Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 55 Their First Argument

She had even requested for teachers when she was assigning jobs but no one stepped up. How could the children go to school when there were no teachers? 

She could be their teacher but she was busy and she was not the most knowledgeable individual to ask about Sunstar matters. 

"Wow, Esong Wu, did you hire teachers for these children? In fact, you have never even sent a teacher here for Justin. You are fully aware that your son is of school going age so why haven\'t you hired a teacher for him?" Scarlet went all out since he had ripped the door open. 

One of the workers ushered the children away because it seemed as though an argument was about to break out between the governor and her husband. 

Esong\'s mind spun around again. He had not anticipating this back firing on him. 

"He can go to school on the Sun star." he blurted.

Cedric hurried to pinch Esong and he whispered, "Shut up shut up, shut up."

Scarlet may have been angry in the beginning but now she was boiling with fury. "Are you trying to take my so away from me? Who is going to take care of him in the Sun star? Is this your mother\'s idea?"

Scarlet was on roll and she spun around and looked at him again. "It\'s her right? Your mother put that idea in your head because it\'s the only way she can legally have Justin brought to the Sun star. I am telling you right now Esong Wu that I will never allow my son to be taken away from me. You will have to kill me first in order for that to happen and  even if I die, you will have to pry him from my cold stiff hands."

"That\'s disturbing." Folsom whispered.

"I am his father, I have every right to take him to the capital if I wish. You don\'t get to decide what you think his entire life should be." Esong responded equally as angry as she was.

Scarlet groaned and she walked away from the group while stomping her feet and cursing Esong in her mind.  She did not want to have this argument in front of these people. She could wait until they were alone.

"Stupid man, idiot man, pig man." Some of her curses did not even make much sense but she was just saying anything that came to her mind. 

Watching her walk away, Markay suddenly said, "Well that was interesting. Your wife is quite feisty brother, she is packing quite a temper in her small frame. Somehow, this makes her more interesting than I thought." 

"Shut up." Esong replied. 

Bell looked at Esong and he shook his head. "You just had to mention sending her only child to the Sun star, if your fans knew how clueless their great mecha king  can be when it comes to women they would pity you."

"Exactly," Oak concurred with Bell. "You have been married for what, three years and you still do not know that you cannot get in between a mother and her only child. Wait until she has had a few then you can send them anywhere you want.  That\'s what I did with my wife." 

"Happy wife, happy life." Bell said. 

"Exactly." Oak added. 

"If she does not get along with your mother then avoid getting in between that situation otherwise it will look like you are favoring one over the other." Bell advised. 

"Or just always agree with your wife, your mother will understand." Oak said. 

  Esong was barely listening to them because he was analyzing his words to narrow down what exactly he had said that was wrong. In his opinion, the capital had some of the greatest schools in the galaxy and all he wanted was for his son to have the best. 

Why was she holding onto him like a treasure? Boys needed to firm up and cut the attachment from their mothers. That\'s what his own father taught him and he turned out just fine. 

Scarlet was thinking the opposite of what Esong was thinking. Her son was too young to venture out in the capital on his own. Who would cook for him, read him stories and comfort him when he was scared.

Emory Su would never do any of those things. In fact, she would use every opportunity she got to make Justin hate her. There was no way she was giving in on this issue. 

She sent a message to the only person who might be able to help, the social worker Mina. 

At this time, she was walking into the Blue forest with Severus running ahead of her. They were going hunting for souls because he knew where to find them. 

"You are slow, hurry up." Severus complained. 

"I am moving at a perfect speed, you are the one that needs to slow down. I have to look for that snake like beast which attacked a gatherer and injured him." 

"That little lizard, I can smell him already. Use your soul energy to seek him out and your eyes if you focus them properly you will be able to find it."

She focused her eyes so much for a minute that she felt a burn in the back of her eye balls. She had to blink twice and rub her eyes to ease the pain.

"I don\'t think I can do this much longer." she told him.

"Direct some soul energy to the eyes, you can\'t focus with your normal eyes, seek with your reaper eyes. You are not ordinary and you keep forgetting it. I think it\'s because you are allowing your soul energy to sit idly. Be active in using your power in any way that you can, that\'s how it will grow. Focus on your cultivation and not your petty relationship troubles and weak energy like mental strength. A powerful reaper is a thousand times more powerful than anyone with this mind power."

She focused and redirected her energy through her chi points the way Severus had taught her. She felt it flowing through her body like a warm wind and then she opened her eyes. They were glowing pure gold and suddenly, she could see things much clearer and much more different. 

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