of it.

The news had been concealed by Judge Academy, but it was not hard for the other academies to receive that news. The rest of the reports were nothing of importance, such as the income of New Washington and the reduced business in certain towns.

Compiling everything in the report, the conclusion was something shocking.

“The elves want to go to war?” Xiao Lin said in shock.

Song Junlang could not deny it. “There still isn’t enough proof at the moment, so the news has been sealed off. The elves had never started a war by themselves in all of history, so no one can make a conclusion.”

“Does this have anything to do with my tests?” Xiao Lin did not sway from his original topic.

Song Junlang sighed, his expression heavy. “To be honest, this generation of students is rather unlucky. Back then during the war against the orcs, even the students in school were pulled into the war; the numbers would not have been enough otherwise. Even though we’ve expanded since then, no one can predict what Planet Norma will look like in the future. Xiao Lin, do you have any plans for the future?”

Xiao Lin was stunned. That question was not easy to answer because he had not really thought about it.

Song Junlang did not make it difficult for him. “Do you want to be someone ordinary or someone that stands at the top? I know the dean had already told you before; even though the colonists are considered nobles on Planet Norma, even nobles are separated into levels.”

“I understand that.”

“Yes, so the problem is here. If you want to be a regular person, finding a stable job in the New World before buying your own villa, spending your days idly with a few beautiful wives, then I’d advise you to stop what you’re doing. You should stop participating in a lot of things. With your current wealth and skill, you can easily be a normal person.”

Xiao Lin went quiet for a moment. “What if I pick the other route?”

Song Junlang had a complicated smile. “Then you’ll probably encounter the difficulties that come with it. The military is just getting started. You’re currently not much in their eyes. To phrase it in another way, you’re just an ant who is disturbing things at the moment, and they’re stepping on you because they’re uncomfortable. If you get stepped on, then you’ll never rise up again in the future, but some good will come out of it, and you’ll never have these problems anymore.”

Xiao Lin finally understood. “So you’re not helping me because you want me to make the choice?”

“That’s right. I can’t help you. Planet Norma isn’t like Earth. This place will always prioritize the strong/ Otherwise, why would I just be a department head even with a backer? Ah, I just want you to understand that if you don’t have the skill to step over everyone, then don’t place yourself in the fire, or you’ll just be roasted alive!”

Song Junlang wanted to wake Xiao Lin up. Thinking about it, in the few months since he had entered the academy, Xiao Lin had been attracting more and more attention.

Xiao Lin was special because he was someone with an SS-rank talent, which was why the dean looked after him. On top of that, he had made waves from visiting the New World, especially the incident with the blood moon in New Washington and what had recently happened in Wildfire Town.

A mere new student had constantly joined in boss-level affairs, as if he did not know his place.

It was natural that there would be those that had that kind of thought process within the large Dawn Academy, especially among the dean’s foes. Those in the military were obvious; regardless of it being due to unhappiness or admiration or jealousy, Xiao Lin had forced himself into everyone’s sights, and those people definitely had their own reactions.

The dean’s reaction was support, doing everything to help Xiao Lin, and the military had naturally chosen to suppress him.

There would be disputes as long as there were benefits to be earned–that much was natural.

However, Xiao Lin suddenly realized that he had never thought about what he needed to this day. No matter the support or the suppression, it was all because of other people. What was it that he wanted for himself?

He was no longer a student who just entered the academy and who felt his blood boiling just thinking about making a name for himself in a foreign world. He now knew how hard the process would be, and what role he would need to play within.

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