As he drove, Davies\'s mind ended up wandering back to what he and Miya had spoken about earlier in the day.

Miya had confidently assured that conflicts between him and Lee Jung would come looking for him because he and Tisha, who were villains with a dark fate value, were together… but so far he hadn\'t seen anything.

In the end, it seemed nothing had come from this experiment, he had hoped for a little fun, but it seemed like fate wasn\'t planning on playing into his hands.

[Be careful what you wish for] Miya\'s voice suddenly rang out as he came to a stop in the parking lot of a pretty decent-looking mall.

\'What do you mean by that?\' Davies asked immediately but got no response from Miya.

It seemed she had discovered something and was purposely leading him on without saying anything and he didn\'t like it, but he couldn\'t do anything about it.

He and Tisha got out of the car and made their way towards the entrance of the mall but before they could enter the mall, they were blocked by a bald middle-aged man with a round stomach, yet despite these characteristics, he was dressed pretty well in a fancy black suit and black dress shoes matched with a fancy watch as well.

"Welcome Boss!" the man greeted in a loud voice while bowing his head respectfully.


"Eh?" Davies and Tisha were equally stunned, though for different reasons.

Tisha was just surprised at the scene, but Davies was wondering if he had a mall as he didn\'t remember creating one or even making moves to own one so he was pretty confused at the sudden greeting, but since he was pretty used to over the top greeting habits and he didn\'t actually how many assets he had, his surprised reaction wasn\'t didn\'t match the confusion he was feeling internally.

He wondered what was the deal with the sudden greeting as he looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and a confused look, but there was also displeasure in his eyes.

He didn\'t fancy making a racket out of meaningless things but now due to this sudden overboard greeting from this guy who seemed to have quite a bit of influence, eyes were beginning to turn and murmurs were spreading through the crowd around him.

The bald middle-aged man with his head bowed respectfully had no idea of the blunder he had just committed.

It all started when he received the sudden news that a man had just bought over fifty percent of the Olisseum Mall, a very big establishment with branches in many settlements, and the said mystery buyer was going to be visiting the branch that he was in charge of and he had been charged with giving him the best treatment possible.

All this was quite unnerving but it wasn\'t a problem to adhere to the instructions that had been given to him, the problem arose when all they had was a name and a vivid description of the said Mystery buyer of a majority of their company\'s shares.

The man recalled the instructions that had been given to him,

\'Mr. Lee Jung is a young man, a dragon amongst men, even though you haven\'t met him yet, you should be able to recognize him by his bearing,\' that was all the information that had been given to him and he had used the information to pick Davies who stood out from his crowd due to his bearing and demeanor, and also his clothing.

The untrained eye may not be able to recognize it, but his clothes were customized and expensive brands that couldn\'t even be found on the market even if one had enough money to purchase them, especially that watch on his wrist that gleamed due to reflecting light.

From there stemmed the misunderstanding where he thought that Davies was in fact, Mr. Lee Jung, who had bought over fifty percent of the Olisseum Mall\'s shares, and this led to the current situation where two confused young people were looking at a bald middle-aged man who had his head lowered respectfully before them.

Since Davies had no clear idea of what was happening, he decided to clarify things and clear up the confusion, but before he could even open his mouth to say a word an annoyingly familiar but loud voice came from behind him.

"I always knew you were a proud and pretentious prick,"

"But I didn\'t know that you were a clout-finding bastard and a glory thief as well, Davies," the annoyingly loud and familiar voice rang from behind him.

"Davies facepalmed in annoyance as soon as he heard those words,

"It\'s him, isn\'t it?" he muttered in a low voice with his hand on his face.

[Yup, it\'s your boy Lee Jung in the building with arms packed full of annoying situations and he is here to make a peaceful day into an annoying one] Miya rapped at the speed of Eminem, affirming Davies\'s thoughts.

"Tch…" Davies clicked his tongue as he looked behind him at the annoying intruder who was shouting out his name without any care in the world, and sure as can be it was Lee Jung the troublemaker.


"Cat got your tongue?" Lee Jung asked as he saw that Davies didn\'t say a single word but was looking at him with displeasure.

"Or has that big mouth of yours run out of things to say," he said domineeringly, believing that the reason he had the upper hand in this situation and would embarrass Davies enough to release a little bit of his anger and grievance against him.

The crowd of people who were moving in and out of the entrance of the mall were beginning to hang around as they were interested in this situation and the murmurs were getting even louder.

Quite a few members of the crowd were against Davies, who they thought to be someone without shame who was willingly receiving the respect deemed for someone else.

Even though they didn\'t know the full story, nothing stopped them from throwing mud at whoever was on the losing end.

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