500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 651 From Destruction to Babysitting

Chapter 651 From Destruction to Babysitting

"You had better fix all of this!" The black king snapped, and I narrowed my eyes.

"You do know that most of this is your fault, right? If you would have just asked me for what you wanted, none of this would have ever happened. Instead, you invaded the upper world, and actually killed people," I said and then swept my arm around the destroyed layer and all the demon women standing around us. "None of these people died because my only issue is with you."

"So what then? You are just going to leave things like this?!" She demanded, and I tightened my gaze on her.

"I will fix everything and much more, but I have two questions. Depending on how you answer them, I might decide to spare your life, and not send you into an eternal abyss," I said menacingly as my hand turned ultra black, drinking in the light around it. "If you were willing to go this far, then what will stop you in the future?" I asked and then shook my head. "It matters not, all I care about is your answers."

Surprisingly, I still had no idea who this female demon was under that armor. I could just make the armor disappear, but I felt like there was a good reason for keeping it on for so long, and not letting anyone see her.

"Ask your questions. Not like I have any choice at this point," the Black King said, and I nodded.

"Good," I said, and then looked at all my female Zodiacs. "Do you all mind going and collecting Xieus and Rem?"

They grumbled in response, clearly unhappy with my apparent demand, but at my stern gaze, they agreed. After a silent exchange among them, Aries took the lead, guiding the group towards the rubble where Xieus and Rem were trapped. I knew the girls were fine, and I figured it would be best to have some private time with the Black King.

With the Zodiacs removed from our immediate vicinity, I turned back to the Black King, the reality of our situation sinking in. She crossed her arms over her chest churlishly, her glaring eyes never leaving mine, and I let out a resigned sigh. With a wave of my hand, a white interrogation room formed around us with a table and two chairs in the center.

"What is the meaning of this place?" The Black King asked, and I waved my hand making the seats pull back.

"A quiet place out of the view of everyone so we can have a talk. You are someone I know, but I can\'t put my finger on who it might be. I am sure if I did a head count of demons, I could figure it out, or look through your armor," I said, and then sat down. "But you have been in that stuffy armor for the entire time I have been on this layer, so you must have a good reason. Now, answers."

Looking a bit sheepish, the Black King sat down and then took off the helmet she was wearing. Long red hair fell out, and then massive curled burning horns grew out of her forehead. I was at a complete loss at first to who was staring at me, and then I noticed a scar across the front of her neck. Demons died and were reborn all the time, and any scars they got were completely healed.

"Are you trying to tell me that you actually are the king?!" I demanded, poking my finger into Diablo\'s cute cheeks.

"I have no idea how it happened, but it was when all the other men disappeared. For some reason I was turned into a female," Diablo growled and then roared out, but it was more of a cat attempting to. "Worst of all! I gained an insatiable thirst for soap operas! It was fine while there were still other worlds to steal from, but now they are all gone, and I have watched all the episodes!"

I should probably just cut his, or her head off this time.

"Are you seriously telling me that all of this is because you ran out of things to watch?" I asked in a low and dangerous voice that made Diablo squeak and throw herself on the ground.

"I am sorry! I just can\'t help it! I need more! That is why I turned the last three layers of the Underworld into a soap opera set! I only want beautiful demon women in the shows that I watch! I must have it all!" Diablo cried out with her forehead pressed into the floor.

My stunned silence filled the room in response to Diablo\'s unexpected confession. Here I was, expecting a deeper, more sinister reason for her destructive plans, only to learn she had got many of my people killed because of her addiction to soap operas.

"Get up, Diablo," I finally managed to utter in disbelief, rubbing my temples to ease the sudden headache.

Diablo, prominent horns and all looked up from her prone position, disheveled red hair scattering across her face. Her crimson eyes were wide with fear and relief, no doubt expecting a severe punishment.

"What you did was abhorrent, but it\'s not unforgivable. However, it also isn\'t something that I can simply brush off," I mused, shaking my head. "Causing all this destruction...dragging innocent lives into your thirst for drama...You didn\'t consider any other means to satiate your craving?"

Diablo dared a cautious nod, concern flickering in her eyes. "I did not know what else to do. With no other worlds to steal from, I got...desperate."

"Well, the world isn\'t going to bend to your wants, Diablo. The sooner you learn that the better for all of us," I advised, receiving a hesitant, subdued nod in return. "In the meantime, you\'ll help me clean up this mess you\'ve created and restore all the layers of the Underworld back to its original state."

Diablo recoiled, aghast. "But the sets...my shows…"

"You can recreate them in a less destructive manner. Plus, I don\'t think your soap operas will have any audience if you keep wrecking their homes," I reasoned and then raised a hand to silence any further protest. "Moreover, I will return you all to non-demon forms. I am going to fix up all the layers and correct everything so everyone can live normally. I can build you movie sets on this layer, but no others, but there is going to be a cost."

Diablo gulped, anxiety radiating from her. "A cost? What kind of cost?"

"Learning responsibility." I set my gaze on her, making sure she understood the seriousness of my words. "You are going to become my nanny."

"Your nanny?" Diablo squeaked, the color draining from her face. "But I...I don\'t know the first thing about taking care of babies!"

"You are in luck. My daughter is a handful according to my wife, but that is because she is the first of her kind. Regardless, this is not up for discussion," I said, and Diablo wailed.

"I am the Lord of Destruction! I have to rule over the Underworld!" She complained, but I shook my head.

"No, you are the Lord of Diapers now, and I already have two women that will replace you. There is no getting out of this. Just be glad that this is the only punishment that you receive. I should just banish you to the abyss for this so you never are reborn again, but I need someone capable of watching over my children," I said in a tone that brooked no nonsense.

Diablo looked like she would rather be sent into the dangerous abyss than babysit my child, but a deep sigh slipped from her ruby lips. "Fine," she finally accepted her punishment, her resistance faltering. "I will take on the responsibility of...babysitting your daughter."

I couldn\'t help but grin at her reluctant acceptance. Despite her history and horrendous recent actions, I knew that Diablo was capable of good. This new responsibility would likely help keep her mischief in check and perhaps open her heart a bit more to empathy.

"But there will be more children to care for soon," I added, trying to suppress my amusement, "There will be at least a dozen more astral children coming into existence. You\'ll be responsible for all of them."

The utter horror on Diablo\'s face was priceless but seeing as we\'ve made at least some progress with her today, I decided to let her off the hook. For now.

And just like that, the Lord of Destruction became my babysitter. The universe indeed worked in strange ways.

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