Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 165 Battle Of The Tormented (15)

"Mhm… Anyway, let\'s see if the others took care of the rest," I muttered as I wiped the blood off my cheek and kicked the falling corpse away from me.

Soon, we saw our friends and noticed they had easily taken care of the other assassins who had attempted to infiltrate the camp.

I mean, they tried their best, but it\'s a shame we were here.

"I\'m surprised you didn\'t die," Luna smirked as she poked Aisa\'s back with her middle fingers, trying to taunt her into doing something.

"Well, that\'s cause I can actually fend for myself," She replied with a smirk, and Luna clicked her tongue before storming back to the medical tent… but then quickly stopping not long after.

"I feel like we deserve a break. We can just get the rations ourselves so let\'s have a feast!" Luna exclaimed, and as we all ran to the ration tent, I felt a chill run down my spine.

It had so much malicious intent you\'d think their glare could pierce through my chest, but after realizing who it was, I just ignored it and continued my light jog to the heavenly place known as the ration tent.

Here, we could make our own plate of food and eat anything we want now that everybody else is gone!

But, as soon as we swiped the curtains to the tent open, we all came to the sudden realization that,

"They took everything with them… well, I guess that makes sense," Findir shrugged.

Still, everybody else was disappointed as they were waiting to get their hands on the peanut butter and jelly sandwich… the oh-so-amazing unhealthy sausages… or just a biscuit… the biscuits are good too.

"*sigh*... What\'s wrong? Aren\'t you going to feast on our rations?" A stern and cold voice announced from behind us.

We all slowly turned to see our new boss, the one in charge of all the medical tents, and also the main nurse who attended to me while I was injured… Lia.

"H-Hey~! Long time no see!" Cy exclaimed in the most forced enthusiastic tone one could imagine, create, or… not desire.

"Get the fuck out of the tent and go back to your stations. If I see you sneaking out or trying to make an excuse to get out, then I will personally rip your ears off with my very own fingers," Lia said, and our faces all quickly paled.

We were stronger than her, but there was an innate fear that came when talking with her.

"Psh… What are you? My mom?" Luna smirked, and with a cold and expressionless face, Lia spoke up once again.

"Everyone but Luna, get out. Now," She demanded, and as we didn\'t want to get our asses kicked or get scolded, we all quickly left the tent, only to be met by another wave of people trying to infiltrate our camp.

"W-Wait! There are people here! D-Don\'t I have to help kill them!" Luna shouted as we all exited the tent.

"Shut up. You\'re useless without a partner, and everybody here can take care of themselves… so stay quiet and learn your lesson,"


Everybody but myself muttered a few prayers for Luna as we slowly made our way to the edge of the camp, where the signals had stopped alarming.

This most likely meant that they weren\'t very strong or just stopped moving, and I\'m more inclined to believe the former.

"Hello~ Anybody here~," Bella muttered as she peaked her head out the edge of the tent, only to quickly snap her head back in, just barely managing to dodge a sword aimed straight for her neck.

The wielder then suddenly landed in front of us, her sword thirsting for blood and her closed eyes creepily opening.

Behind those eyes was a soulless being bred and created only for the sake of killing, destroying, or taking away others.

Then, all of a sudden, in the open expanse right behind her, an army appeared out of thin air made up of about five thousand men.

We all couldn\'t believe our eyes as all of this unfolded before us… and the sword woman didn\'t even let us get a better look at it as she continued to press forward, seemingly trying to create an opening for this army to get through.

Findir immediately disappeared into the wind to go alert everybody in the camp, but the sword woman wasn\'t having any of it as she tried to ignore us and go stop the dark elven boy.

"Who do you think you are?" I muttered before swiping up with my spear, and the woman somehow redirected her body mid-air to dodge the blade with maximum efficiency.

I see… so she\'s a soldier who isn\'t systematically strong but is naturally proficient and amazing with her body.

Well, her stats must be pretty high; otherwise, she wouldn\'t be able to create this kind of speed, but it seems the best part of her is the way she uses and controls her body…, especially with a sword.


She immediately dropped to the ground and swung at me, but I blocked it and sent a little test strike right at her fast.


I tore open her left cheek as she was just barely able to save her life, but the stinging pain from my strike was enough for her mind to waver ever so slightly.

She stumbled backward while defending herself from the onslaught of quick and efficient attacks, just barely managing to keep Aisa and Cy at bay.

"Oh man, this girl is good," Aisa muttered before suddenly fading into a mass of snow that reappeared behind the woman.

She was able to block Aisa\'s dagger, which was aimed at her throat, but unable to block Cy\'s attack, which ripped her body in half.

"Kekekeke… What a dumbass…." He muttered before the magical blue aura surrounding the tip of his spear disappeared into thin air.

I thought she was about at our level, but once the fight had ended… I only just then realized how much of a jump in strength we had acquired from acquiring classes and evolving our classes.

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