
Before Davies\'s brain could manage to register what could have caused such a noise, he heard a loud bursting sound and immediately realized from the way the car immediately spiraled out of control that he had lost one of his back tires.

Luckily, he had enough driving skill to manage to bring the car to a stop without crashing into anybody or anything, but now Davies was beyond livid. The murderous aura that began coming off him was almost palpable.

Without a word, he opened the door and stepped out of the car with an icy smile frozen on his face. It was a smile that looked like a smile but felt scarier than a murderous look.

"For some reason, some idiot seems to be courting death, and as an emissary of death, I should fulfill this… idiot\'s wish," Davies said in an icy tone as he turned back after getting down from the car only to realize that whoever had rammed into him from behind and had also shot one of his tires was whoever was inside of that police vehicle.

[... I don\'t know how to tell you this…] Miya suddenly spoke inside of Davies\'s head.

"What?" Davies asked icily.

[You can\'t kill her] Miya suddenly said, causing Davies\'s already smoldering flames of rage to almost burst out in a bid to incinerate the annoyance that was in front of him.

"Why can\'t I kill he-… wait, her?" Davies was about to ask when he realized a sore spot in her words,

"Don\'t tell me… oh hell naw," his eyes widened in realization as he thought of the only situation that would not allow for someone who deserved death by his standards, to die by his hands

"Fate must be fucking playing with me right now and enjoying it all for laughs," Davies was thoroughly infuriated at the thought of having to let someone who had dared to not only ram into Sierra but also burst one of her tires, live.

"Put your hands where I can see them and get down on your knees!" A loud womanly voice came from the speakers that were inbuilt somewhere in the police car, but Davies wasn\'t having any of that.

He wasn\'t the type to follow orders from anybody, not to mention someone whom every fiber of his being was itching for him to kill.

Whoever this bitch was, she wasn\'t satisfied with just ramming his beloved Sierra and denting her, not to forget, she had also blown one of his tires, forcing him to a stop, and now she was telling him to get down on his knees with his hands in the air.

Like hell, he was going to do that!!!

He purposely put his hands into his pocket after her orders, just to spite her, whoever the bitch was. Sure enough, when the bitchy police heroine realized that Davies didn\'t care enough to follow her orders, she pushed open the door of her own car and stepped out quickly while using her door as a cover and pointed a golden gun at Davies.

Davies could see a beautiful face framed by fairly short midnight-black hair. He couldn\'t see the rest of her body as it was covered by the door, but he could tell from her face alone that she had the makings of a heroine.

She was extremely beautiful, but no amount of pretty face would be able to save this bitchy heroine when he got his hands on her, in fact, the only reason why she wasn\'t dead yet, was because Miya had told him that there could be terrible consequences from killing a heroine as their fate value was linked up very tightly with the fated protagonist\'s.

"Put your hands where I can see them and get down on your knees!" the short-haired bitchy policewoman shouted at Davies again, this time her voice wasn\'t aided by the speakers of the vehicle so it wasn\'t as loud and allowed for the charm in her voice to show, but Davies was totally ignoring whatever charm the bitch had and still not taking his hands out of his pocket and gazed at her with a condescending look present in his eyes as if he was looking down at her, and in reality, he was actually looking down at her.

But more importantly, he was looking carefully at the golden gun in her hand that she was currently pointing at him. He had detected mana coming off of the weapon and also some mana from the bitchy policewoman herself and with this he was able to determine that she was probably a Mega, a weaponizer to be more specific.

\'Now what would a Mega be doing patrolling around in uniform?\' Davies wondered, not paying much attention to the policewoman, and that ended up leading to a very dangerous situation.

"Precision Shot!"


Because Davies wasn\'t paying much attention to the bitchy policewoman, he only managed to notice that she had fired her gun at him when he heard the loud banging sound. He quickly and reflexively tried to get out of the way, but he was still hit, though he had been lucky enough to move his vitals out of the way and only ended up with a heavily bleeding hole in his shoulder.

*Drip* *Drip* *Drip*

Davies watched his blood drip to the floor in a daze, he had not expected her under any conditions to even dare to shoot at him, so he hadn\'t had his guard up against her. That was his mistake, and now he had an injured and heavily bleeding shoulder to show for it, but now, fuck all the consequences, he was going to kill this bitch.

Only blood lust filled his mind as his murderous aura burst out fully, illuminating the surroundings with a red, dense aura of blood and filling the air with a sense of suppression. The suppression aura should have been even stronger but most of Davies\'s murderous aura was directed at the bitchy policewoman right now and it could be seen to be working as her hands trembled violently until her hands no longer held the strength nor the composure to hold her weapon and it fell right out of her hands.

Davies slowly began to walk towards her, his murderous aura that was pressing on her, increasing in density with every step that he took towards her.

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