The young Asian man who owned the sword that had been run through the black-masked thief was Lee Jung. He had been at the current location due to a sudden mission from his system.

[Intercept the Ghost thief at the highlighted location]

[Reward: ???]

That was what his system had said, and his system map had opened up with a location marked on it and a timer that was counting down. Lee Jung didn\'t know what or who the ghost thief was, but as a simp for the system, he hurried over to the location that had been marked down on the map, but upon reaching there he didn\'t find anything strange.

He looked at the map to confirm that he was at the right location, and after confirming that he was at the right place he took out a sword from his system\'s inventory and began to look around, but even then he couldn\'t find anything noteworthy or anything that indicated the presence of the Ghost thief, whoever he was.

Suddenly, his eyes began glowing before they changed their colors. Each of his eyes was now a mix of white and black color and they slightly glowed as Lee Jung looked around. 

Lee Jung\'s eyes beginning to glow and then changing color was a result of him activating a blessing that he had gotten from the system as a reward a little while back. 

The name of the blessing was "Eyes of a Sage", an S-ranked blessing. 

Due to the blessing\'s high rank, it was very strong, but since Lee Jung had just gotten the blessing a few days ago, all he could do with it was to see things that couldn\'t be seen with normal human vision.

With the blessing activated, Lee Jung had noticed a gathering of mana and he had walked to the place where the mana was gathering and for some weird reason, decided to thrust his sword through the gathering mana. 

No sooner than he had done that when suddenly a black masked man with severe injuries appeared where the mana had been gathering and by \'coincidence\' Lee Jung thrust his sword into the gathering mana at that exact same moment. 

The sword ended up going through the chest of the black-masked man and running through his heart, injuring him fatally. The man dropped dead to the floor a few seconds after, leaving a completely stunned Lee Jung who had just unexpectedly killed a man.

Before the fact that he had just killed a man could set into his mind, a ding from his system sounded into his ear,

[Mission Complete!]

[Check the Ghost thief\'s body for the rewards]

The mental aggrievance that was about to attack Lee Jung immediately dispelled in the face of the greed that awoke in him and he immediately began to rummage through the dead man\'s belongings for anything valuable, but all he found was a pack of condoms, a dagger, and a USB drive.

The system rang again as he held those things in his hands,

[Rewards: USB drive and a pack of condoms]

Lee Jung was left stunned as he didn\'t expect his rewards to be something so worthless, but his mind told him that the system wouldn\'t give him something worthless, so he first put the pack of condoms into his inventory as he would be needing them later and the system had saved him the trouble of going to a pharmacy and having to deal with the awkward situation that came with the occasion.

He also threw the dagger somewhere behind him and focused on the only thing that seemed important among the rewards,

"System, what is inside the USB drive?" he asked his system.

[Fragments of Magical Runic Technology] the system answered.

Lee Jung was confused at the answer that his system gave him, so he asked another question, "What is Magical Runic Technology?"

[Magical Runic Technology is a method of turning mana into words and inscribing them to enhance or empower anything. It is a new path of mana usage that has not been discovered yet] the system explained in its mechanical emotionless voice.

Such a piece of information excited Lee Jung and his mind became excited when he thought of the possibilities that were possible with such a technology, his mind subconsciously ignoring the fact that the system had said it had not been discovered yet which was obviously a lie since if it was something that had not been discovered by anyone, it could not be present before him.

"How can I use it?" Lee Jung asked the system excitedly.

[You can\'t] 

[The USB drive only has fragments of the technology and cannot be used] The system poured cold water on Lee Jung\'s excitement with its cold mechanical voice.

"Then I\'ll just buy the knowledge from the system," Lee Jung said to himself, not letting his excitement be dampened by the system as he felt he had another way to use the technology.

"Buy Magical Runic Technology," he ordered the system.

[Magical Runic Technology Knowledge(Rank:Ex)]

[Error… skill unattainable] The system rang.

At this point Lee Jung was about to lose it, "Why will you tell me about something I can\'t use!" he shouted at the system in annoyance as he felt that the system was playing with him.

After raging internally for a while, he finally remembered that he had gotten the USB drive from the Ghost thief who was now lying dead behind him. Lee Jung looked at the body of the Ghost thief with pity as now that the man was dead, there was no way to get any information about where he had gotten the USB drive from.

\'Such a shame," He thought as he was about to turn and leave the location when he noticed a blinking blue light around where the ears of the man should be.

He quickly bent and began to unravel the mask around the Ghost thief\'s head only to discover that it was a wireless earpiece that had been attached to the man\'s ear, but since it had been covered by his mask and hair, he hadn\'t discovered when he searched his body for valuables earlier.

Lee Jung took out the earpiece that was blinking and vibrating as if it was trying to notify it\'s user of a call, only its user was dead, so its efforts were doomed to be a waste… at least until Lee Jung found it. Luckily, he knew how to operate it since he also had one, so he put the earpiece to his ear and double-tapped it to answer the incoming call,

*"…  Is the mission complete?"* a rough-sounding voice rang into Lee Jung\'s ear.

"What mission?" Lee Jung asked back, not even making the slightest effort to disguise his voice, but whether he was doing so purposefully, or he had simply forgotten to do so, no one knew.

*"Of course, it\'s the mission to steal technology from Imperium Technologies, you don\'t have any other task at the mome-… Wait, who is this?"* the other voice was already answering Lee Jung\'s question when he noticed something strange about the person he was speaking with.

Lee Jung\'s eyes widened in surprise after hearing the words coming from the other side of the call. It turned out that the USB drive had been stolen from Imperium Technologies so that obviously meant that the rest of the Magical Runic Technology was back at Imperium Technologies.

Now that he had found out this important piece of information, all that remained was for him to find a way to get it, but before that,

"Me?" he asked with a scornful voice.

"You don\'t need to know who I am… all you need to know is, your friend is dead, and you\'re next,"

"Enemies of my young master don\'t have a good end," he said mysteriously, trying to put the blame on the owner of Imperium Technologies who happened to be his enemy, Davies Lake.

Quickly after, he took out the earpiece from his ear, threw it to the ground, and smashed it under his foot. After doing that he quickly left the location and headed away, thinking of the best way to be able to st… ahem, take the Magical Runic Technology. 

He also thought of the look that Davies would have on his face after he took the Magical Runic Technology from him and ruined it, he smiled foolishly as he thought of this, not realizing the opposition he\'d have to face if he was to make such a thing come true… not to mention that Davies wasn\'t going to be looking like an idiot as he tried to do the things he had in mind, but well, a man can dream… even if the dream wasn\'t going to come to pass.

Shortly after Lee Jung left the location, some men in black suits arrived at the location following a large amount of mana they had sensed and found the Ghost thief dead on the floor. They immediately called it into Daniella, who also told Davies and he quickly made his way over to the location as quickly as possible.

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