One day ago…

After taking the USB drive from the ghost thief, Lee Jung got in his car and quickly drove away from the location as he had an inkling that someone with this sort of information and the state that he was in was probably being chased so it was best for him to not be seen at this location otherwise he may end up in trouble.

Even though he had a lot of pride and had been quite brazen ever since he got the system and began his new outlook in life, he still knew to follow his instincts at that moment, and they were telling him to bolt, which he did and he somehow managed to escape the web of bodyguards who were charging on to that location.

After managing to get far away, he turned and began moving in the direction of the "Diamonds in the Rough," as he had received an invitation to the store after saving an old woman yesterday who somehow was the wife of the owner of this famous establishment.

As he drove to the store, he suddenly remembered that there was a reward for the \'Find the ghost thief\' mission and since it was an unknown reward, it was probably something good… or something very useless, but he chose to believe in his luck, so he quickly opened his system interface while keeping his fingers crossed in high hopes for a very good reward.

[Reward for completing the mission: High-grade Mana poison antidote]

\'Mana poison antidote?\'

\'What was that?\' he wondered as he tapped on the interface to see the effects of the mana poison antidote. 

[High-grade Mana poison antidote: can cure any type of mana poison effects]

The explanation was pretty basic, and it described just enough information for one to know the usage of the antidote, but Lee Jung who didn\'t even know what mana poison was didn\'t know whether to be happy or distraught that he got this kind of reward.

At least, since it was something that was high grade, it was probably useful and he would probably need it in the future, and even if he didn\'t end up needing it, he could probably sell this thing at a very good price, he had heard somewhere that these kinds of things were things that any Mega would willingly pull open their purse strings in a bid to acquire it.

With this, Lee Jung consoled himself for not being able to get a reward that would be instantly useful for him, or at least something he knew how to use.

**Back to present…**

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

"Oh how the great Davies Lake has fallen," an annoyingly familiar voice rang in Davies\'s ears just when he had rested his back and tried to concentrate on reigning in his mana while waiting for Melinda to arrive with his car.

He opened an eye to see Lee Jung walking towards him from the direction of the door of banquet hall with an excessively smug look on his face as he strode confidently. 

Davies had completely forgotten that Lee Jung had been following him when he had left the banquet hall due to the more pressing matters… the matters that could actually threaten his life and for now Lee Jung still fell short of that. 

It was only now that Lee Jung had appeared again that Davies remembered that Lee Jung was actually present and since he had been following him, had probably seen everything that had happened just bare moments ago, including when Davies had been poisoned.

Seeing Lee Jung speaking so smugly didn\'t manage to rile Davies as he knew that there was nothing Lee Jung could do to him and he was also probably not the one that arranged this attempt on his life so there was nothing to fear, so he simply closed his eye, completely unperturbed by Lee Jung\'s presence and returning his focus to the more important thing at the moment, which was reigning in his mana even though he was rapidly losing his ability to control mana.

Davies acting completely unperturbed by Lee Jung\'s presence did not make Lee Jung keep quiet, but rather he became incensed by Davies simply ignoring him like he was not worth even paying any attention to him, so he wanted to make him pay and luckily he had something that could probably be used for that in this situation, but first, he sneakily pulled out a spy camera that was made like a small fly and could maneuver itself like an automated drone.

It was a reward he had gotten from a mission a while back.

He put it on secretly and threw it into the air where it stabilized itself and began to video the scene. 

He had gotten a mana poison antidote yesterday which could probably help Davies recover, and he wanted Davies to beg for it, while he recorded such a scene. 

"Oh dear, are you poisoned?" Lee Jung immediately began acting out his part while smirking inwardly.

\'Why the fuck is this idiot asking me such a question when he saw me shot by poison darts just minutes ago?\' Davies wondered internally with annoyance at this protagonist\'s actions that only proved time and time again, that he had been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Of course, since he had his eyes closed the whole time and was not paying any attention to Lee Jung, he did not know what Lee Jung had done a few moments prior, especially since he was concentrating wholeheartedly on reigning in his mana and couldn\'t use it to sense his environments, thus he did not reply and simply kept mute, but that did not deter Lee Jung who continued his act,

"Is it some sort of special poison… like maybe a mana poison?" Lee Jung drawled like a serpent trying to entice a fair maiden.

This time Davies\'s eyes shot open and stared coldly at Lee Jung in slight annoyance, his surprise almost making him lose control over his mana in an instant, but luckily, he was not short of self-control.

\'How did he know?\' Davies thought while glaring suspiciously at Lee Jung. 

Lee Jung was indeed right, the poison that he had unluckily been shot with was actually a mana poison, otherwise, it wouldn\'t have this much of an effect on him. 

The issue here was how did Lee Jung know that?

While it was true that Lee Jung had watched him get shot by the poison darts… twice, it was impossible for him to determine what sort of poison Davies had been shot with, after all, the poison hadn\'t been researched or identified, nor did it have any obvious symptoms that could make anyone guess, and Lee Jung wasn\'t the one who had been shot by the dart so he didn\'t know how Davies was feeling right now… also

\'Does he even know what mana poison is?\' 

"How did you know?" Davies finally decided to ask as he didn\'t want to stress himself overthinking things.

\'I was right!\' Lee Jung thought as he laughed evilly to himself.

He had always known that the system had always given him things that were useful or essential for him and it was always so accurate to the point that he had begun to believe that the system could see the future.

It seemed the system was right again. It had given him an antidote that could cure mana poison just the day before Davies got poisoned by mana poison.

What he didn\'t understand was why the system would give him an antidote that could cure his enemy.

Was the system trying to make him save Davies?

He didn\'t understand what was happening, but if that truly was the system\'s goal, then he would have to say,

"No, thanks."

He wanted Davies to suffer, to grovel beneath his feet like a dog… so he wasn\'t going to do something like saving him, and even if he ended up doing so, it wouldn\'t be without cost, for Davies.

Thinking this, he continued his act. He put his hand into his suit and in that moment, sneakily brought out the high-grade mana poison antidote from his inventory, before bringing out his hand from his jacket and holding out the antidote in front of Davies, not realizing, nor caring about how suspicious he looked at the moment.

"Luckily for you, I have a high-grade mana poison antidote that can probably solve your problems," he spoke as he shook the tube that had the antidote invitingly like he was trying to seduce Davies.

*\'BOOM\'* an explosion went off inside Davies\'s head as he saw Lee Jung pull out a tube filled with suspicious-looking liquid that he called a high-grade poison antidote.

Once again, he almost lost control of his mana as he felt the puzzle that had been bothering him this whole time click into place even without him trying to solve it.

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