New Game+

Chapter 274 - Eagle’s Trending Sermon: Cities Of Refuge (Auxiliary Volume 4)

Good evening! It\'s good to see you once again. And it\'s surprising to see you here now that the WGP has fallen. While the world panics, you still present yourselves before the Lord trusting in His good grace.

But let me greet the rest of the world. Good evening, or morning, depending on what part of the world you online viewers are watching this. My name is Calvin Luther Eagle. I am but a Pastor, a father, and a servant on the Lord based here in the Americas.

I was asked to redo the recent sermon that I had as it seemed to have become trending. Several of our viewers claimed that my recent sermons were cut short due to the various calamities and wars occurring worldwide. And due to the attacks, the servers that host my sermons for viewing on Asia and even Europe were destroyed.

And everyone requested that this sermon be repeated and uploaded, as we have just switched to another satellite server to host my sermon so that it would be broadcasted all over the world.

I thank our supporters who donated so much to launch Eagle\'s Wings Satellite. Many have joked that this could be the angel broadcasting the message of hope, as found in the Book of Revelation. And while this joke seemed timely and relevant, especially now at the wake of the WGP\'s abandonment of their responsibilities in becoming the watchers of the world, I urge everyone to stop.

It is not because I am a huge killjoy, but because careless jokes like that can lead people to really believe the implications of that joke. In dark times, any ray of hope will be something everyone will desperately search for and pursue. As such, the jokes that magnify the newly launched satellite to host our sermons may become something that passing people who hear these jokes will fall into believing. I am not a ray of hope in this dark time. I am, but a voice in the desert as the prophet John the Baptist would say.

I\'m very critical of this because the reactions of the world from one of my sermons were already alarming. I use the term alarming, because of all the sermons about hope, about the coming Kingdom, about peace; it\'s this topic that became the ones that everyone was searching for.

The search engines reported that the sermon\'s title became the most searched keyword next to \'WGP collapse\' and curiously, \'will senpai notice me now that the world is ending?\'

I joke about the latter search term. In truth, the keywords, City of Refuge was the second phrase that everyone has been looking for, and so, even though the servers that blew up was halfway around the world, it still came to our ministries attention because of the clamor and search for answers were so loud that my staff forces me to deliver this sermon once more.

I already intended to do this because several of my new friends in Pangea, One China, and New Great Britain had already requested this sermon. By the time they were free enough to listen to it, it was already gone since the server was already blown up.

But because I now have to deliver this sermon again and know that the viewer is all over the world, I intend to change it and tweak the message so that it offers more hope.

The first sermon became trending due to several factors. I thank our in-house online experts who have worked tirelessly to understand why such a message will be trending, and here are their answers…

The First reason is because of the atrocities that have been discovered and have surfaced. Pangea was the first to report illegal activities that shocked the world.

Organ harvesting and sex trades existed there all for the sake of the depraved mindset of man. We who have prided ourselves in basically eliminating human trafficking, slavery, and even prostitution are now shocked to see that these things still happen.

The next thing was the madness of Australia. And while some Australian listeners may be offended by what I will say, the fact is, your nation had been abducting people all over the world. While Pangea claims that the illegal activities in their country sprang from Australia, and even though your government has obstinately denied it, I would suggest that at the very least, both actions are tied and may have worked together even by the smallest amount.

Africa\'s Shark Umberton, the notable professor, has fled and relocated to Israel once more and plans to work with the Caliphates to reestablish the city of Jerusalem and make it a nation once more. His voice has once more resounded strongly as various sponsors of all sorts had managed to contact him. And we know that the reason why this previously unknown person is being elevated because of the shocking revelation that almost all the experimented people in Australia are of Jewish Blood!

Another reason why that sermon became trending and why Shark Umberton is also now someone who parades in almost all news outlets is One China\'s decision to eliminate the former Larson Conglomerate. And yes, it has been confirmed by our missionaries that the proper term is eliminated. The horrors of these conglomerates and how they are secretly the fronts of wicked schemes have made the Earth realize that we are not as good as we claim to be. Once more, the Jews were the target.

But perhaps the biggest reason why the City of Refuge became one of the top searched terms is because the ashes and memories of World War Three are still engraved within our minds. Humanity was nearly wiped out of existence. And now, the WGP itself has withdrawn from their role as their foundations are shaken from a dastardly attack from this mysterious enemy. So who will we turn to? As such, I understand how that sermon, titled the City of Refuge, became trending.

Everyone longed for these Cities of Refuge that was explained on that sermon.

I admit that I didn\'t really have any high hopes for that sermon. I believed it to be just like any other sermon. But I guess I underestimated the Word of God. It goes out, and it really does fulfill the purpose in which it was sent out.

So what is the City of Refuge?

In my previous sermon, I used the City of Refuge term to paint a picture of salvation. God had ordained several cities to be refuge points for those who are foreigners or for the innocent. But perhaps I should take this opportunity to explore more of what this city is.

It first appears in the Old Testament as a command to Israel to appoint certain cities for specific purposes. The text is found in Numbers 35, as you will see on the screen.

9 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 10 "Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, When you cross the Jordan into the land of Canaan, 11 then you shall select cities to be cities of refuge for you, that the manslayer who kills any person without intent may flee there. 12 The cities shall be for you a refuge from the avenger, that the manslayer may not die until he stands before the congregation for judgment. 13 And the cities that you give shall be your six cities of refuge. 14 You shall give three cities beyond the Jordan, and three cities in the land of Canaan, to be cities of refuge. 15 These six cities shall be for refuge for the people of Israel, and for the stranger and for the sojourner among them, that anyone who kills any person without intent may flee there.

I\'d like first to clarify that the City of Refuge\'s Biblical image is to be a place for manslayers who await judgment, for the strangers and foreigners, and those who are sojourners.

Three are made within the Jordan river, and three in the land of Canaan. This means three cities shall arise in Canaan, which was the land of Israel at that time. And there would be three cities that will rise outside of Canaan, beyond the Jordan river! And this should be a rather... very interesting detail for some of my friends listening.

The verses introduce two different and curious elements that we will have to pay attention to.

The first is known as the Manslayer. This is a person who has been killed. The second is known as the Avenger of Blood. The Manslayer flees from the Avenger of Blood, while the Avenger of Blood tries to kill this manslayer. Now, here we have a fascinating character. The Avenger of Blood. Someone who is legally allowed by the Law of God itself to kill another.

People today who have a very limited view of the Bible will often use the age-old argument, but doesn\'t the Bible say, "thou shalt not kill?"

That is both right and wrong. Yes, it is a law. But this law was meant for one thing, murder. This means the laws of God strictly forbid the killing of someone out of wicked or evil desires. For if killing is illegal, why did God order the Israelites to commit genocide?

The term genocide may shock many of you. But yes! The Bible has, on several occasions, allowed the people of Israel to commit genocide. Now, to their defense, the people which God had allowed them to kill, at one point sinned against the Lord or even attempted to kill Israel.

The Amalekites famously attempted to commit genocide when the Israelites were still on the desert. This angered the Lord. Israel is the apple of God\'s eye, as Psalm 17:8 puts it. The very expression of the apple of my eye is actually derived from this verse.

So let me put it in perspective. Killing enemies in war for survival and other purposes were allowed in the Old Testament. The era of Jesus\' coming marked a totally new era because, by His Blood, we are already saved. This changes the relationship we have with everyone. He promised in the New Testament that He has Overcome, and we too can Overcome! These promises allow Jesus to make bold statements such as \'love your enemies.\'

But in the Old Testament, where God\'s favor is not being readily dispensed, as the dispensationalist would put it, then at that time, you have to kill. And that is why the City of Refuge is important.

Because Blood demands Blood, the Avenger of Blood is normally the closest or next of kin of the slain. They are legally allowed to kill the manslayer, be it if the manslayer accidentally or intentionally killed the said slain.

People may say that this is a barbaric concept and doesn\'t sound in any way remotely Biblical. But that cannot be any more further from the truth. Blood demands blood. In our New Testament era, Christ has died. He has paid for all sins, including the blood price of the slain. His shed blood was the Blood that would pay for the sins of all manslayers.

But there is a catch in all this, which I will later expound.

For now, we take a look at these Cities of Refuge. Because my previous sermon is trending, I feel the need to explain more of the elements that were not previously described. But before that, let me emphasize the things you may have already heard on the previous sermon I made.

The Bible is the Word of God. And by that, I believe it is timeless. It doesn\'t matter what era, what time, or even what Testament we are in. Not one Word of the Bible, not even the smallest strokes, will fade.

It stands for eternity and is applicable on all times.

And because I believe this, I believe that the imagery of these Cities of Refuge is not meant for historical reference. It is more than a typology that refers to a future object that we should yearn for. I believe the time is coming and may even be here, where these cities of Refuge will continue once more stand! In the chaotic and evil world that we now face at the destruction of the WGP, the Cities of Refuge will appear. These will be cities designated by God Himself to be a refuge for many.

To the Beloved of this world, keep up the good fight. A time may be coming that these Cities will be a reality. So hope for that day! Hope for the City of Refuge and flee to it! Do not delay! Run when you see it happening! These cities will be great and powerful cities.

Perhaps a period will arrive that the Righteous must take up their arms to slay and attack the wicked men hoping to kill them. This would be possible when the age of Grace ends and the period of Wrath and Judgement begins.

Do not be deceived, God is abounding in mercy, but it has its limits. If you don\'t believe that, why would God send the ten plagues of Egypt? Why would God cause the Israelites to be sent to captivity for seventy years? And if you say that\'s Old Testament, go to the Book of Revelation. On several occasions, God will wipe out a third of the Earth. That is coming, friends.

We are all Manslayers. We have created a culture and a world where these Jews are persecuted and harvested in the cruelest of fashions.. And because of that, we might soon see the Avenger of Blood.

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