Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 877 877 Free Food

Chapter 877 Chapter 877 Free Food

"Look at him walk like nothing happened."

"Fat Harris is such a chad! I admire him!"

"What a disgusting piece of human pig!" There were many talks around both of praise and ridicule but our bored gamer took it all in stride.

He had experienced far worse states that a mere video of him jerking off could be considered a walk in the park for him. It was nothing more but child\'s play and bullies galore.

Clark arrived in his classroom and everything that has mouth laughed at him in chorus.

Nevertheless, everyone got the same indifference that our avid gamer possessed from start to finish.

"Hey, pig! You got some nerve coming in here! Don\'t you know that you\'re now super popular in the world!

That vid of you fucking yourself to abandon has made it to the topmost trending clips! HAHAHA!" A boy openly disrespected our very own protagonist.

"..." Clark was of course too old to play games with these young ones. Thus, he got himself an a pair of earbuds and listened to the most selected music picks of today.

His bullies of course did not like that move.

"Are you ignoring me, pig?!" The same boy shouted quite valiantly and waited no reply whatsoever.

He charged and was about to give a single hard love tap on the head of our good gamer. Alas, such a thing was not anymore easy compared to the past.

"CRACK!" A lone hand was caught unawares and was then twisted mercilessly thereafter.

Although Clark\'s present body had more fat than he could ever imagine but that same mountain of fat carried an enormous strength within.

The boy with the broken hand never had a chance at all.

"AHHHHHHHHH! You broke my hand! You\'re dead meat, pig!" The bully roared in pain and then ordered his batch of friends to gang up on the fat boy. The result was the same as before.



"CRACK!" Five students had their legs, hands, and nuts broken a couple of times.

Our bored gamer made sure to inflict major damage so that these bullies will get an extremely unforgettable lesson today.

He hoped that this will bring them out of the dark side and into the light. These actions would of course not pass without due repercussions.

"Harrison McCarthy! Go to the Principal\'s Office at once!" The teacher in the class announced once she arrived in the scene of violence.

She could not believe that the good and innocent Harris could do this kind of horrible thing to his classmates.

* * *

"Do you have super powers, Harris?" This was the first question that came out from the principal\'s mouth. The man was old and had thick glasses on.

He really looked the part of being a dignified leader of education.

"I don\'t have any, Sir." Clark lied.

One should know that this school were for normal humans and he certainly did not like to transfer school since this suited his purpose well enough for now.

There were a lot of variables in studying in schools that catered those with abilities. Our bored gamer wanted to amass strength before unveiling his ability for the first time.

"I believe you, boy. But i don\'t have any choice in the matter."

"You will have to undergo a couple of tests on the morrow."

"If it is deemed that you possess any kind of gift..."

"...then this place is not for you. I will call your parents later." The principal said and returned to becoming busy with the thick stack of papers that called for his attention.

"I understand, Sir." Clark left and returned to his classroom. The atmosphere in the class turned serious once everyone saw him. Even the lady teacher gulped a couple of times.

It was obvious that her opinion about this fat boy has changed for the worse. Not that it bothered our bored gamer one bit. The class resumed after a time until recess came at break.

* * *

Our avid gamer ate his snacks in peace but was surprised to see a group of girls vying for his attention. He ignored them just like he should but this group was ever persistent in their ways.

Before long, one of them even got the courage to stand up and approach the fattest boy sitting in the canteen.

"Are you Harrison McCarthy?" The girl asked. She was moderately pretty but extremely sexy. The tight clothes on her revealed a lot about her.

Nonetheless, Clark was not at all aroused at her presence.

"Yup. That is my name." Our avid gamer nodded. He then returned his attention to the tasty sandwich on his hand.

For him, this food was a dozen more delectable than anyone else in the scene.

"I\'m Hazel. Do you want to go somewhere with the girls and i after school? We\'d just hang out and maybe play some games. We\'ll make it worth your time. I promise."

Hazel said and bit her lips sexily. It was clear that she had come to seduce our good gamer. That lewd video of him may have been the sole cause of this mystery.

One should know that his little brother was not so little at all and so a few of the girls would want experience something that impossibly huge in real life.

So this was a curiosity for these girls and nothing more. But how could Clark agree to being used as a toy?

"Thank you for the offer but I\'m rather busy after school." Our bored gamer answered and ignored the girl once more. This has prompted the latter to back down from her endeavor.


"I hope that video would not anymore give me a headache in the coming days." Clark mused in silence as he wanted to have some peaceful days to practice his ability.

A lot of them if he could. He had scoured the myriad videos in the net and could easily conclude that he would become a meat paste if he\'d go against the strongest men and women of today.

With another deep breath, our bored gamer finished his sandwich.

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