The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 298 - Don’t Choke!

Anyway, Emilia couldn\'t possibly overwhelm her physically, and Noelle believed she knew the girl well enough to get a good feel of her character. Her little boss would only use the strength of other people against those she considered as her enemies.

After a while, the gray-haired girl cleared her throat awkwardly. "T-That\'s a lot of confidence for a little girl, huh. But… even if you\'re confident, what if it were impossible? What would you do then… cry?"

Emilia seemed to seriously consider her words, her beautiful brows furrowed in thought. Having expected her to immediately scoff and retort overconfidently, Noelle couldn\'t help but find it a little adorable, but soon shook off that thought.

In the end, the younger girl nodded hesitantly. "W-Well… maybe, yeah. I\'ll cry, and then come bother you whenever I have time. If nothing else works… I\'ll give you the ultimatum."

Noelle blinked. "That\'s… horrible?"

Even if she ignored the last part, whatever the \'ultimatum\' was supposed to be, there were still more than a few things wrong with the thought process of her little boss!

Emilia blinked in confusion. "Isn\'t it a privilege to be bothered by me?"

Noelle couldn\'t help but burst into giggles. "How can you be so— Ahaha…!"

Even if it was true, listening to it coming from the person herself was more than a little ridiculous.

Seeing how her companion found it funny, Emilia fluttered her eyelashes, looking exceedingly coquettish. "I\'ll have you know, a lot of people would kill to be in your place right now…"

Noelle tried her best to ignore the twitch in her heart, and once again lamented at the fact that some people could be born with such a lethal physique and naughty mind. "W-Well, I\'m not a hormonal little schoolgirl, so I\'m not really as interested."

Deciding to deter the girl a little, she sneered. "Did you know I\'m old enough to be your mom?"

Emilia stared at her in \'shock\' before she pretended to count on her fingers. "Six, seven, eight… Uhhh… If you were my mom, you wouldn\'t even have breasts to feed me milk at that time, no?"

Had she not already finished her dinner, Noelle would have surely choked on her steak.

As it was, she only choked on her own saliva, coughing uncontrollably.

She thought Emilia used her as her main source of information, but this girl had clearly looked up her profile on her own!

What infuriated her even more was that the younger girl actually had the audacity to come over and pat her back in \'worry\'.

"Are you alright?"

Waving the worried waiter away, Noelle immediately blew her top after she recovered. "Breach of privacy!"

Emilia giggled as she leaned down to kiss the top of Noelle\'s head, and then went back to her own seat as if nothing had happened. "I will obviously look into the people I\'m interested in a little, you know?"

She had to admit, Noelle was probably the first girl she had ever met who insisted on appearing and being thought of as older than she actually was.

Usually, such an attitude could only be found in some very young girls or teenagers at most, and they were bound to lose it once they \'matured\'.

The gray-haired woman grumbled. "I really want to sue you for workplace harassment…"

Emilia stuck out her tongue with a smile. "Well, as compensation, how about I serve you in bed?"

Noelle almost rolled her eyes. Look at this little sheep jumping to deliver herself into a wolf\'s mouth at every turn! Did she even know what she looked like right now?

She couldn\'t help but scoff. "Did you not learn a lesson after being cleaned up by that perverted big sister of yours?"

Emilia blinked. "Oh? My big sister is so nice and gentle, why do you make it sound like a horrible experience? If anything, I wish she\'d gone further."

Noelle just stared at her, dumbfounded. Having left hickeys all over the girl\'s body, Sam surely hadn\'t just gone a \'little too far\', but this girl was still asking for more?!

She couldn\'t help but frown. "One of these days, this attitude of yours is sure to bite you back in your butt."

Emilia smiled. "Would you like to try?"

Noelle just pointed a finger at her in exasperation before she gave up. Thankfully, their white chocolate and ginger cheesecake arrived just in time to ease the mood, and Emilia\'s attention turned from teasing her to enjoying her dessert.

Compared to Emilia, Noelle took bigger bites and finished first. In her opinion, the bigger the bite, the more intense the taste was in her mouth, at least when it came to desserts and confectioneries.

After she was done, looking at the younger girl peacefully enjoying the cheesecake, Noelle couldn\'t help but sigh. \'I can never tell which side of her is the real her.\'

When dealing with serious matters, the wit and planning ability this girl showed her was nothing to scoff at, and Noelle couldn\'t match that image with the somewhat ditzy, innocent, and mischievously charming beauty in front of her at all.

But when she really thought about it, Noelle realized that Emilia didn\'t seem to be pretending in either case, and both sides seemed to reflect a part of her nature.

The only thing she found somewhat \'fake\' was when the girl tried to appear domineering.

Clearly, this was a soft and tender little girl both inside and out. Not to mention her physique, Noelle was sure that Emilia\'s nature leaned more towards \'kind\' than \'naughty\', no matter how she tried to make it appear otherwise.

Recalling how the boy they had been dealing with even popped a boner while being \'beaten\', Noelle couldn\'t help but frown. \'I should really find a way to convince her to let me deal with those who try to harm her next time. Emilia is really… too softhearted.\'


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