My Vampire System

Chapter 1171 The fourth Evolution

Chapter 1171 The fourth Evolution

’No, that can’t be true! Mom, cared... she must have cared for me... if she didn’t then why would she have risked her life for me at the very end?’

’There has to be another reason for how she treated me! Yes, it must have all been for the sake of Pure! To make me stronger, so I could take over the organisation one day... right?’

These haunting thoughts kept repeating themselves. Layla’s mind went over all her interactions with her mother, the images of those times vividly flashing before her eyes. They reminded her of all of the things she had tried to block out and those she had buried deep inside.

Layla couldn’t help but focus on Lucy’s face in all of those memories. The strange look on her face whenever daughter and mother had interacted. As it turned out, looking back, Layla realised that the few times her mother had told Layla anything about her father, like him being a fantasy writer, she had only done so while facing away.

Had she done so, because she hadn’t wanted to think about Layla’s father? Was Agent 2 right, that the father she knew she had was actually just something her mother had come up with, to hide the truth?

A smog of negative emotions started to spill out from Layla’s body. Normally only her subrace should be able to perceive them, yet they had seemingly reached such an intensity that those around her could see hers and all took a careful step back, afraid since they had no idea what it was.

Her mind had become numb and her eyes were now glowing a slight purple. Layla had still been in her second form, yet she slowly started to change. Her giant tusk-like fangs started to shrink into smaller ones that could fit in her mouth and the horns on her head also started to grow smaller, until they were barely visible through her hair.

In an instant all the smog flew back into her through her mouth, her nose and even her ears. It was a scary sight how that foreign substance appeared to have invaded the girl. The next moment red marks began climbing up from her neck and down her arms, as if all the veins in her body were now pulsating and alive.

Everyone stared at her with a weapon in their hands, yet they all shared one thought at this time. ’What a beauty’. Her skin now looked softer than snow, her hair was flowing lighter than air and even the red markings seemed to form a sort of tattoo which further added to an exotic charm.

"What’s happened to her?" Nathan asked, looking at the one vampire in the room that might have an answer. To a lot of them, Layla changing forms came as a shock. Still they held back from attacking her, choosing to trust her as a member of the Cursed faction. As long as she was helping them, they could always try to figure out things after this fight.

Unfortunately, they weren’t completely sure if everything would go that way. Layla had started emitting a strange energy, which made all of their legs shake slightly. Then, there was also the look on the girl’s face. Her eyebrows were deeply furrowed and her mouth was slightly open baring her fangs.

Luckily, the pure anger and frustration was currently aimed at the one person responsible for her change.

"I have no idea. I don’t know much about Hannyas, so this must be one of her forms." Fex replied. Of course, he didn’t tell him that this was the best case scenario. Truth be told, he was worried that the pure anger and bloodlust coming from her, had made her enter a state similar to a Bloodsucker.

To be on the safe side, he made use of this moment when everyone was distracted to attach his strings to Longblade. The Colonel was injured and unable to stand, bleeding out slightly, but the vampire could still hear a heartbeat.

However, if he was to be caught up in whatever was about to happen, today might very well end up being his last day. Before Layla started to act, the vampire pulled him out, and placed him down by the side of Shiro and the others. He proceeded to carefully move over, all while keeping his gaze on the furious girl.

’Layla, please don’t make this into a situation where we will have to deal with you as well.’ Fex silently prayed, as he readied Agent 11 for the worst case scenario.

Layla herself would be unable to explain what was happening, but one thing was for certain, she had just finished transforming into another form. A form that no one had ever seen before. The one thing all her Hannya forms had in common was the need for powerful negative emotions.

Layla had become quite proficient in controlling her emotions and harnessing them to help her evolve into any of the three at will. To do this she would usually recall a painful memory creating negative emotions in herself.

However, this went beyond any negative emotions Layla had ever felt before, she was experiencing pain beyond what she could have ever imagined which had allowed her to unlock a fourth evolution. One which should be called the True Hannya.

’No wonder, such a bastard has joined the Cursed faction!’ Agent 2 thought. ’We would have been better off, if Lucy had allowed us to just get rid of her. Well at least I got rid of the poison during her temper tantrum, but this doesn’t look like it’s going to be easy.’

Unwilling to take any more risks while fighting against those abominations from the Cursed faction, Agent 2 was forced to activate the fourth stage of Qi once more. He banged his sword into the ground and his skin started to turn red.

The usual energy that was felt from the sudden surge in Qi was felt by everyone there. Those who had been engaged with Pure and had already stopped their fights during Layla’s transformation, moved out of the way so they wouldn’t be affected by the overwhelming force.

Ultimately, only Layla stood her ground not moving, instead as the wave of energy came towards her, she opened her mouth and let out a loud shrieking sound, almost pushing the energy back. The others were frozen in place as the sound pierced their ears.

"This is like that damn Banshee’s scream!" Fex thought doing his best to cover his ears, yet his sharper senses turned out to be a detriment this time. He could feel blood flowing out of them.

The space between Layla and Agent 2, as well as the air itself, was shaking from the colliding powers.

’How is it possible to use sound as a medium for Qi? Just what sort of freak has she turned into?!’ Agent 2 was baffled, but he didn’t have the time to think about it.

Instantly, he started to use his weapon similar to a gun, firing off quick sharp blasts of Qi. Layla’s movements were still as fast as before, allowing her to evade three of the shots. Unfortunately the fourth one managed to hit her forearm.

However, the blow hardly did anything to Layla apart from leaving a dent marking on her arm.

’That’s impossible! Even that Cursed faction leader was left with a giant hole! Wait... no how, could someone as young as her have even more Qi than me?!’ Slight signs of panic started to emerge on Agent 2’s face.

Not giving him any time to rest, Layla retaliated with several black balls, before she too dashed forward. The Pure leader had no clue what these black balls would do if he came into contact, but whatever it was, it couldn’t be good

The fourth stage of Qi had reinforced his whole body, allowing him to move at the same speed as the girl. The only thing he didn’t account for was that Layla still had access to her normal ability, so despite all of the balls missing, she changed the direction of the closest one, making it connect.

The second it touched Agent 2, chains started to form from the ball and burrowed into ground. These were the Spiritual Chains she was able to use as a Namanari Hannya. The Pure leader tried to break free with his strength, but these were no normal chains, each of them were reinforced with the extra power of Qi.

’Damn this, I can’t move my hands or weapon!’

Layla was already upon him and swung her sword vertically aiming to slash his head off in a single strike. The sword touched the outer layer of his skin but was unable to pierce through. Agent 2 had focused most of Qi there to prevent the otherwise fatal injury.

"I don’t know what type of deal you must have made to become this type of monster." The Pure Agent suddenly smiled. "And I don’t know how you were able to obtain this level of Qi at your age, but it looks like your strength is still nowhere near the level of mine!"

The chains started to weaken and disappear, which would allow Agent 2 to continue his own attack. However, Layla didn’t distance herself from him, on the contrary. Her free hand grabbed onto his shoulder and she opened her jaw wider than would be humanly possible, making the girl resemble a snake about to devour its prey.

The next second, fiery flames came out from her mouths scorching Agent 2 from point blank range. The flames were strong and lit up the whole area of the cave, melting part of the area behind the Pure leader. Despite this, a kick suddenly came forward aimed at her stomach, which sent her flying back.

The flames soon died down and revealed Agent 2, his hair burnt off, and several burn marks on his face, contorted into an expression of immense pain. He had concentrated most of Qi to prevent the sword from cutting off his head, leaving him with far less to block the sudden and unexpected flame attack against his face.

"You bitch! I planned to kill you, but that would be letting you off easily! You only deserve to be tortured for the rest of your miserable life and I shall make sure to make you crave the sweet embrace of death!"

Fex was impressed with Layla’s cabitilites so far. She wasn’t as fast as a Vampire Leader in this form, and her strikes didn’t seem as powerful as his father’s or Bryce’s, but her versatile skills made her a foe he would never wish to face himself.

From what he had seen, her current form appeared to be a mixture of the other three she had displayed before. She was still able to use her Spiritual chains, but also keep her second form’s speed and power, and now he had also seen Layla use the fire breath from her third form.

Without an Inspect skill, Fex didn’t realise that she was in fact even stronger than that. All of the Qi inside her body was currently running wild. Just as Quinn had stated, her body was unable to handle the large amounts of Qi that her mother had left her with, but the same wasn’t true for this form. Every one of her attacks had been amplified with a massive amount of Qi.

Nevertheless, Fex was very concerned about the look in her eyes. Her now purple eyes didn’t seem alive, merely focused on one thing, getting revenge. However, would defeating Agent 2 be enough to quell her anger?

Layla had quickly recovered but there was a visible wound around her stomach. Noticing this her right arm started to spew a green flame which she pressed against the hole. It healed at a speed that the onlookers would follow with the naked eye.

The next second she charged back in. Not backing down, and now filled with anger himself Agent 2 came at her.

Suddenly, another scream filled the area. However, this one wasn’t human.


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