New Game+

Chapter 226 - Crostfree’s Plans

Just right above the Kraken was a figure that has continued to observe the Kraken\'s ongoing battles. 

"How rich. This Origin energy seems to be very similar to the techs that Gordon and Feyor have. But this looks like a weaker version. If I steal all of their energy, I could study the science on my own and develop my Domain." Crostfree laughed as he watched the massive Titan. 

"Should I? Or should I not? With Zeraphine being our leader, I\'m sure she wouldn\'t mind." Crostfree continued to laugh. 

He glanced at the enemy of the Titan. His expression turned more serious. 

"How do I steal you away? And just who gave you that unusual technology? How has Earth come up with their version of Cold Fusion?" Crostfree pondered. 

He gazed with a strange expression and wanted to send a ping to the moon. But with how dangerous the area was, every form of pings would have been monitored. If he sent messages to Pridgeon, it would be fine. With the state of this battle, the WGP will do everything to track outgoing and incoming signals, especially from ones being sent to satellites and other Extraterrestrial receivers. 

He sighed and sent Pridgeon another message. 

"When are you coming? That ship is too slow!" Crostfree complained. 

"Have you seen the alerts of all the WGP bases? Every base is on full alert! My Planteds based on the Arctic nations just told me that an attack occurred! An Emperor was assassinated!" Pridgeon replied angrily. 

"Oh? So that\'s why there is no backup!" Crostfree realized it. 

"Yes. The entire world is on guard! Every nation is now arming themselves to war. There are even rumors that the WGP will begin attacking nations that it has deemed to be their enemies! As such, I cannot use the full extent of my shuttle\'s techs to get there! My pace has drastically slowed down and is avoiding all aerial patrols!" Pridgeon complained. 


Another terrifying explosion resounded as the Titan attacked one of the most enormous Icebergs that fell on him. The sword slashed through the Iceberg, but the resistance gave the Horn time to evade the strike. 

"Amazing. You should see this. The technology they have is oddly similar and could be the founding technologies that Gordon and Feyor have!" Crostfree teased. 

"DOMAIN!?" Pridgeon was stunned. His voice revealed a hint of envy.

"Indeed. Domain science. The wielding of matter. The master of all molecules. Once you get here, you can help me clean up this mess. I believe that whoever is here represents the best in the world. You were too optimistic in dismissing that Meng and Richie were the world\'s best. In my opinion, if you fought any of those who are here, you would die!" Crostfree explained. 

"But that\'s too much! You should report this to the other Presiders first before doing anything drastic!" Pridgeon warned. 

"Ha! And share the technology with them? If Feyor or Gordon sees this, they\'d immediately want to steal it! They thought that Automatons were all that the WGP has! But look and behold! This Origin Energy is exponentially more powerful than initially reported! They would fight us and ensure that we wouldn\'t get a bit of this!" Crostfree sneered. 

"You best not report this, Pridgeon! There are other technologies of interest here. The one you pursued in Australia, the science of sound that seemed to be similar to the Assassin\'s Richie is also here! But it\'s more refined!" 

"They must have seen it now! With everything going on here, satellites may have been looking at the battle!" 

"Oh, how slow are you, Pridgeon? The storm! You forgot the storm! Have you noticed that the storm\'s eye has vanished, and only a large shroud remains over the Kraken? I\'ve been observing the battle since I detected the EMP. My satellites cannot detect or see the battle. The rest will be the same. No one but me knows the current situation. Well... You, because I need a helper to clean up the techs here." Crostfree laughed. 

"Fine. I guess I could risk discovery. If the worlds as chaotic now, a little bit of showing off should do. But the other Presiders will definitely suspect me since I will be breaking the rules to get to you! And if they do that, they will soon discover that we tried to get the techs!" 

"That\'s easy. I\'ll send out an emergency Ping. Aside from Princess Zeraphine, who seemed to have disappeared, there are no other Presiders on Earth." Crostfree laughed. 

"Once I send the emergency Ping, I\'ll immediately cut my signal. Tell the others that you want to check what happened." Crostfree explained. 

"What if they ask later about what caused the disappearance of the signal?" Pridgeon asked. 

"That\'s easy! You should see this Titan! It can do several EMP charges and constantly release it. The charges could even increase, and the explosive range is quite good. It is far more powerful than the Australian EMP. I recall that this is something that Gordon left in Australia for his Pioneers. But it looks like the WGP have succeeded in reaching a Pseudo-Presider level tech." 

"Pseudo-Presider level?! Let me have that then!" 

"Fine. It\'s useless for me, anyway. I just need the Domain technology. I can even leave you a few. I\'m just waiting for the other Emperor to reveal her ace." Crostfree laughed. 

"Anyway, just claim that You couldn\'t contact me because of the Call of Titans. Once he uses a powerful EMP burst, I\'ll immediately send a distress signal and cut off my communication. As for what happens next, I will tell them that the battle progressed with the WGP winning as it was using this event to trap the traitors and kill them using Lowengren\'s Maneuver." Crostfree explained. 

"Lowengren\'s Maneuver?" 

"We have to destroy everything here if some of the Presiders will decide to look into this battle. I can use a Star Bomb and destroy this entire space. We will report that the WGP used Kraken\'s Reactor and caused it to self-destruct. And with your refining tech, you can clean up the remnant fluctuations from my star bomb." Crosftfree explained. 

"It seems that you have planned this thoroughly. Did you cause this?" Pridgeon asked with suspicion. 

"No. I am simply playing along. After this, you can look into the specific side-technologies here. There are several techs here that already surpassed the capabilities of our Pioneers. This Earth is quite a gem!" Crostfree laughed. 

"Just be sure to keep your promise! If you betray me, I will reveal the truth of this battle!" Pridgeon warned. 

Crostfree laughed at Pridgeon\'s threats. He was the weakest of the Presiders and could only threaten him with the classic \'I\'m telling" routine. 

"I get the Domain tech. You can study the rest. I may ask a sample from you now and then. But don\'t even dream of getting a sample from the Domain tech. Get a move on and make it fast! If that other Emperor\'s Invoking is any good, I might be forced to act!" 

"Just tell me how powerful the Invoking is!" 

"The Call of Automaton is nothing worth my time. But the Call of Titan. It\'s something else. It reveals that the WGP is something that could threaten Presiders. Perhaps the battle in China was caused by the rebel factions of the WGP. You must have heard the reports. Traitors are found among the WGP." Crostfree pondered. 

"The Jews must be the first thing we deal with!" Pridgeon was about to give a persuasive talk, but then Crostfree immediately agreed. 

"I agree. It\'s not just the WGP. The other nations seem to have a foundation deeper than what we know. We have to destroy anything that can unite this world if we want to conquer it without great cost." Crostfree answered back. 

"Good!" That was the only thing Pridgeon could say. But his voice sounded excited that Crostfree finally sees it his way. 

Pridgeon continued to ask for the details of the battle and continued to claim the diverse technology around. 

Crosftree didn\'t care about the other techs and only focused his attention on the Origin around him. His gaze remained on the Titan and the Horn, which had an otherworldly battle. 

Little did he know that in the Kraken, a shocking battle was also happening. If he had focused his attention and used his techs, he would have sought for this technology. 

Seeker was facing the Armors and Exoskeletons\' barrage around him, but his movements were too fast for the pilots to follow. The Empress had retreated and kept attacking using powerful beams and used rockets that breached the WGP\'s legal limits. But secretly, the Empress was waiting to disconnect her feed. 

Seeker revealed a strange metallic cube, which caused an electric distortion. This somehow destroyed and deactivated the rockets that the Empress launched before it reached Seeker. 

Because of the dire situation, most of the WGP was now watching the feeds of the Empress. But with Seeker\'s strange lightning, she knew that she could take this moment to stop the video feed and fool the Emperors watching through her Rule. 

Seeker suddenly crushed the cube on hand. Strange electric energy appeared. The electrical power had a peculiar bright yellow shade that exploded out. 

Like Richie\'s sounds, Seeker could control the energy through the Realm that he can see, and it created a strange lightning field. The moment it appeared, the Empress immediately disconnected his communication signals and even used her suit to sabotage the Rule from the inside. 

With this, the feeds that the Empress had were permanently damaged. 

The lightning spike drew the attention of Crostfree in the sky. 

"Oh? What was that? Has New Great Britain weaponized a new form of Lightning bolts?" 

But before he could magnify his visions and make scans on that area, a mighty green mouth resurfaced once more as the Titan, and the Qilin\'s Horn battled. 

The green energy was something that caught Crostfree\'s attention, and he began to observe the minute details of the battle. 

"A Domain of Devouring? What a strange combination. Do these earthlings even know how poisonous that attempt is?" Crostfree shook his head. As a more advanced race, they had better knowledge of what technological pursuits would yield high fruits and which ones were dangerous and had more risks than gains. 

"Cold fusion and then Devouring... But how can these two work together?" Crostfree sighed. 

"Looks like only Feyor and Gordon could see through these mysteries." Crostfree continued to look at the explosive battle and no longer paid attention to the lightning bolt on the Kraken. Compared to the mystery of Domain, Lightning bolt was far too weak. 

The Titan and the Horn continued to battle out in the sky. 

The Horn moved with incredible speed and had various attacks that employed freezing beams and some rays that emitted overpowering desolation. 

The Emperor was shocked at the revelation of the techs. 

The green beams looked like a more advanced form of Solarium technology, while the ice was a mix between Canadian Frost. 

"What is this? Just how many countries have gone behind our backs? No! No country can\'t have done this! This has to be an Emperor!" Emperor Cort cursed as he continued to control the Titan to hack and slash at the Horn and, at the same time, created various shockwaves around the sky. 

Soon, pieces of the ice that was covered with a green film began to fall down. The hail had created a fire within the Kraken for some strange reason. 

The battle even affected those at the Kraken. Almost all soldiers began to retreat inside the Kraken. Only those next to the Empress continued to battle. The once chaotic skies above now only had the Titan and the Horn. 

No aircraft remained on the skies because of the explosive attacks that the Horn and the Titan continued to release. Most were destroyed upon the initial clash and the explosive EMP blasts that the Titan created while a few were able to flee. 

The strong tornado began to move away from the battle and raced towards the other side. 

"Where is she?" Alvin shouted with worry. 

"Calm down. She wouldn\'t be reckless. With her ability, I\'m sure she knows what has happened here and would immediately escape. She must have her reasons. For now, we wait on this side. Focus on defending against the explosive powers. And be careful of that hail. It has a strange property to it that could even eat the wind!" Grant warned. 

Everyone amongst the wind had a grim expression. 

"Austin. It\'s up to, you know. Determine the best places where she could surface and where we should go." Grant turned to Austin. 

Everyone then turned to Austin. It was then that they realized why this cowardly man was included in their team. It was for moments like this that he would truly shine. 

"Boss. I have a theory. But it only has a forty percent chance of being true!" 

"What is it?" 

"Irvana is smart. As you said, she would immediately retreat and even abandon whatever mission unless if it\'s right in front of her. The only possible reason she hasn\'t met up with us is that she encountered something that keeps her from getting here." 

Grant was silent for a second and realized what Austin meant. 

"He is with that boy?" 

"Yes. She should be near the area where the boy is fighting. And that could only be that area where we saw lightning energy become a field. That boy is fighting the Empress! We have two choices, rush back there and get her, or we minimize our defense and send one Wind channel for her to get out!" 

Grant smiled. 

"I\'ll trust your theory. We will minimize our defense and create a powerful wind channel. We have to get out of here as fast as we can. If the Emperor that the boy is fighting will also use an Invoking, it would be dangerous even for us!" Grant explained. 

"You heard the boss!" Austin glanced at the rest. 

"Create a channel that avoids those strange werewolves! We don\'t want to get in between that battle!" Austin explained. 

As the Winds of Hermes channeled the wind, the battle with the wolves reached its climax. 

The other wolves had already been killed. 

Only the man, Amir Mann, remained, and his body assumed a bloodied human form. 

Before he was the enemies that gave him the harshest battle of his life, it was a glorious battle. He thoroughly enjoyed it and even lost his anger against the man who deceived him. 

Cliff could barely stand. His arms were strained from the continuous attacks and impacts that he received. 

He would have died several times already if it weren\'t for the man before him. 

Typical stood in front of his team. His entire body was trembling. 

"Are you ready, monster? Our battle must come to an end. Otherwise, we would be swept away." Typical asked. 

"Still confident that you can block me?" Amir Mann asked as he threw away one of Typical\'s arm. 

"We have... made our preparations." Typical gave his answer. 

"I have already disarmed you." Amir Mann laughed viciously. 

"So? I have pierced you so many times that you might as well call me, Daddy!" Typical gave an even more sinister laugh. 

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