The Empress' Livestream

Chapter 529 - Three-Way Battle (XIII)

Chapter 529: Three-Way Battle (XIII)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Qiguan Rang was left behind by her at Jiaoping district, whatever she says counts now. Upon her orders, White moved its legs and charged forward at lightning speed.

The Tsing Yi army at Maolin district were so badly affected that they lost all motivation to fight. They pathetically fled, utterly defeated, then having escaped for a certain distance, some generals started to assemble their people so naturally their moving speed will slow down. After they accounted for more than half their men and defeated generals, they were about to face a major trial.

One of the scouts cleared his throat and spat, then spoke crudely, “Who ever said Xiangyang district was barren and left without troops, this is ridiculous, is this what an empty and vulnerable state looks like? This is even harder to accept than swallowing bones, it is so infuriating...What a great loss.”

His comrade by his side sat his buttocks on the ground, with both his hands he wiped his face then remarked with menace, “This revenge will be remembered from henceforth, in future, we must make those men in Xiangyang district pay! The grievances our brothers suffered cannot be treated lightly.”

Others stared into the vast space dejectedly, no one knew what they were looking at.

From afar, the Tsing Yi army were gathering together, each one crest-fallen and looking down in dismay, their expressions were dejected looking like a rooster who just lost a fight. They had no strength in their expressions nor energy to look at, this made anyone looking at them feel unhappy and secretly deem them as good-for-nothing.

Some scouts were displeased with these pragmatic soldiers, isn’t it just a defeat in battle, must they go to this far? Aren’t they still alive? If they live, there’s surely a day they will get their revenge. These useless fools who saw the dire situation and fled faster than anyone else.

“Firstly, let’s consolidate our manpower and plan in more detail after we return to Maolin district.”

Desiring to take advantage of the situation initially, they didn’t get to benefit as instead they were outwitted and in a disadvantageous position which was really an embarrassment.

It is impossible to capture Xiangyang district which was such a popular territory. It’s better to retreat so that their own territory is not left vacant for too long as it might give others a chance to invade.

It just occurred to the head commander of the Tsing Yi soldiers that he had insufficient men in his home territory. Nevertheless, he isn’t worried, since Maolin district has already been emptied of all its resources, there’s no chance that oil or water can be found. The Tsing Yi troops approaching couldn’t be bothered to even glimpse at it, why would they covet it?

But they forgot that the other Tsing Yi army will indeed not covet it, but it doesn’t mean Jiang Pengji isn’t tempted...

Now that Fengyi county’s four districts are all in her hands. She is now the district magistrate of Xiangyang district in name, but she is indeed the county chief of Fengyi county. Never mind Dongqing in this country, even if you look at other countries, is there any county chief younger than her?

She is completely confident that within a year she can transform Fengyi county to a bustling city and regain its prosperity. After peace reigns in Fengyi county, the next aim is the entire nine prefectures!

Those Tsing Yi troops who gathered together had no sense of danger approaching, they unsuspectingly sat on the ground one after another and their stomachs were rumbling with hunger. They had already lost the weapons in their hands as they ran for their lives, and now in their hunger and weariness, many just lay down to rest without much thought.

Looking at the disorganised Tsing Yi soldiers, their chieftains were red with fury and stretched their necks in frustration, they wished to give them all a whipping and wake them up.

“None of the soldiers from Xiangyang district chased after us...” One of the scouts observed surprised.

Another who had some insights, answered, “They didn’t leave the city to chase us probably because they do have not enough men within, and the city is their limit.”

If not for this reason, based on Xiangyang district’s aggressive nature, they would have totally exterminated all of the Tsing Yi army.

That scout spoke with wisdom, “If it is so hard to fight against them when they are outnumbered, won’t it be disastrous if they had enough men? Stop inflating the ego of others and undermining ourselves. Perhaps they just didn’t see the need to chase after us... Even if they have a lack of manpower in the city, were you able to invade them?

This question left his comrade speechless; both looked silently at each other and showed a helpless expression. That their enemies didn’t chase after them is eventually worth rejoicing over. They have more time to organise their men. As they heaved a sigh of relief, a soldier who was on the lookout from afar came rushing over to report.

“Reporting to the general, the enemies are approaching from afar.”

What? Are their enemies approaching?

From the great to the small men in Tsing Yi army, all were dumbfounded. One black faced strongman continued to ask, “Enemies are coming? How many of them?”

The pitiful Tsing Yi soldier stammered as he said, “Their speed is lightning quick, their numbers, their total headcount is undetermined.”

“Useless fool, what use is your eyes!” The black faced strongman angrily grabbed his collar and raised him up to throw him down hard on the ground. The soldier rolled twice on the sand, then fell till his head throbbed with pain and his vision became so blurred that he saw stars. “I will go and see for myself.”

The black faced Tsing Yi soldier made a noise of disdain and with great strides he quickly looked afar from a high place to check his enemies’ situation.

Without seeing he’ll be ignorant, but once seen it is utterly frightening...

Indeed, as the Tsing Yi soldiers now believed, this group of enemies was moving at great speed and they were now less than a few hundred meters away. Behind them, there was a thick layer of dust and sand as if many horses were riding furiously so they had no means to verify how many enemy troops there were.

Nevertheless, solely counting the enemy troops running from the sand, there were hundreds of them, at least 3000 soldiers coming at them.

They were an army of three thousand that emerged victorious, mighty and proud, ands bursting with energy. Although they still had 4000 men, they were all tired and unmotivated to fight. If both troops meet each other in battle, there’s almost no chance they can win. The only possible scenario is a re-enactment of their utter defeat.

At this point, the scout couldn’t resist the temptation to retreat, he just wanted to hurriedly find an escape route. So long as their territory remains, they can always make a comeback. As for his comrades lying on the ground, what has their life or death got to do with him?

From another location, Jiang Pengji led 500 men to battle at the front, the remaining 300 troops emerged from the sand in batches. This will create a false impression of a large group of troops yet in reality... She only had a few troops cut some trees and used the branches to dance around, creating a thick layer of dust.

This strategy has many loopholes but it’s enough to trick the Tsing Yi soldiers momentarily.

Viewers in the livestream room witnessed her craftiness and they successively despised her.

Dage Maicaoxie: “Speaking of which, streamer, when you use this trick to fool others, have you considered honourable Zhangfei’s emotions?”

Erge Wudadao: “Ai, for once Zhangfei Dalao is smart, his plans were even plagiarised by the streamer, how disheartening.”

Of course, the crux of the matter is not in the strategy but in “deception”.

As long they remain deceived, counting on their despaired psychological states because they just suffered a defeat, the likelihood of going to war again is extremely low. Even if they did, their prowess in fighting is insignificant. Jiang Pengji went forth confidently with 700 to 800 men but she has full faith that they can completely wipe out all 3000 to 4000 Tsing Yi army.

“Our enemies have come! Get up, everybody!”

“The enemies are approaching to kill, quickly run!”

With a loud shout, many Tsing Yi troops awoke from their slumber, they heard the enemy’s troops nearing, their bodies already made a reflex reaction to the situation.


Fleeing as far as possible is better!

A majority of Tsing Yi army were escaping blindly so without doubt the resistance Jiang Pengji faced is extremely weak. White excitably increased its running speed, Tsing Yi army were just a defeated group of troops, how many can keep up with it?

Some realised they couldn’t escape and they should just turn around and fight it out. Unexpectedly, they had no chance to even come close to her when White already lifted its front legs and rewarded them by trampling on their chests. Only the sound of crushing bone was heard and they all fell, vomited blood and had weak breathing.

Jiang Pengji held her sharp spear in a waving motion, her moves were extremely basic, but every move drew lives from others.

Wherever White passed, the master and horse moved along in perfect symmetry.

Jiang Pengji immediately started killing while White rushed forward to lead the way. It used both its hoofs to kick the enemies, as if killing to find a way forward.

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