Never Judge

Chapter 1091 1091

"What do you think is going on?" A young female reporter asked her companion. 

All the news reporters were standing outside R Tower. Jessica was lucky that she worked with Abad News Network, her boss\' boss\' boss was friends with both Raymond Lawrence and Cedric Reyes, the brother-in-laws involved in the issue.

"They said the press conference will start in a few minutes." Her boss said as she looked at her phone to check the time. "Don\'t worry, the Reyes Group is always punctual, look Mr. Ian Lim is already stepping on stage."

Jessica nodded as she looked at the handsome man who had taken the stage. 

He was by no means young and was old enough to be her father. But something about Ian Lim just seemed to draw her attention.

"I know, good looking, right?" Her boss chuckled and sighed. "Too bad he\'s painfully loyal." 

Jessica couldn\'t help but laugh at her boss. 

Yeah, sure, her boss was closer to Mr. Lim\'s age, but Jessica was way too young to crush on him that way.

"Don\'t worry, his son is single and very handsome too." The cameraman they brought with them teased. "Even the Reyes Heir is good looking, I bet Raymond Lawerence\'s son is also good looking. Just look at Miss Ayana and his brother Andres."

"You seem extra interested in their looks, Luke." Jessica\'s boss teased.

"I just can\'t help but wonder how they got so lucky in the genes department." Luke answered, shaking his head. "I\'m happy with my girlfriend, she\'s nice and simple."

"And a bitch." Jessica groaned. 

Luke gave her a sad smile.

She and Luke had been on multiple assignments together, and everytime Luke\'s girlfriend would jealousy charge in and shout profanities at Jessica.

"It\'s starting, you guys can settle that later." Jessica\'s boss said as Ian Lim cleared his throat, catching everyone\'s attention.

The crowd silenced as they all focused on the man standing on the stage.

"Thank you all for coming today." Ian Lim said as he scanned the throng of reporters that stood in front of R Tower. "I know that there have been rumors circulating about a young man that has been spotted around the city."

The reporters nodded and buzzed among themselves, whispering about their theories.

"I bet he\'s Cedric Reyes\' illegitimate son." Jessica\'s boss said with a grin. "That would make perfect drama. Imagine the Reyes Heir has competition and the perfect Cedric Reyes has a flaw."

"You were always one for drama Miss Ida." Jessica smiled. "I think he\'s the son of Raymond Lawrence and Ayana Reyes. I\'ve seen the photos, he looks like his dad." 

Jessica was thinking logically while her boss was simply thinking about which would make for a better story.

"What if we make this official?" Miss Ida asked as she winked at Jessica. "If you\'re right, I\'ll recommend you for that promotion you wanted. I was going to anyway, but this just moves it up by a few months."

Jessica looked at the older woman in shock. She never expected that she would get the promotion so soon. 

She\'s always wanted to be an international reporter, and this promotion would put her first when it came to breaking news.

No more gossip headlines such as these. She\'d work on the real news.

"And if I lose?" Jessica asked as she leaned forward with a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

"You tell Jessica\'s bitch of a boyfriend to fuck off and stop bugging all the female staff he works with." Miss Ida said as she laughed at Luke who had turned pale at what she had said.

"Deal!" Jessica said with a smile as they returned their attention to the man on the stage.

Ian Lim had been saying something about Raymond Lawrence and Cedric Reyes making the announcement themselves with their family.

When he had said this Jessice felt more confident that the young man was indeed the heir to the Lawrence family fortune and not the illegitimate son of Cedric Reyes. 

"He\'s making the announcement with his family to show that they have a united front." Miss Ida said as she continued to try and convince everyone that her theory was the truth. 

"If he was Cedric Reyes\' illegitimate son, I\'m sure they would have either long announced it or kept him better hidden." Luke told Miss Ida as he winked at Jessica.I think you should take a look at

It seemed she and the cameraman shared the same opinion.

"Miss Ida, Miss Ida." A lanky man said as he laughed at Miss Ida. He probably overheard her theory. 

"Eddie, what are you doing here? I thought you\'ve made it big in comedy and decided to drop being a reporter." Miss Ida said as she looked at the man from head to toe.

Eddie was dressed simply and was known among the reporters as someone who could make them laugh at any occasion. 

"Just passing by." He said with a wink. "By the way miss, I think you might be right. Ida here loves drama, she\'s just hoping for more news, but we know these families, they don\'t do drama. Anyway, I should go, I have a show tonight."

Eddie walked away, smiling and teasing everyone he passed.

"I miss having him around when it comes to long waits." Luke sighed as he watched the man vanish in the distance. 

"It\'s okay, he\'s on to better things. He is happier." Miss Ida said as there was new movement up front. 

The doors to the lobby of R Tower swung open.

Cedric Reyes and Raymond Lawrence stepped out with their respective wives on their arms. 

Adrianna Reyes and Ayanna Lawrence smiled at the crowd, making them feel like they were part of the family. 

Behind the two couples were their children. 

Emilio Reyes, the Reyes Heir, walked alone, while his siblings marched out with Andres Lawerence and the two youngest came out with nannies walking beside them. 

Cedric Reyes stepped up on the podium and smiled as everyone except Raymond Lawrence took their seats.

"I know everyone is eager to hear why you have all gathered here." Cedric Reyes said as he scanned the audience. "There have been rumors and photos circulating online, firstly I\'d like to warn everyone, I will not allow people to hurt or harm my family in any way."

Jessica could feel the hairs on her arms stand as the most powerful man in the country threatened those that had spread the rumors. 

"Secondly," Cedric said as a smile formed on his face. "I do not have any illegitimate children. I have been loyal to my wife all these years and the only children I have are by her."

"I guess someone is getting that promotion." Luke whispered to Jessica, making the young reporter smile.

Cedric Reyes had stepped aside, allowing his brother-in-law and best friend to take the stage. 

"The young man in the photos is not Cedric\'s illegitimate son, rather he is my legitimate son. My eldest and my heir." Raymond Lawrenced announced proudly. 

"He looks relieved." Someone said from behind Jessica. She turned to find the most handsome man she\'d seen. 

"You were right in your bet, I overheard you guys." The man said as he flashed Jessica a smile. "I wonder, are you busy after this."

"Ummm. . .yes." Jessica replied, stunned that this man was speaking to her. 

"Too bad, do you mind if I get your number?" He asked her as he handed her his phone.

Jessica nodded and typed her number and saved it on the phone. She guessed it was safe, everyone there were reporters, so he wouldn\'t be some random in the street. 

"Thanks, the name\'s Tristan by the way. What\'s yours?" He asked her.

"Jessica." She said with a confident smile. 

"I\'ll call you." Tristan said as Jessica could hear her boss calling her attention.

"Over there!" Luke said as he pointed his camera towards a car that had just pulled up at the end of the red carpet. 

It seemed that the Heir to the Lawrence family was making an entrance in style.

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