My Vampire System

Chapter 2162 God Slayer 1 (Part 2)

When Quinn heard Mundus say he was going to give him some information on his opponent, he was expecting to get a few tips. Maybe something about what his opponent could do, his strengths, anything to help him with a fight.

Not to hear his back story and cause him to feel empathy for this person. Now he needed to shake his head and convince himself that he was fighting against someone who he wanted to beat. Thankfully the reaction of the lives on the planet made it easier to do that.

\'It\'s safe to say if I\'m in trouble that Mundus won\'t help me out, so let\'s do this!\' Quinn thought.

Using the blood guns, Quinn started to fire more bullets once again, and was switching up with every type of bullet he had, blood bullet, god slayer, shadow bullet and so on. With his quick reflexes and great eyesight, he would be able to see what bullet was most effective.

\'If he tries somersaulting out of the way of them, he\'ll eventually get hit!\' Quinn was also on the move, as he moved from side to side and started to fire bullets from different angles as well.

"You… are one of them.." The god slayer stated. The energy that he could feel, it wasn\'t celestial energy that was coming from Quinn, but he was confusing it with the celestial energy that was coming from Mundus instead.

The white stone staff was taken from his back, and swung forward in his hand. It was a fast swift movement and this action alone had created a large and heavy gale of wind. As the bullets came towards him, he started to swing the staff, hitting them dead on.

The second the staff touched the bullets, they would disappear on impact and a small sounding bang was heard. The god slayer swung the staff at such a speed that he was able to keep up with all of the bullets that Quinn had fired, hitting each one of them.

It didn\'t matter what type of bullet it was, including the shadow bullet, the second it made contact with the staff, it would just disappear. At the same time, each swing of the staff was creating huge gusts of winds that would go off in the distance and hit the already destroyed buildings pushing them further back.

\'That weapon is creating that much wind force. It\'s not just the speed he is moving the weapon at, to do something like that, it means the weapon has to weigh a significant amount as well. How can something that small weigh that much?\' Quinn thought. \'Not just that, but the Blood and Qi I\'m using is a condensed form in these bullets. It\'s stronger than when I just use my blood aura to attack like with the swords, and it still can\'t break that weapon. What is it made out of?\'

The best thing for him to do for now, was to keep the fight at a distance, because it looked like his opponent was mostly skilled in hand to hand combat or at least close quarter combat.

Although that was somewhat Quinn\'s specialty as well, it was best for him to try to injure his opponent as much as possible before it came to that. Instead of firing at the god slayer, he fired blood forest bullets towards the ground right where his feet were.

The blood rose up fast creating small sharp blood trees.

\'Quinn you are getting good at using these guns, you can aim better now!\' Alex complimented him because the enemy had been surrounded and all of the blood was heading right toward him.

The god slayer started to spin the staff, and rose it up above his head, before slamming it into the ground, a golden wave of power, expanded from the bottom of the staff and when hitting the blood forest it disspeared complety.

\'At this rate, it looks like he\'s going to force me into a close combat battle.\' Quinn thought.

"You!" The monkey man said. "Must dissapear!"

The staff was thrust forward, and Quinn was waiting for some type of energy blast to come out of the end of it, just like when it was slammed onto the ground, but instead, the staff started to expand.

It was stretching out and growing in size heading straight at him. Not only was it growing in terms of length but it was growing in width as well, it was now as thick as a house coming at him.

"I am not so weak!" Quinn said back. Lifting both his hands up, blood aura covered both of his gauntlets, a strong powerful red mist could be seen above creating the image of almost two giant tigers.

Quinn then shaped his hands like that of a claw, he powered his body with Qi, and mixed it with his blood aura.

When the staff was upon him, which now looked more like a giant pillar, he let both of his hands go at the same time, firing them off like shotguns and crashed them right into the pillar.

On the other end, holding the staff, for a second his hand had jolted back, but it didn\'t matter. The god slayer wasn\'t using his strength, but the strength of the weapon.

When punching the staff, Quinn was expecting it to shatter into a thousands of pieces but it had done no such thing, and instead he was the one that was still being pushed back. His feet that were firmly planted on the ground were ploughing through it.

\'Is this the god slayers strength? Is it stronger than mine, no that\'s not right, it\'s not the god slayer\'s strength, the weapon, it\'s still expanding and pushing me back at all costs!\'

Using one hand to slow down the staff somewhat, Quinn summoned the gun in the other and fired out a shadow portal above, then fired a shadow portal behind him. The giant staff had pushed him into his own shadow and dropped him out from above, allowing him to land on top.

Immediately, Quinn started to run forward, heading toward his opponent.

\'I have five of these guys to beat, so I wanted to conserve my strength a bit, but will that even be possible at this rate, either way I have to try!\' Quinn thought.

Raising his hands again, thousands of blood swords started to appear behind him, then when reaching the end of the staff, Quinn leapt up in the air, a mist of blood aura could still be seen lingering on his gauntlets.

Swinging both his hands down he was ready to crush his opponent. In a blink the giant staff that Quinn was on had shrunk down to normal size and was now in his opponent\'s hand. He raised it up just above his head, to block.

The gauntlets slammed down, sending waves of blood aura in all directions even cutting part of the god slayer\'s cheek, but the attack had been successfully stopped.

"I thought, you might be able to do this, if you can extend and make it larger, then you should be able to make it smaller as well, right!" Quinn shouted.

As the swords that were behind him were slightly delayed ahead of his own attack. All the blood swords were heading straight for him. With Quinn holding onto the spear, even if this didn\'t kill the monkey god slayer, it would at least hurt him.

Before the swords hit, a puff of smoke appeared, blocking his view, but with so many swords, what would it matter. When the puff of smoke disappeared though, Quinn could see that there were now not just one monkey man, but five of them.

They each looked exactly the same, with the same weapon in their hand, but the blood swords had managed to hit their bodies, having pierced their legs and stomachs. Soon, all of them exploded into nothing but a puff of smoke as well.

\'What is going on? What tricks does this monkey have!\'

Quinn could see a monkey man jumping towards him, swinging the staff, he blocked it with one hand whacking the staff away, and with his other he punched it right in the stomach.

Not holding back, a large amount of blood aura was used, going through the body, but this monkey had puffed into smoke as well. In the middle of hitting, what Quinn could only assume was a fake, another staff was swung towards his centre.

\'I\'ll take this hit, and pay him back tenfold!\' Quinn thought, until the staff had hit him in the stomach.


The blow was extremely heavy and powerful. He could feel the sheer force trying to lift him off his feet, and with blood dripping from his mouth, Quinn grabbed onto the staff, with the shadow surrounding his hand and now holding onto the staff as well.

"That hurt." Quinn said, his fangs baring.



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