"Shit," Davies said with a wry smile after witnessing the intruder somehow managing to remove the USB drive from the USB port and preventing it from being destroyed by the ice dart, but because he was trying to get to the USB drive and grab it in time, it seemed he hadn\'t used his intangibility ability as he had wanted to guard the USB drive and thus had gotten injured.

*Drip* *Drip*

Blood dripped off of the now injured masked intruder\'s hand, but even then he still gripped tightly to the drive and did not let it go while he jumped backward away from Davies, trying to open up space between them, but Davies wasn\'t planning to let him go.

At first, Davies had wondered why the intruder hadn\'t used his intangibility ability immediately after he grabbed the drive as there should have been enough time for him to activate his ability and dodge the ice dart, but he didn\'t... or maybe he couldn\'t?

The first thought that came to Davies\'s mind was that he couldn\'t make objects intangible along with him, but immediately after, the thought disappeared from his mind as if that was the case, the intruder wouldn\'t be wearing clothes, would he?

Thus, it meant, that there was obviously some sort of limitations on his powers. 

As for what those limitations were. Davies was aiming to find out as he knew that doing so would be pivotal to take care of the current situation as he was not naive enough to think that he had the situation under control just because he had managed to injure him first.

To that point, Davies used his mana to conjure five ice spears and sent them all at the black-clothed intruder while making sure that one of the spears was headed for the fist that held on tightly to the USB drive. The black-clothed intruder quickly put the drive into the pouch that was held on his waist just as the ice spears closed in on his location, but unlike the last attack that had injured him, the ice spears that had been shot at him by Davies this time had harmlessly phased through him and had gone on to hit the white walls behind him.

Davies\'s right eyebrow raised in response after finally seeing the intruder\'s phasing ability for the first time. It was actually a very impressive and interesting ability with so many possibilities, unfortunately, Davies wasn\'t looking to help an enemy to develop their abilities, rather he was thinking about the quickest way to kill the intruder before he became an even greater threat.

Davies quickly conjured another row of ice spears, but there were a lot more compared to what he had previously shot at the intruder. They were sent flying at the intruder who just phased harmlessly through it again, but that didn\'t stop Davies from conjuring more ice spears and sending it in the same direction.

Just because his attacks were currently ineffective didn\'t mean that Davies would not bother to attack him all, rather he attacked even more ferociously, trying to find a limit to the intangibility ability. He continuously shot ice projectiles, trying to overwhelm the black-clothed technology thief, but no matter what he sent at him, it just went harmlessly through.

After attacking fiercely, but ineffectively for almost five minutes, Davies was able to note that there was no need for an interval in the periods when the intruder went intangible. He seemed to be able to stay intangible as long as he had mana to fuel his ability, but as for how long that was, he still didn\'t know.

At this point, it almost seemed like a hopeless endeavor to keep attacking him in hopes that one of his attacks would hit, but Davies wasn\'t planning to let him go and he kept attacking by sending even more ice spears at the tech thief, he even began to use ice explosion for added damage even though it was all seemingly ineffective,  yet he continued what he was doing, an idea brewing in his mind.

The intruder had gained a bit of confidence after seeing that Davies\'s attacks were unable to touch him and he had even stopped actively trying to escape and was just phasing through Davies\'s attacks almost as if he was enjoying playing around.

After a few more rounds of ice spears and ice explosions, Davies finally stopped attacking and just stood there staring at the intruder.

"Haha, have you seen the futility of your actions," 

"Neither you, your security, nor your attacks can touch me…."

"I am invincible," the black-masked intruder laughed out loudly in pride at his own abilities, completely forgetting what he had come here for in the first place.

Davies on the other hand was listening to what the masked thief had to say, but rather was thinking up a plan in his head. From what he had seen earlier, he was not able to tell if the intangibility that had been shown off by the masked thief earlier was the extent of his powers or if he was holding back to avoid the repercussions that came with complete intangibility… that is, if he had the ability to do so in the first place.

Complete intangibility like the name suggests is the ability to pass through anything, be it light, sound, or air. This meant that if a person was completely intangible, then the person wouldn\'t be able to see things because sight came as a result of light rays entering into the eye, and neither would the person be able to hear anything. 

The person wouldn\'t even be able to breathe because the air wouldn\'t enter his lungs, but it was obvious that the masked thief in front of him wasn\'t suffering any of those symptoms, which was to say, the masked intruder wasn\'t completely intangible, but only intangible to physical objects, hence why he was able to see, hear, and breathe. 

\'If that is the case, then this could work,\' Davies thought about a plan he had come up with earlier as he thought about this. 

Since the intangible bastard was only intangible to physical objects, then what if he hit him with something that wasn\'t physical… like mana.

"Mana zone," Davies murmured as he began to accumulate mana at an extreme pace until he had gathered a soccer ball-sized amount of mana that was so concentrated, it looked to be in a liquid form.

"O-Oi, d-did you just say mana zone?" the masked intruder stammered out after hearing Davies\'s words, the fear-filled expression under his mask that had disappeared, appearing once again as Davies\'s words were worthy of inducing such fear.

The mana zone stage of power, or the fourth stage of power for a Mega, wasn\'t something that could be achieved by just anyone, and even the ones that have achieved such power, did so in the later stages of their lives. So far, the youngest known person to have achieved the fourth stage did so at the age of thirty-four, but here was Davies who had achieved that same stage of power at just twenty-two years of age.

His doing so at such a young age meant that there was a very high chance of him achieving an even higher stage. 

Just the thought of offending such a future powerhouse sent shivers through his mind and he was beginning to doubt whether his brain had been inside of his head when he had dared to accept this job.

The general public didn\'t know much about the power stage that came after the fourth stage, but he knew, as he had to learn such information so he could stay alive in his line of business. 

The power that the people who had achieved this stage, commanded was not something just anyone could hope to achieve. 

Even the heads of the four great families would have to bow if they met such a figure as they were just in the fourth stage and the gap between the fourth and fifth stages wasn\'t something to take lightly.

Before the black-masked thief could ponder more about how stupid he had been to take on such a job, Davies quickly changed the shape of the liquid-like mana from a spherical shape into a sword-like shape, grabbed the hilt of the liquid mana sword and shot off at high speed toward the black-masked thief.

The black-masked thief saw the attack and tried to move back in time to dodge as for some reason he felt a very great danger coming off the liquid mana sword that was slashing down at him. Unfortunately for him, his agility wasn\'t one of his best traits and he wasn\'t able to get away in time, so he tried to phase through the attack, but unlike what he was expecting, the liquid mana sword didn\'t phase through his body, but instead cut into his arm, slashing the arm off.


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