Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 841 Demon Trap

Chapter 841 Demon Trap

The journey to such a place had been long and evidently delayed by the way the demons moved, obviously preparing some kind of trap for him. But with no choice in the situation he was in, Lothur had followed the demons\' orders these days until he reached the current point of his voyage.

That afternoon, while they were moving in the same way they had been for days, the demons suddenly stopped.

"What is it?" Lothur asked as the group stood still in a mountainous area of one of the states in the southern region of Concordia.

Before someone could answer, all of the demons that had been traveling with him for the past few days moved further away from him.

As they did so, a circle with a pentagram inside it suddenly glowed, making Lothur realize he was inside some kind of formation.

"We\'re here!" The strongest demon in the group said as a wall of light emerged from the glowing dots on the ground, quickly covering Lothur\'s entire surroundings, leaving him no place to escape.

Lothur\'s eyebrows furrowed as he realized the trap he had fallen into, something he hadn\'t felt even though he had used his sight ability every moment of the journey here.

\'What is this?\' He looked down at the pentagram with a circle around it and realized this was no ordinary formation.

That was a formation, but it seemed to be connected to a small energy star. And even with all his skills as a formations master, Lothur had no idea how to destroy such a thing in a short time.

\'Is that an Immortal Crystal?\' His eyes widened considerably, as this was one of the few explanations for a situation that even he couldn\'t solve quickly.

He looked at one of his wrists and immediately tried to escape the area where he was trapped but failed, feeling one of the first limitations of a quasi-Diamond-grade item.

But that wasn\'t so strange. Immortal Crystals were at the same level. Since he had fallen into the enemy\'s trap first, he was now in a situation where even his escape item was temporarily blocked!


Lothur raised his guard, immediately becoming more serious about his current situation.

As he did so, the demons around him felt more relieved, while one of them sent a message to their leaders.

"He fell into the trap. You can move now, elders." The strongest of the group said to a communicator.

The demons who had planned that trap were no fools. They knew Lothur would notice them nearby if they hid in the area.

So, instead of waiting for him there, they used one of their finest and most complex artifacts to temporarily trap Lothur while they remained hidden in a cave 200 kilometers away.

Upon receiving the warning that all had gone well, these creatures crossed space within seconds of the level 24 demon\'s message, quickly reaching where Lothur was already attempting to destroy the barrier, preventing his escape.

"Hahahahahaha, you\'ve fallen, young Lothur!" The level 24 demon who had wiped out the young Ritter\'s party laughed when he saw this guy in that situation. "But like I said, you won\'t suffer much. We just want the singularities inside your body. After that, we\'ll leave you alone!"

\'I\'d be dead by then!\' Lothur clenched his fists and stopped attacking the barrier above him while looking at the 10 newly arrived individuals.

Among those 10 were that level 24 demon, 6 other individuals of that level, and 3 level 25 demons!

Seeing the status of the strongest one there, Lothur couldn\'t help but feel his heart beat faster.

[Unknown Demon] 

[Soul Cultivation: level 25]

[Body Cultivation: level 24] 

[STR: 21,000] [CON: 25,200] 

[DEX: 22,500] [AGI: 22,200]

[INT: 14,028] [PER: 19,258] 

[WIL: 21,654] [SOU: 72,899]

\'Damn it, did they send the strongest of the demons below the Demon Emperor to come after me?\' Lothur swallowed his saliva, confident that he would have incredible problems that day.

But first, he asked. "Where are my women?"

"You mean these four women?" One of the level 25 demons asked as he used his hands to open a gate that led to where Viktoria, Annaliese, Elke, and Rebecca were.

Seeing his women chained, dirty, and wounded, Lothur realized they were alive but in a horrible situation.


"Don\'t waste your breath, Lothur. You\'ll meet soon enough!" The level 24 demon he\'d lost weeks ago laughed, seeing that his previous failure would not cost him his tribe\'s plans. "You and they will be reunited in death in a very short time!

In fact, you will be more deeply united than anyone else in this world!

While you give us the essences in your bodies to awaken the Demon Emperor, your women will be eaten by him!

Rejoice, for you will all be united in the powerful body of Concordia\'s strongest being!"

"Fuck you! I will destroy you someday!" Lothur brandished as he turned red with rage, his facial veins bursting as he shouted.

"Hope, eh?" One of the level 25 demons, a woman, subtly laughed as she shook her head negatively. "It\'s useless. You\'re already dead. You just don\'t know it yet, hybrid."

The third level 25 demon commented. "Deactivate the formation. He won\'t get away."

"Are you sure about that, elder?" One of the level 23 demons asked, knowing Lothur had great skills and was extremely slippery.

"Even if he wants to escape, he won\'t be able to." The one who was one of the strongest creatures in this world commented as he closed his eyes.

The level 25 female nodded positively. "Do it. You will understand how lost this young man is."

Following the orders of their leaders, the weaker creatures there moved away from Lothur while the level 23 demon deactivated the powerful barrier that could contain even level 25 creatures for a few minutes.

The moment he was free, Lothur smiled, determined to eliminate them all.

"You shouldn\'t have done that..." He mischievously laughed as he prepared to use his bloodline ability, eager to kill at least a few of these stronger demons from the demon tribe.

"It won\'t be that easy." The strongest level 25 demon, with two hands behind his body, suddenly showed one of his hands, revealing a small black crystal.

Then he said. "Go back to your commander. Your work is done, parasite."

Lothur\'s eyebrows knitted together, but when he saw something appear in his vision, he suddenly turned pale.

"It can\'t be..."

[Extracting singularities from the host\'s body...]

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