Ranking System

Chapter 41 SS: A Boss's Boredom

[Linsey POV]

I\'m bored. Sitting inside my office daily and having nothing but the paperwork is tedious.

"Boss, please help me with the paperwork."

Jasmine, my number one slave, was working on the desk. She had signed us up with an exciting person a week ago. And I haven\'t seen him since then.

Nene was also gone, and the place had gotten quieter. I heard that Charles had been in the attack in London. I wondered how he was doing.

"Boss, please help! I can\'t take it anymore."

An idea popped up. Since Charles had a fun power to use, why not make him use it? As long as I reward him, he should agree to it.

"Jasmine. Call in Charles!"

"But boss... What about these papers?"

"You can do them after you call him."

Jasmine looked like she wanted to cry. Getting her phone out, she made a call to Charles. I couldn\'t help but be excited to see what he could do with his skill.

Looking at Jasmine\'s talk, judging by their conversation, she had. Jasmine managed to get Charles to join in for fun.

"Boss, he\'ll arrive any time soon. Please do most of the paper before he comes..."

Jasmine was exhausted from the lack of sleep. Since she got Charles to fill in, she could use some rest.

"Jasmine, go sleep. You look like a witch at the moment."

"And whose fault is that?"

She usually wouldn\'t speak to me like this. But since she is tired, I\'ll let it slide for now. Jasmine used my bed and rested there.

I should do the most of what I can before Charles shows up. Sighing at the abysmal amount of paper, I started to work.


After thirty minutes, Charles and Nene showed up. My eyes widened in surprise, seeing how much Charles had grown.


My favorite person greeted me with delight. Nene ran up and embraced me. Her boobs were still prominent, and I could feel her squeezing me.

"I can see you\'re doing well. Too well."

"Of course~! He\'s the one~!"

So, he fits the criteria of what Nene wanted. Looking at him, I could see why. He has been pleasing to the eyes from the day I first saw him. And he would only continue to grow.

"I see..."

"Charles, it\'s been a while."

"It has been, boss."

Now that he is here, we could start the fun. There was a place in mind where I wanted to go with him.

"Nene. Get the prisoners. A game is about to start."


Nene then left, leaving me alone with Charles. Since we are alone, I wonder how he felt during the invasion of London.

"These past few days must be rough. How did you feel during the attack?"

First-time experiences are memorable. He did well for someone who knew nothing. But for someone with his abilities, it was horrendous.

Charles\'s skill is one of a kind. It is a power that no man should hold all to himself. If he had been using his brain, he could have instantly destroyed the threat.

Today\'s call was simple. I would call him here for some fun and make him bolder. I understand he had a shitty past, but now he is essential to that world. Charles would need to get used to these situations for future events.

"I was distressed by what had happened. Even though I have a strong skill, it was useless against people that could easily blow me away."

There was a tint of frustration that could be seen. What he said was correct, but he couldn\'t stop the threat because his thoughts were limiting him.

"Boss~! I got the prisoners~!"

Before I could continue with some big talk, Nene came back. That is fine. He will soon realize his problem.

"Let\'s go."

We left my room with them and entered my favorite room. We arrived in the control room. Here we can observe the actions of every prisoner.

pAn,Da-n0v e1,c Nene had ten of these prisoners inside a room full of fun. All of them will be doing a challenge for freedom.

The room that they are trapped in is a maze full of traps. This would usually be boring if it\'s only that. But now that we have Charles, the fun will be at least tripled.

"Charles, add ten percent of your skill on each of these prisoners."

In the last test subject, ten percent and twenty percent had died. Twenty percent had died four days ago due to a ripple from space. He was unfortunate and got split in half, dying a bloody death.

Ten percent died because he was stabbed to death by an officer. We had freed them as we promised, but he still committed a crime. The officer slipped and stabbed his heart by accident, making him dead.

The ten prisoners here would most likely die. But won\'t it be entertaining to someone who lives in all of this?

Their struggles, pain, and even motivation will be at their peak. That\'s what makes these games so exciting.

"Boss~! You\'re making a weird face again~!"

Way to ruin my thoughts. But Nene was right. It was unsightly for me to make these faces. Beginning the game for these prisoners, the cage around them had opened.

The prisoners here weren\'t hand-selected, but people who had offered themselves to join these games.

Every one of these prisoners somewhat knew what kind of entertainment I enjoyed. For the price of freedom, they would\'ve to risk themselves for it.

With the games starting, every one of these prisoners ran out and tried to escape from the maze they were put at.

"Charles, why don\'t we make a bet?"

"A bet?"

"Let\'s guess how many of these people will survive. Isn\'t that fun?"

Hook, line, and sinker. Charles, you\'re still too green. A game like this will only be my victory. I can\'t wait to get what I want from you.

"Sure, let\'s do it."

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