Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 38 Raid: Toxic Slime Cavern (6)

As soon as everybody had gathered around, the leader announced his decision.

"We will be continuing with the raid," He says, and I could feel the rage bubbling within Group A.





Chaos immediately ensued, and Group B couldn\'t help but step back a bit from the angry mob slowly approaching them.

The reason why they didn\'t directly accuse me of sending them false information… is because they thought of me as a child… it was too perfect.

In their eyes, I\'m too smart to lie to them as I\'ve clearly displayed my capabilities thus far… but if I was an adult or older teen… their opinions might\'ve changed.

I stood towards the back of the mob, observing the events carefully.

"Calm down! Please calm down!" Group A shouted, but it was too late.

Their rage only grew exponentially.

Also, from what I\'ve observed since the beginning, Group A is relying too much on the leader which is a massive disadvantage.

They are unable to think for themselves, which is why they failed to come up with Group B\'s conclusion.

And why everything is slowly falling into place perfectly.

(Unknown POV)

Dammit, I thought I picked the right side, but this fucking leader is a pushover…

"I-I\'m sorry, but it\'s the only way," I tried to calm the people in front of me down, but they immediately overwhelmed me as I was just an archer.

My strength was pitiful compared to all the adventurers in front of me, so I was immediately knocked down and then trampled by the mob trying to get answers from the leader.

Ah… Fuck…

I then glanced up from my fetal position and noticed I was near the backline of the mob, who was much more careful upon noticing me.

But, I also felt a chill get sent down my spine.

Slowly, I turned my head around and saw a young teen with long purple hair and cold, deep purple eyes stare down at me.

No, you couldn\'t even call them cold as they were more dead than alive.

"I-I didn\'t do anything wrong," I said as even though this was just a kid, I knew he could kill me.

He clearly displayed his skills earlier, so if he tried to kill me now, I\'d have no chance of retaliating.

"Don\'t worry, they\'re just a bit crazy," He says, giving me a hand which I immediately latch onto, and he pulls me up.

Damn, he is strong as hell.

"Thanks," I said while glaring at the mob in front of me.

"Please calm down! Think about it carefully!"

"We don\'t care! LET US FUCKING LEAVE!"

They may be a mindless mob who can\'t think for themselves, but they are still D-rank adventures.

And D-rank adventurers, most of the time, have the most petite pride as their expectations were immediately crushed upon arriving at this rank after thinking everything was so easy while being an E-rank.

With such a small pride, they know they are weak… and, of course, know they can\'t leave this dungeon without the leader\'s help.

"I SAID CALM DOWN!" The leader shouted after being pushed to his limit.

His pride had been shaken as he was no longer a leader to them, but an enemy which he himself created… but weren\'t these people supposed to be on his side? Isn\'t that what the little guy here said?

I glanced at the boy beside me, who continued to stare at the crowd with lifeless eyes.

…No, that can\'t be possible… He\'s just a kid…

"You\'re not worried?" I asked the boy after shaking away a few nonsensical thoughts.

"No… I believe in the leader," He responds.

I glanced back at the mob, who were a bit frightened by the leader, as he took out his greatsword and raised it against his shoulder.

A monstrous blood-red aura exploded from his body as he tried to re-establish himself as the strongest here… but it was too late.

Once the initial shock was gone, the adventurers took this as a threat and raised their weapons.

"He\'s desperate," I heard the boy beside me mutter.

"We have to break this up even if it costs us an arm," I say as I take out my twin daggers and dash towards the angry mob.

We really can\'t leave without him, so if these people kill the leader, we\'re all fucked.

I dash in, blocking a sword from slashing the leader\'s shoulder and stand beside him.

With our power and the rest of the group combined, we should be able to knock some sense into them.

"I\'ll help,"

"Thanks," He responds before smashing the end of his sword against one of the attackers\' stomachs.

He was sent flying back, but nobody cared as they continued to charge forward.

We continued to hold them back, but I wasn\'t doing much, so I decided to provide support as if we were fighting against a horde of monsters.


I blocked the downcoming sword with an X-block, and I felt the vibration run throughout my entire body.


I then slashed the sword back before retreating behind the sole tank in our group… the leader.

"ARGH!" I hear one of the adventures shout, and all of a sudden, a sword coated in a blood-red aura slashes through the assassin beside me.

He was in my group... but even though he was in the backline... he still got slashed.

My face paled.

"Urk… Hel… Me…" He muttered before slamming against the ground.

Everybody stopped upon seeing somebody collapse with a fatal wound. And the culprit?

A swordsman near the front lines.


But, the assassin reignited the conflict as, with his dying breath, he threw his two daggers straight into the swordsmans\' face.

Blood sprayed the vicinity, and all hell broke loose as people began to jump over each other.

We were getting completely overwhelmed, and slowly, each member in my group began to die, leaving just the leader and myself.

Shit… Should I just surrender… But, even if it\'s just a slim light of hope, I need to grasp onto it… There is absolutely no way we can leave without the leader.

"EVERYONE STOP!" I shouted… but nobody listened, and a ball of fire imploded from behind me.


Dammit… They already surrounded us…

As I was sent flying over the angry mob, a kid caught me before bringing me down gently.

But, it was too late.

"Urk… *cough* *cough* *cough*..."

I rolled to the side, coughing up a large quantity of blood before glancing back at the boy who was about to see me die so pathetically.

"Thank you very much," He says before closing my eyelids with two of his fingers.

So it really was him… Shit.

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