Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 217 Twin Snipers (2)

Aisa\'s expression warped into that of a sadistic smile as four figures began to run in our direction.

,m The fire mage, an assassin of bones, and two magic swordsmen.

As they were covering their faces with some sort of partial face mask, I couldn\'t really make out what their status would be.

I memorized all of them, and the only one that stood out from this group was the assassin of bones, a girl with long white hair, eyes as pale as bones, steel-like white skin, and fingers nimble enough to work their way through any kind of trap.

"Who do you want?" I asked as they began to scale the building at an unimaginable speed.

Each time they placed their feet on the frame of the building, they would create an indent in it, allowing them to burst up and gain even more height.

They were strong… very strong…

"Hmmmmm… The magic swordsmen seem like the strongest, so I\'ll leave them to you. Unless you want to work together. It\'s been a while since we\'ve worked together, hasn\'t it?"

"For sure… I mean, if you want," I shrugged before we both hopped back a few meters, putting distance between the assailants and us.

There was no talking as soon as the four reached the top as they charged towards us at an unimaginable speed.

Especially the assassin of bones which seemed to phase through the air without the resistance of any wind in the slightest.

"How lewd," I chuckled before taking out my spear and blocking the girl\'s serrated bone knives protruding out of her forearms.

But before Aisa could follow up with a second attack, she disappeared, making way for the two swordsmen to crash down onto us.


We just barely blocked it with our own weapons, and as soon as they split away from us, a massive pillar of fire came from beneath us.

Normally, there would be a hint as to where it would erupt from, but with the cover of the others in front of us, we were completely distracted.

"Phew, they\'re strong," Aisa muttered as her arms began to shake from the backlash of blocking such a strong swing.

"Their teamwork is also above average," I muttered, wiping a drop of sweat from my chin.

"Above average?! HAH! THIS IS THE BARE MINIMUM!" One of the magic swordsmen shouted before coating their swords in both flames and ice.

For some reason, the two opposing elements didn\'t have any trouble working together on the same blade and instead began to feed into each other like fuel.

Everything about it was a spectacular sight, but we couldn\'t just stand and watch as he soon appeared in front of us, his movements as silent as a morning breeze.

That\'s quite troublesome… But let\'s warm up a bit…

"[Spear Coating] [Berserk Coating] [Empower],"

As my buffs slowly began to coat my body, I felt not only myself swell with power but also my spear, which reacted to my own emotions; It was thirsty for blood


We collided weapons, the handle of my spear slightly bending, displaying just how strong our clash of metal was.

But, it wasn\'t just me who was effected by it as the swordsman had veins popping out of his forehead and arms, trying to manipulate the elements on his sword to attack me.

[Tangible Bloodlust]

Though, it was unfortunate I had this skill that allowed me to manipulate my overflowing bloodlust into a tangible source of power which tore through the elements and just barely managed to pierce through the boy\'s shoulder.

Tch… As expected, his reactions are fast.

The assassin of bones and the other swordsman was unable to infiltrate the fight due to the clashing of power, so they focused their efforts on Aisa, who upped her power once more.

Going all out right now would result in the chance of us getting destroyed later on, as there may be more powerful warriors hidden inside the mansion now turned fortress.


The swordsman who I was currently fighting took a few steps back before summoning a healing potion out of his storage ring, getting a few drops down but ultimately having the rest destroyed under the strike of my spear.

"Idiot… what do you think you\'re doing?" I muttered as the swordsman clicked his tongue and took a deeper stance.

There was no status-like skill involved but an attack made purely out of the fruits of his efforts upon wielding such a beautiful blade.

Once again, both elements began to feed into each other, creating another blast of icy wind and blazing flames, pushing the other group to the edge of the roof.


With the sound-cue of only one swing, fifty more blades erupted from beside the boy, surprising me as I had never expected this to be imitated through non-status means.

It\'s all over the internet, meaning many people have seen it… though, of course, I\'ve attempted to copy it.

With a deeper stance, I slid my right hand farther down the handle, and using the elasticity of the spear, I struck out and whirled the tip, creating a small whirlwind that pushed back both icy wind and scorching flames.

These attacks just barely managed to deflect the sword strikes away from my vitals, but some still managed to scratch me.

The tip of my spear whipped around one final time, and upon seeing how most of the elements around us were dying down, I slid my left hand back so I had a looser grip on my spear.


Not only did the boy charge up another fifty sword strikes, but I also charged up an attack with about fifty spear strikes.


The orchestra of our attacks resonated with each other, allowing not even a single strike to get past our seemingly impenetrable offensive defense.

But, I had a bad feeling about continuing this as I hadn\'t practiced this much while the boy in front of me looked proficient… so I took my power up another notch.


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