New Game+

Chapter 156 - The Paragon Of Preachers

Chris and Grace put on a serious expression. They then began to report the ongoing activities that have been happening around the world.

"Well, first of all, we\'d like to apologize. It was hard enough for us to get back here. And since we are former agents, the eyes the government was on us. We didn\'t want to make things a little bit too suspicious so we took our time in the Rotting Lands. We also made preparations for a possible base to be made in the Rotting Lands. The weapons and drug dealers will be managing that."

"No need to apologize. We all must work only at the appointed time. I should visit the Rotting Lands soon if that is the case. So many drug dealers and people of ill repute. These will be perfect mission fields." Eagle smiled.

"Mission fields?"

"It will be my role in this war. I\'ve long understood what I should do. After viewing that short summary that Richie gave on our initial meeting, and the data Doctor Lennox managed to pass on to me through that kid, Lowengren, I knew that it would take some time for me to get the opportunity to talk with Zeek or his team. It wouldn\'t be long before the World Governing Powers would ban or limit global connections. So I already expected such a delay to reach me. It would, after all, seem suspicious if either of us starts communicating with each other out of the blue."

"Ah… Right… Any-Anyways… Let me begin with the simple stuff, Pastor." Grace continued.

"Ever since the WGP started to ban communications across countries our teams have been focused on building up an individual army each. Lennox went back to New Great Britain with Arthur. Arthur is currently the one in charge of the Army. Last we heard, Lennox went on a trip of some sort. The priority of their team has to amass energy holders much like the suit that we used in the raid. The same one that Lowengren gave you."

"Ah, that one… That was an interesting suit. It gave me the capacity to double the energy that I can exert." Eagle smiled.

"That very same. The energy that is used inside the suit is compressed energy that is of a similar structure to our bodies. It is a result of Lennox\'s own research to perfect his own skills of manipulating himself into energy. The suit he gave us is a suit that is basically, ownerless. It does not associate itself to a single person allowing any person with the Unlocking to use it if they can."

"Each suit costs millions of Sydian or Credits. So our resources have been taking a hit since we are purchasing these suits from Lennox who is the one who has the technology to create these suits."

"Millions? Pity. Our church won\'t be able to support the means to purchase more of those suits." Eagle sighed.

"We\'ll talk about the negotiations for that later. What about the other aspects?"

"The main concerns in preparation for the coming wars are food, shelters, and bases, weapons and building secret means to travel around the world. These are all currently being factored in. The weapons and secret buildings fall on Harker\'s responsibility. With the support of Pangea, Colestar will soon be engaging Pangea\'s allied countries into building more infrastructures for them. On the outwards, it will appear as if Pangea will be building passageways that will unite all of the South East Asian areas."

"Can you do that? I don\'t think the WGP will agree with those plans."

"They probably will agree to some degrees of accomplishing this plan. Our excuse would be the threat of Australia. As long as that superpower is present and with the recent scandals of their human experiments, most of the countries in South-East Asia may agree to this alliance. With Harker, now being seen as a friend of Colestar, Pangea will be starting an attempt to establish ties with the SPU."

"What a mammoth project. I guess it pays to have control over a country. But I\'m assuming that all of this is a cover and the real reason is to build bases in various areas of the countries?"

"Yes. That is the plan. Of course, this plan is only something we hope to accomplish. If the two countries unite, then most of the countries not belonging to any United Groups of Nations may join us. The bases we are planning to build in the SPU region isn\'t only for arms, but for food. SPU\'s guerilla technology has some interesting takes on concentrated meals that will be beneficial in the time of war. Pastor, you also have to make preparations here."

"I\'ve already begun. When Seeker revealed himself, and the appearance of the three Riders, I know what will come. Obviously, food becomes my priority. I\'ve actually started my plan of purchasing Lambs."

"Lambs?" Chris was confused.

"For food and biblical reasons." Eagle simply smiled.

"In any case… You being here in the Americas, which will most likely be further away from the first waves of catastrophe will become the source of food for our armies."

"What will you do with the WGP? The Worlds Helm stands in the way between these two continents and it isn\'t easy to cross it."

"The Tyrant Empress will deal with that issue. Apparently… Seeker has made some extremely reckless plans. Almost everyone who wasn\'t Overcomers disagreed with his plans. It would cause a number of wars after all." Grace sighed. Even Chris put on a helpless look.

Eagle gave an odd look as he noticing the parent\'s expressions.

  "Let\'s discuss that some other time. What of the other Horsemen? I recalled that Greydon Meng went back to China. That large piece of land holds many mountains and must be littered with Underground bases. Have they established a base yet?"

"I\'ve just gotten word that my son is on his way to China to meet with the Dragon\'s Father. Apparently, he\'s alive and has established secret bases in the Mongolian region. In fact, it looks like the main base is near Mordor."

"Oh? That Nogard in history is alive? And he has a base of his own? It looks like some changes will be occurring in China. I hope the Dragons act quickly. The faster they take over the government, the faster I\'ll be able to send missionaries to China once more. It would seem that I have to prepare for another mission field." Eagle laughed.

Chris and Grace maintained their strange expressions and were unable to hide them this time.

Chris could only shake his head, partly pitying the people that will fall for Eagle\'s path.

"New Great Britain… East Asia, China, and the Rotting Lands? So that\'s why the Good Lord has been making me meditate and has impressed on my heart to train more missionaries. Looks like the age of Rekindled Theology ends and the era of the Frontier Missionaries begins." An anticipated smile appeared on Eagle.

"I believe that would be enough for now. No need to tell me the details and plans of your respective teams. Tell me… Did that kid accomplish his task in Africa?"

Grace was caught off guard.

"Yes. He was able to complete the mission and Lowengren has managed to plant the seed in Shark Umberton per your instruction. Our sources in Africa have confirmed that the groups tied to the Aragarians have been moving to establish contact with him."

"Then it\'s enough. They should only keep a close watch and take note of every detail of their plan. With the Spirit of Daniel amongst us, what is there to fear? What we should do, is enforce a mean to block the Aragarians from building bases around the world. With the nations, your team is slowly conquering all you have to do is make a nation unsuitable for the Aragarians to have a foothold of their forces. As much as possible, try to make the Aragarians build their forces within these areas." Eagle pointed on a specific region in the map of the world that appeared on the desk of his studies."

"Why there? I thought the Aragarian\'s would build their base on Africa? That\'s why our forces have been focused there."

"Tell them to continue doing that but they have to make it more aggressive. Africa shouldn\'t be the ones to rise once more. Nations within these areas should be… Oh? I forgot that this particular country is in Africa as well. I wonder what to do with this?" Eagle continued to have a pondering expression as he glanced at the north-eastern map of the African continent.

Grace and Chris finally frowned.

"Pastor. I do not follow your logic. Wouldn\'t it be best to go along with the original plan? If we plant enough forces in Africa-"

"Then the overall plan your son intends to use Christianity as a means to unite the world would not come true," Eagle explained flatly.

Grace and Chris were surprised at Eagle\'s declaration.

"The overall plan of my son?" Chris was the first to ask.

"Yes. How can we unite the world to face the Aragarians? With the power that the Aragarians possess, they can easily conquer as. Most nations will probably ally themselves with the enemy. At this point, the logical solution is to submit to the Aragarians. We are not that different from them in terms of our biology. If the Aragarians promise not to kill us, many nations would probably agree. Do you know why the Aragarians have been using back-handed methods to weaken us?"

"No." Grace shook her head.

"Because of our dividing worldviews and the difference in the system of governance. These factors would make it hard for this Earth to submit. The Aragarians know that taking over us is possible. The issue, however, is that we may rebel. Do you know why no perfect government system exists in this world? Because the perfect government requires the perfect people. The perfect laws will forever be imperfect if the people following the law are not perfect! You have seen for yourself the façade of this world. Did you not witness it in China? Have you not seen the reports of what the Aragarians did in Malay-Pangea? Despite how strict the world\'s laws are in human trafficking, it has not stopped the perpetrators but only forced them to adapt and improve!" Eagle began.

"Then what exactly are the Aragarians doing?" Chris asked.

"They are weakening the world and want it to fall into chaos so that the people would desire to look for another form of governance. This world has drastically embraced freedom and equality so much. And with your son\'s explanation, that is not the way of the Aragarians. Their dystopian setup which separates technology and roles is so incompatible with ours. It could be that in the timeline of your son, it really did happen. The world sided with the aliens and maybe only those who believed in the Gospel became the rebellion."

It was then that Chris and Grace looked at each other.

"Pastor Eagle. You\'re a man who believed in God. And as an Agno- I mean atheist, I believe in science. What made it easy for you to believe in the story that my son gave? Time-travel? Rebirth? All that? What do you make out of it?"

"I\'m grateful of course."

"Grateful?" Chris echoed back.

"Yes. Grateful. Tell your son, that me and my family would be forever grateful. He even listed out who among my family would die. Such amazing grace that the Lord has that He would actually bend the fabric of time and space to send a messenger to save us. Me and my wife were in tears of the Lord\'s grace."

Chris didn\'t know what to say.

"You… You believe God caused my son to be a time-traveler? A time-traveling reincarnate?"

"I believe in a being that exists outside of the three dimensions. Even up to now, our science has not learned of ways to go beyond the three dimensions. Even the half-dimension element, which we call time can only be viewed and observed. We have yet to learn how to manipulate time. I\'ve watched too many science-fiction shows to know that time isn\'t constant. It could be even said to be a part of the matter. It is malleable and can be manipulated. Gravity distorts it, speed shortens it and so on. I believe in a God outside of the time dimension. Won\'t sending your son to be a trivial matter to him?"

Chris was stunned while Grace remained warry.

"Pastor… Are you sure you\'re not using your Path?" She asked once more.

Eagle laughed.

"I assure you, I am not." Eagle smiled.

Grace couldn\'t help but feel wary at the beaming and sincere smile of the Pastor.

"Don\'t you believe your son?" Eagle asked Chris.

"Honestly… I\'m having doubts recently. My son has been insisting on things… Crazy things. He was just a kid who was brilliant but lazy. And then suddenly… he became all this. I thought of all the Overcomers, you\'d hold the most doubt towards him. He had to defeat Richie, Meng and even the Tyrant Empress to make them believe. Lennox agreed in desperation because of his search for his missing daughter. You have no reason to believe him!" Chris argued.

"Don\'t you see the paradox of your statement? You just told me two reasons why I should believe him."


"Do you think; that the two of you stand a chance of defeating me?" Eagle asked simply.

There was no pressure of any sort, no overpowering emotion, no strange and unfamiliar sensations that caused either Grace or Chris to move. But at that moment, they felt like little ants in front of a giant.

Suddenly, the chairs that Chris and Grace were seating on started to move closer and closer towards the table.

A strange attracting force was pulling them. The unnatural way the chairs moved made them almost leap out. But they felt great resistance as if the gravity of the Earth was concentrating on keeping them seated.

Grace and Chris could not move up the chair. They did not know why, but they felt they could die at any time.

"I am an Overcomer. The Paragon of Preachers. It\'s not a title I boast of, but I will boast of Christ in me. Even if you sent your entire army before me, I will Overcome. Not of myself, but by the Spirit of Him Who Died for me."

Grace and Chris were trembling uncontrollably. When they became Unlocked, even the battles that they had against Lynd and Meryl was not able to bring them the terror that they deserve. But at that moment, they felt an unnatural fear before Eagle.

"You underestimate us too much. And I will remind you, that your son defeated three Overcomers and convinced one to help him. That is a miracle. What would make me want to help someone? You two are Seeker\'s parents. But don\'t fall into the same trap my Savior\'s parents and siblings fell into. Jesus was seen as insane by His siblings and even Mary, His Mother, tried to stop him and wanted him to go back home during the early part of His ministry. Your doubt toward your son must stem from either jealousy, anger, disappointment or simply disagreeing with him. As it was with the case of my Savior\'s parents and siblings. Which is it?" Eagle asked. He drank the wine cup before him and started to pour out a new glassful.

The trembling stopped. Chris and Grace were drenched in sweat.

"He plans… to kill billions!" Chris finally spoke.

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