New Game+

Chapter 49 - The Gentle Giant

"I couldn\'t believe I would hear Lennox\'s voice tonight." Alean sighed.

"Tonight\'s clearly a night of surprises. Are you OK?"

Lynd continued to gaze out the window of the passenger seat.

"I\'m alright. Thanks, Miss."

"How did you hear what Lennox was doing?"

"You didn\'t hear it? I thought you guys would be done with Sense training." Lynd asked in confusion.

"Of course not. We haven\'t had Sense training yet! Only Surmounting Unbecoming could do that right? We\'ve barely reached the edge of Advent. How could you do that?"

"I don\'t really know." Lynd shrugged.

Alean laughed happily at Lynd\'s response.

"And a minute ago you were asking if you belong in this world of killers. If you could easily maximize your senses, you ought to be better at being a cold killer than me." Alean smirked.

Lynd remained silent.

Alean could now see the port from the top of the mountain where they were driving.

"That\'s the port. They should be on the north side as Lennox indicated." Alean turned serious.

"I can\'t believe I\'m driving towards one of the most dangerous organizations on this planet, with a 17-year-old whose friend with someone from the future." Alean laughed.

Lynd\'s story gave Alean quite a shock. But after everything she\'s witnessed, it didn\'t take long for her to accept it.

Alean parked the car a long way from the port and the pair started to quietly move towards the buildings.

The pair kept on reaching the inner areas of the warehouse. As Seeker instructed, their priority is to kill the head. This person could flee if they caused a ruckus. So the pair decided stealthily infiltrate the warehouse.

The display of strength by Alean and Lynd outmatched normal human beings. The slowing of time allowed them to easily execute ninja-like moves of climbing jumping accurately through small gaps.

"Lynd. Be careful. I think I hear voices." Alean whispered as they reached through an empty corridor.

They carefully observed the halls for any sign of humans.

"You know, you should show-off a bit more."

"What?" Lynd gave a confused expression.

"Your skills. No need to be humble. You have to show people how strong you are. If you managed to almost hit Seeker, then you are probably ahead of me and Charles by a mile."

Lynd didn\'t know what to say and gave a shy smile, avoiding Alean\'s stare.

"Seeker\'s just being nice to me." Lynd shyly replied.

"Really? Your too humble Lynd. That will be a problem." Alean laughed.

"You should really show off once in a while. That way you\'d be able to scare my dad." Alean smiled.

Lynd had a confused look on his face.

"Why do I need to scare your dad?"

"It\'s the easiest way to ask for my hand in marriage." Alean chuckled.

Lynd gave a surprised stare towards Alean. Her smile was so sweet. Her lips, so ripe of moisture. It was intoxicating. Lynd suddenly desired to touch those, even to kiss those. In that brief moment, Lynd could feel time stop.

Lynd had seen Seeker do it on several occasions.

The area around Lynd then started to act in synch with his own senses.

He could feel her. The being of Alean who stood not more than a foot in front of her. Lynd\'s senses took a full evolution. He could not only feel Alean but his sense of sound took a whole new level of transformation.

That\'s when he heard it. Their cries.

Lynd awakened from his stupor. He was sure of what he heard.

"My God! Was that real?" An alarmed Lynd spoke out. His voice was loud. As if he wasn\'t trying to hide anymore.

Alean was confused at first but before she could react, Lynd turned around and sprinted across the building.

His footsteps were loud but the closer he moved towards the source of the sound, the faster he started moving.

Lynd rushed towards that direction and zoomed towards the hallways. The surprised Alean could only follow.

A tall man went to the hallways to check on the strange sound he heard. He saw Lynd sprinting and was surprised.

The sprinting Lynd suddenly accelerated faster. He saw Cliff do it once. A sudden jolt and kick that went way beyond the norms of his muscles. Lynd zipped closer almost in an instant and punched the throat of the enemy and took the gun from him.

Alean did her best to run but her speed wasn\'t anywhere near Lynd\'s.

She dared not call out to Lynd for fear that it would call on more guards.

Lynd continued to run and took a sharp turn on the corner and started shooting.

Two men who guarded the door were shot in their hands and before they could even react, Lynd gave a strong uppercut to one and punched the throat of another. He kicked the door wide open and saw the horrors.

Several girls were in the room crying. Some were hung up on chains as blood continued to pour out of their genitals. The youngest in the room looked like they were about 10 years old while the oldest looked about 15. Some were unconscious while others continued to cry as they held on to cover whichever hole the three men used. The conscious ones kept crying in fear and kept pleading to their three captors.

Three men stood naked while having their way with the little girls. Each man had a girl to which they were intertwined. Continuing the depraved sexual acts on their current girls, they hadn\'t even noticed that Lynd already entered the room.

They were laughing excitedly and one of the naked men started stabbing the girl he was having fun with using an ice pick.

Realm Somatotopy remained activated. Lynd\'s domain invaded the room and hovered over the girls held captive.

Among those who could use Realm Somatotopy, there have been a few managed to create a new phenomenon of sensation. Through the combination of sight, sound and feel, the viewer would be able to \'feel\' what another one was feeling. Of course, not everyone had this ability. In the entire history of the unlocking, only one managed to accomplish this.

The Gentle Giant. Before he became known as Elijah, this was his title. He would always stand for the cause of the innocent and would avenge the blood of the weak. He was a terror to his enemies, but a benevolent angel to his friends. The Realm King once joked that out of everyone who was unlocked, he pitied the man who would enrage the Gentle Giant.

Everyone on that port that night was very unlucky. Out of all the people that could have barged in that room that night, the one that entered was this same person.

Lynd took one look and met the eyes of the little girl who was barely twelve years old. Realm Somatotopy made Lynd feel it. The harsh emotional pain of this girl was unimaginable. Not only was she disgraced beyond measure, but her rapist clearly drove an ice pick like weapon that punctured deep within her chest. She would die within the next few minutes.

There were several factors that could induce the Unlocking. Fear was only one of them.

A few minutes ago, Alean\'s sudden display of interest already pushed Lynd\'s Unlocking to the edge of Unbecoming Proficient. But now, a rage so huge and so ferocious erupted and Lynd could actually feel physical pain that weighed heavily on his chest.

It would have been impossible for Lynd to break through any more given his physiological, and mental state. However, the one thing that Seeker failed to calculate is how he still underestimated Lynd\'s potential. Lynd had seen Seeker in a state that went beyond the Unbecoming. And given the brutal scene before him, this was enough.

That memory was the only thing that Lynd could think of. The strongest moment that Seeker had ever displayed. Almost instantly, Lynd\'s Realm evolved further. His heart was in so much pain as he started to feel the pain of the other girls who were raped and killed within that room.

Lynd could no longer think straight. He just wanted to kill everybody in this port.

Lynd\'s angry stomp left a huge crack on the marble floor. He zoomed quickly and reached the first man and gave a strong punch with the pistol still in his hand.

The pistol broke at the sudden punch, the barrel fractured the right rib of the first man before the barrel bent out of shape. The force was so strong that it left a hollow point on the right chest of the man.

Lynd wasn\'t finished. Using the force of the impact, he pushed back and readied himself to deliver another punch. Lynd stomped forward once more and punched the exact same area.

The chest of the man caved in on the second punch. Lynd confirmed it. The man\'s heart was on the right side of the chest.

The remaining two started to panic at the sudden appearance of Lynd. The man that Lynd just punched was gasping for breath and blood continued to pour out. Lynd managed to punch right through his ribs and beat the man\'s heart. He was dying.

"Please… help…." The poor little girl who the punched man was raping voiced out once last time. Her wounds were too fatal.

She died.

The two started to panic and run towards the other room where they kept their guns.

Lynd stayed on the first room and looked at the little girls around. It dawned on him now, that the girls who he thought were unconscious were actually dead.

"Girls," Lynd spoke as soft as he can to contain the rage that was bursting forth.

"Take a deep breath and cover your eyes." Lynd smiled.

The girls who were unwounded did what Lynd said and took a deep breath as they shut their innocent eyes.

The two Aragarians rushed out of the small room at the back. They aimed their guns toward Lynd.

But then a shockingly powerful pressure filled the room.

Lynd jumped towards the first man and drove the man\'s head towards the wall behind him. The man\'s head was embedded in the thick pavement behind him.

The other man could only scream as he witnessed the brains of his friend being painted on the wall.

Lynd remembered the laugh of joy that this man had when he was raping the other poor 10-year-old. The only thing that Lynd wanted was to wipe that smile off his face.

Lynd angrily swooped his arm grabbing the man by the lips and Lynd pulled.

The entire skin on the lower jaw was ripped off cleanly.

"AHHH!" The painful scream of the man vibrated across the building.

Lynd grabbed the man and slammed him down the floor. Lynd took the enemy by the legs and smashed him on another side of the floor. Lynd kept doing that until bloody pulps are what you could see as the man\'s blood was scattered across the room.

Several men reached the room and were horrified by what they saw. Their three bosses were beaten dead as a madman was smashing one of their bosses around like a hammer.

Lynd stared at the guards and roared once more.

The three guards couldn\'t aim their guns as a powerful fear paralyzed them.

Lynd took one man by the arm and smashed him towards another. While still holding on to this man Lynd smashed him to the remaining guard. Lynd went back and forth using the man-made hammer to smash the other two guards.

The speed of Lynd\'s hammering was getting faster and faster as his rage could no longer be contained.

Eventually, the arm of the man couldn\'t handle the stress and his arm was torn off and the remaining dead body flew across the corridor.

Alean stood in terror at the sides not daring to even talk to Lynd. She quickly took out her phone and dialed.

Lynd dashed off towards another area and started a killing rampage that was gory as his first. Gunshots were heard but it was clear that they couldn\'t kill this rampaging beast.

"Seeker! Lynd went berserk!" Alean shouted.

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