New Game+

Chapter 133 - Seeker’s Curse

The incident earlier that day had stunned the world.

Confessions after confessions were made that day. The WGP and several foreign countries all reacted claiming that Harker Cipril was an acting vigilante who used his authority to do what he pleased. The politicians of the Indo-Pangean nations all cried out angrily at the sudden outburst of Harker\'s actions, but most of the masses even within Indo-Pangea applauded Harker\'s actions. Slowly, various groups and organizations rose up and accused Hydron of several corrupt deeds and the murders of several members of their groups.

Along with the other political and commercial groups captured during the surprise raid, several prominent businessmen and allies of these groups were also suspected of being in partnership for their crimes. But none of these groups could do anything.

The sudden declaration of martial law did not prepare all of Harker\'s enemies. Those who were captured that day were shown to have been tortured. But before any human rights organization could react, the confession they received which also involved human trafficking made those who were against torture confused and unsure. Harker had just exposed yet another human trafficking operation made by the government officials themselves!

With Colestar supporting Harker, and with the evidence that Colestar has presented, these two enemies who now presented consistent data made the opponents unable to present anything but could only accuse Harker and Colestar with absurd accusations that made the masses laugh at them.

And now, surprisingly, this Harker had announced that he will make West Phil-Pangea High as the base of his operations! While everyone thought it was simply to keep Seeker safe, Harker had actually decided to make this base, the headquarters for his operations!

Various veterans of war were interviewed by different media groups as they could not interview Harker.

"It\'s ingenious. While most of Harker\'s enemies have been trying to infiltrate the Tatsulok Aguinaldo, Harker has just made a base, which we know nothing about. It should have complicated technologies that makes it impenetrable." A famed army veteran in Malay-Pangea responded during an interview.

"But what if assassins are sent in that school? That school is a public place!" The reported questioned.

"No. Not West-Phil Pangea High. Don\'t you get it? The changes we thought that was applied in that school, wasn\'t for Seeker! It was Harker! It would have been possible to infiltrate that school before, but Harker\'s political enemies gave him time to perfect that school\'s defenses! Now that Harker declared it as his base, it will make more companies and organizations want to send their students there! Messing with that school or bombing it, will kill the killer and ruin the entire organization that planned that attack! That\'s why he made that school! He wanted to gather the influential making that place something that no one would even consider attacking!"

While the interviews and news about Harker\'s recent actions flooded the media, a convoy of vehicles guarded with Exoskeletons, Armors, and Tanks of new designs arrived in West Phil-Pangea High.

The cars stopped and soon the soldiers all arranged themselves and gave a salute.

His figure emerged.

"It\'s really him…" A student was teary-eyed as he witnessed the figure.

His eyes were sharp. His shoulders, broad.

His strides were grand and his expression was focused.

His bearing was weighty and his aura commanding.

His stance was composed, his courage apparent.

His pain was great, but his resolve was greater. He claims to be no hero, but he was the only one the world considered to be.

He is the majestic, glorious, unparalleled, undisputed, illustrious, eye-popping, eyebrow-raising, breath-taking, heart-stopping, spine-chilling, most amazing General of the Heroes Army, Harker Cipril. The Light of Pangea.

Those who saw him grew silent. Most unconsciously clutched their hearts.

"This is a man we can trust. A leader we can follow." A student unconsciously said as he witnessed his walk.

Next to Harker Cipril was an unfamiliar soldier with several scared faces. Harker claimed he was one of the survivors of the attack on Australia who just recently recovered. Blake Golderon.

Blake followed nearby while Harker led the way. They have headed to a military facility right behind West Phil-Pangea High and soon these figures vanished from sight.

Deep inside the base, Seeker stood up and stretched. He was in a strange room with extremely high-end computers and devices. Surrounding him were several other soldiers also playing Piercing games.

"Who would have thought that this is how we would save the world? Computer games! I\'d never expected this answer even in a thousand lifetimes!" Harker laughed as he walked in.

"Harker. I\'m impressed. You didn\'t even make Colestar a Programmed Slave. How did you do all of that?"

"I told him the truth."

Seeker was surprised.

"The truth?"

"Yes. About us, our mission, the Unlocking, the Aragarians… everything."

Seeker was silent.

"And he agreed to help you?"

"I asked him. I know of his profile. He\'s a good man. Far better than who I was. So it\'s only natural that he would help us. I even told him that Meng is alive and he\'s our ally. That made him agree to help us even more."

"How did you prove that Meng was alive?"

"A video recording of me and Meng of course."

"You have a video recording of Meng?"

Harker simply took out his comm device and revealed of Harker standing next to Meng. The two of them were giving each other the Finger-Gun Bang Bang. Meng\'s expression remained stoic, but Harker had an expression of delight. Never mind the fact that wounds were gushing out of every part of his skin.

Seeker opened his mouth but no words could escape him.

There were several key points in Harker\'s claim that Seeker wanted to ask but in the end, he simply shook his head.

"Scary. Shameless Audacity is a scary Path." Seeker shivered.

"The Path of Shameless Audacity, though rooted on Trust, mainly helps me achieve one certain thing. I feel that if I ask anyone a favor, they would do it for me. Of course, there are various limitations to how I can achieve this."

"Lieutenant Lander. It\'s been a while." Seeker ignored Harker and spoke to the disfigured soldier who strode next to Harker.

"General Seeker." The soldier named Blake Golderon answered back.

"Looking good with that disguise."

"I look like Freddy Kreuger." Lander sighed.

"I have your next mission You have to go to China. You will deliver several techs we\'ve recently acquired and given that to Meng to further their weapons development. Also, this will serve as training. Amir Mann may focus his attention there once the breadcrumb trail that Lowengren left him in Africa disappears."

"Alright. Like I have a choice. But please, give me all the data you have about Amir Mann. Don\'t send me off like you did with Cliff who knew nothing about his enemies. As a soldier, the information you provide is a lifesaving factor."

"I honestly don\'t have any other information other than what you saw. He died early on in my timeline. I didn\'t even have the chance to meet him, but my Master held him with high regard. What we do know, is that it seems that his growth is slower than the rest of the Overcomers. He should be at Richie\'s level prior to meeting with Eagle."

"Richie\'s level? He used his fingers to rip apart Cliff\'s armors! Cliff was equipped with weapons and armors that were borne with our technology and his own cells! Yet a scratch from that monster could damage it?" Harker shook his head.

"It wasn\'t a simple scratch. It\'s probably his Path. A Path born out of his own scientific manipulation but aided with his potential as an Overcomer." Seeker pondered.

"And you want me to fight that?"

"Typical and his troupe will be with you."

"My assistance would be negligible against Amir Mann. Some of the Dragon\'s Fang will die and even I could die."

"If they die, they die. If you die, you die. In my future, only Typical was at the Green Dragon\'s side. He was the only Fang. It means, that the rest were probably dead. If they die here and cannot grow stronger, then they will be useless in the future. If most of them die, but we get two or three Ranked Heroes, it\'s worth it."

Lander\'s expression turned sour.

"Soldiers are trained to value their brother-in-arms. Why is it, that you, being a solider cannot understand this concept? Oh right… Someone who can order the massacre of civilians in Australia wouldn\'t be able to understand such basic human morality." Lander angrily retorted.

"My my… Looks like someone\'s slowly overcoming the Programmed Slave Chip? Have you forgotten, that I know the future? This means I know which pieces to sacrifice and which pieces to protect. I also have to have the cruelty to kill whoever you deem fit and abandon the pieces which are worthless."

"You don\'t know their worth. No! Our worth! Even if we died in your future, who knows what they contributed? And whatever future you have, it\'s not this future. You cannot have the say on who to kill. As of this moment, everyone is innocent! They have yet to side with the Aragarians. We must give them that choice again even if they made the wrong choice in your future! You\'re just playing God, General!"

"Maybe I am. But as I said, I know the future. They will choose wrongly. And so unless those on our side, prove to be useful, I will use them as cannon fodder. You were an enemy. If you die, you die."

"The future this, the future that! That doesn\'t give you the right to kill the innocent or abandon your men! My country had innocent people in it! Yet you allowed Arthur and his group to massacre civilians there and even now, you allow those Twelve Disciples, to freely massacre innocents during these past months! Now you decided to treat these Fangs and me as useless because they weren\'t in your future? Regardless of what you believe in, the truth is, General, you are a terrible, terrible leader. You don\'t have any moral compass." Lander said coldly.

Seeker just laughed.

"Really? You know it\'s funny, that\'s the same accusation people gave over the God of the Jews and Christians. People mocked God because He caused genocides. But perhaps it\'s because God knew what these people will do, that in His love, He allowed massacres. For example, the Amalekites. They attacked Israel just when they left Egypt. The Israelites were believed to be without food and water and had been wandering in the desert. The Amalekites wanted to take advantage of this and plotted to kill them. But they failed. So God in His love, ordered Samuel and Saul to massacre the Amalekites because He knew what they would do to the Jews. But because the Jews failed to wipe them out, a few hundred years later, one of the Amalekite survivors by the name of Haman, almost managed to pass down an imperial decree allowing people to commit genocide and kill all the Jews in the Persian empire. If it wasn\'t for Esther and Mordecai, he would have succeeded."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you talked about my moral compass. Truth be told, I was worried about it to… That\'s why I asked Eagle during my time in the Tatsulok Aguinaldo. And do you know, what Eagle said? He said that I can do whatever it is that I should do. It was he who gave me that told me that little story about the Amalekites. The moral of this story? My responsibilities are far more terrifying than what you can imagine. And this is because I know the future. And this is why I am right and you are wrong."

Seeker walked closer as he gave off a spine-chilling smile.

"Do you know? When the Aragarians revealed themselves, your fellowman opted to wipe-out all who did not agree with the Aragarians. Your country prostituted itself to the Aragarians. Everyone wanted the techs the Aragarians gave and the life that they would experience. Your countrymen gathered all foreigners who lived in their land, and if these foreigners come from a country that was against the Aragarians, they were killed, raped, tortured and treated like livestock. You don\'t know what your countrymen did to mine. But I know."

Lander was silent at Seeker\'s claims.

"This is my curse. I know the future. And therefore, the burden of killing the people within the nations which I know served the Aragarians completely falls on to me. I will carry with it and I will bear the consequences of my actions! As for your sympathy over the Dragon\'s Fang, I and Meng are of the same opinion. A blunt Fang is useless. And so the Green Dragon allowed me to leave a trail for Amir Mann to China!"

Seeker took a step closer and grabbed Lander by the collar. Despite his advanced Unlocking, Lander couldn\'t even move or escape Seeker\'s reach.

"Grip yourself and be thankful that I agreed to spare you. Mark my words, Australia will not be the last. Nations will burn and though they haven\'t justified themselves in this lifetime, the sins they did in mine is enough to condemn them ten times over! A terrible leader? You are wrong. I am not a terrible leader. If anything, I am a loving leader. I love and will protect those who served our cause. And I really don\'t care about the well-fare of those who will betray humanity. And though my love urges me to take care of everyone on our side, I have to prioritize the life of the entire human race! I choose to prioritize it over some useless soldier who won\'t leave a dent in the future!" Seeker\'s tone was both calm and gentle, yet a terrifying murderous intent could be felt as Harker and Lander felt the leaking emotions of Seeker.

Lander couldn\'t breathe. He maintained his stance but he felt as if a towering giant was looking down on his puny form.

Suddenly, Harker laughed.

Seeker frowned. A sense of anger was building up.

Lander was even more petrified. Why did Harker laugh?

"So angry. But that\'s not true, is it? If that is the true plan, you would have made it that our next battles will be fixed on those countries, particularly Australia! But no! Right now, where are we investing our money? Games! Are you really going to massacre these nations? Why are you then creating a VR game that can allow even Unbecomings and Inhumans to train?" Harker challenged.

"You\'re getting more arrogant, Harker." A strange murderous sensation filled the room.

"Arrogant? Wrong. It\'s just I got to know you better. As I see it, you are wavering between two paths to take. Will you take the murderous, vengeful, angry route? Or will you take the other route, the route that the kid in you want to take? You\'re caught in a half-step between these two paths!"

"I recall you being one of the enemies of the future that contributed to the deaths of millions of Pangeans. Maybe I should just take away the mercy I gave you, Harker." Seeker started to calmly walk towards Harker.

Lander\'s expression showed fear. But Harker maintained his smile.

"Lynd was right. The adult you really messed you up." Harker laughed again.

Suddenly, the sensations vanished.

Seeker was silent. His glare and anger disappeared.

Lander was shocked.

"It looks like your Path really is helpful. Thank you, Harker." Seeker sighed.

Lander was more confused. Why did Seeker thank Harker?

"All\'s well that ends well." Harker laughed shamelessly.

"I have been communicating with Lynd these past days. I kept asking him what\'s up with you. Truth be told, we\'ve noticed your changes after the battle with the Tyrant Empress. You were becoming bipolar. Happy at one point, then angry the next. Your ruthlessness earlier was your future self\'s mindset. But your friends know you more than you give them credit for."

Seeker could only sigh.

"Lynd knew you\'d be one of the few who could help me?"

"He knew that I was one of the few who would dare to try. I who thread in Shameless Audacity." Harker laughed.

"It\'s time you told us the mystery about you.. So tell me. Is there another Seeker in that brain of yours?"

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