500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 328 Challenge X5

"It\'s fine. I know that after you are done with all this cult stuff, you will be back home, and then we will just be waiting for the boat to be finished. This is helping everyone by doing this, and you are trying to save people that have been taken, so I get it. If I hadn\'t come with you at first, I don\'t think that I would have been able to understand this, but I got to experience what was happening and see what you were doing for the people, along with being able to help. I know now that this is something that you need to do, so take the time that you need," Eliza explained, and I smiled warmly at her as Breya knew this was her cue to get up.

I went over and gave my little Countess a long kiss and a hug before letting her go. "Every day, you grow more and more. I am really proud of you."

"You too," Eliza said, and she turned to include the others. "I am proud of all of you girls, and I know that you will be able to stand up against this as a family."

"Good, Good, now get out," Tallia said as she gestured for a portal, and everyone but Olivia and I were left with her. Tallia made another portal back to our room at the inn, and Olivia walked through, but Tallia stopped me. "I am not going to keep being your taxi. Go spend some time with Cancer and see if you can figure out how to get your Astral Powers back. It is silly that we all have to keep making portals for you when you are able to take that power away from us but can\'t seem to use it yourself."

Tallia made a fair point, and I nodded and gave her a kiss before heading back to my room, where Olivia was waiting for me. The portal closed, and she gave me a look.

"What about Cancer? Why aren\'t you spending time with her?" Olivia asked, and I sighed as I realized that she didn\'t know what had happened after I left. All the goddesses that were in Yaggisdral must have been brought here as soon as I left.

Olivia was Scorpio\'s disciple, and she trained with him, but that also meant that she didn\'t know about him leaving Cancer.

"Well, Scorpio found a box full of my picture and a bunch of sex toys," I said, and Olivia started to cough.

"He what?! You can\'t be serious?! What happened?!" Olivia demanded after getting her coughing fit under control.

I then explained everything that happened and how Scorpio was now with one of the Pisces twins, Cestia. Olivia went over and sat down on the bed, and stayed quiet for a bit before speaking.

"That... Is quite the story. What does Aries think of all of this? She is not really the type to let things go," Olivia finally said, and I shrugged.

"Haven\'t been back since, so I don\'t really know," I explained, and Olivia nodded.

"Well, I think you should go now. If Tallia is right, and you can somehow get your Astral Powers back, that will give us a massive advantage going forward. I am sure that you have noticed, but I still can\'t use my portals. I don\'t know what is stopping me, but it is like there is still some of me missing. I am also missing memories from when I was taken and placed in that tomb. Until I get that back, I am not even really a goddess," Olivia explained, and now it made sense why she had never offered. I had just gotten used to asking Tallia for help when I needed it, but she was right, and I did need my powers back.

"Yeah, maybe that is what I should do right now. I will only be gone for a moment anyways, so I should at least try," I said as I used my own mana to create the summoning circle for all the zodiac signs, but I put more mana into Cancers symbol.

The moment I completed the circle, I felt something appear in my pocket. I reached into my pocket and found a card. The summoning circle lit up as I pulled it out and read in big black letters on the back of the red card \'Fate.\'

The first circle for Aries lit up as I flipped the red card over in my hand, but it didn\'t move as I read the card.

"What is that?" Olivia asked as I tore the card up in frustration. It said \'Challenge x5.\'

Before I could answer, I was ripped out of my body and sent flying down the Astral Highway.

This was going to be peachy, but one day I was going to get that little bastard back for this! Fate thought he was funny, but he didn\'t know about his sister and me yet, and I had kept that to myself this entire time.

Suddenly, I was standing in a massive area that was filled with nineteen beings; one of them standing in front of me, and she looked pissed.

"So, you have finally come to get your ass beating?!" Aries roared at me, but I put my hand up to stop her.

"Zip it, Lippy. I will whoop your ass in a minute since you are itching for a fight, and Fate has decided to rear his ugly mug, so I don\'t have a choice!" I said but then hopped out of the grass and into the stands to over where Cancer was sitting.

Virgo was also beside her, but after the last experience that I had with that woman, I wasn\'t really interested. The point of my being with her was because I had no one here before, but things were different now, and I wasn\'t interested in being entertainment for others.

"Get back here!" Aries snapped, but the now full-bodied and beautiful Karma stood up. She had shoulder-length hair that was now teal, and the dress she was wearing was a flowing one of white, teal, and gold.

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