Picking up Girls With My System

Chapter 375 Empty Blood Crystal Bait

The army of vampires made their way toward the area where the inheritance supposedly was and started using their magic to toss the sand away, excavating the place.

It took them a while, but after one hour of doing that, a type of crypt appeared, still covered in sand, but they could see the entrance, which was an immense door! Fifty people could pass through it at the same time!

Arthur was watching everything with the other adventurers, and when he saw the vampires getting close to the tomb, he knew it was his time to act. He whispered something in Garry\'s ears, and he did the same with Larry and Terry, explaining how the plan would work.

He then used his mental connection with the dragon and said, "you will give me the inheritance, right? I plan to use it to track the Blood Monarch and kill him! He lives in the same place as the other \'gods\' who destroy our race."

"Yes. I will give it to you now! But you first need to get close to me, as the inheritance is inside a blood crystal, and if I toss it to you now, everyone will see it."

"No problem."

The three dragon priests were ready to help Arthur in anything, and they knew how the plan would work.

You see, even if Arthur, a dragon, were protected by the laws of the continent, the adventurers there would still attack him after the battle with the vampires.

They did not say it aloud, but they wanted the inheritance for themselves and were willing to do anything to get their hands on it. Greed was something powerful, and Arthur knew that well.

So, he had another plan: to give the blood crystal to the three dragons\' priests and make them run away from there. Arthur believed they were trustworthy and under a pact, so it would not be possible even if they wanted to betray him.

Then, it started! One of the vampires went to the crypt\'s door to open it, and when it did, the entire door crumbled to pieces as a gigantic red-scaled dragon came out of it!

Its power? The peak of rank three, but being a dragon meant it was way stronger than all the vampires and adventurers there! But it was still only one against hundreds of enemies, so it was almost impossible to win, well, that if it did not have any help!

When that dragon showed up, the leader of the adventurers involuntary gazed at Arthur and saw him jumping in the air toward the other dragon\'s direction.

Arthur\'s body changed while he was in the air, growing to an extraordinary size, even more, significant than the red-scaled dragon, who had the size of a 20 stories building.

Now, two dragons flew in the sky, and each time they flapped their wings, lots of sand from the desert flew, and even some of the vampires could not withstand the force and went flying.

One was all red with golden eyes, while the other was all black with eyes that kept changing colors, and one had a unique color, too — his Emperor Eye.

"Where are the other three hunters who came with him? Where?"

With two dragons appearing in front of them, like a legend, no one paid attention to Larry, Garry, and Terry, who were already on Arthur\'s back, flying in the sky.

"I don\'t like people using me as a mount. Maybe if you three were girls… Give me the Blood Crystal; I will use it to get the inheritance, and they will leave this battlefield to distract all the others."

"Do you trust them?" Valethar asked.

"They are Dragon Priests."

"Oh, I get it."

Valethar grabbed a tiny Blood Crystal with his claws. It was so small it was funny to see such immense feet holding it, and Arthur was not even sure how he did that!

The three Dragon Priests got out of Arthur\'s back and flew toward one of Valethar\'s legs, where the crystal was, and they got it, returning to where Arthur was. Arthur touched the Blood Crystal, and all of it went to his mind, meaning it was now only an empty crystal, but it could still fool many of them.

Then, Arthur looked at the three Dragon Priests and roared! The force of that roar was so significant the three brothers went flying; coupled with their flying spells, it made them so fast no one could see a thing!

Now, one problem was settled. The three Dragon Priests were far from the battlefield, and they carried the empty crystal. No one was stupid, and some vampires and adventurers saw the three men flying away, taking a Blood Crystal, and they understood what it was!

"Follow these three; they have the inheritance!" one of the vampires said.

Only a few vampires left the battlefield to chase the three brothers as Arthur and Valethar breathed fire on the vampires, turning some into ashes in a second!

They would not allow them to leave the battlefield, so they dived down to attack them with gigantic paws! With one strike, ten or more vampires turned into pulps of meat.

There was still a problem. Almost all of the adventurers left to chase Garry, Larry, and Terry, and even though they did not have the inheritance, they could still get pissed and attack the three brothers — that if Arthur did not save them first, or if the adventurers caught them.

"I believe those three are experts in flying and hiding." Thought Arthur, as he did not want to see his new Dragon Priests die.

As for the vampires, they had a chance of winning if it was only one dragon, but two? That was impossible! Almost all the weaker vampires died in the first exchange of attacks, either slammed by dragon paws, eaten alive, or turned into charcoal by the fire breath.

But there were still some powerful vampires among them. Fifteen peak rank three vampires! That was a force to reckon with, making Arthur and Valethar focus more on the upcoming battle.

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