Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 414 Luna Investigates Orion's Past (2)

It was already clear Orion had some deep-rooted trauma. 

"*sigh*... This is useless," I rolled my eyes, pushing the boy away and then feeling my eyes roll back into my sockets. And when they rolled forward again, I found myself in front of a little boy. He had not aged in the slightest, but now, he was face to face with a rabbit that he held in his arms. It was bleeding out from several puncture wounds created by arrows. "Useless again." 

I had shifted through more and more dreams, but I quickly came to the realization that even after what seemed to be a hundred traumatic memories… the boy had barely aged by even a year.

Death after death. Disease after disease. So many traumatic events came, yet so little time had passed.

"This… isn\'t where we come from. This place is different… how… even back on the overworld, there weren\'t places like this." 

As the little boy in front of me carried the dead body through the street, ridden with disease and carnage, I walked away from him. Instead of moving on to the next memory, I instead stayed where I was and took a look around. 

"[Dream Wings]." 

Massive pink wings sprouted from my back, and soon I found myself flying through the sky, the open, airy expanse drifting me into a new set of thoughts. I mean, it all looked the same, maybe a bit older, meaning it could only be one thing. 

Massive structures made from stone towered into the air and pitched advancements that could only be called primitive. The streets were rocky and somehow had the stained smell of blood smeared all over them. 

Tall walls had been erected around the massive city, causing it to look more like a fortress in my own eyes. It was trying to protect itself from something or someone… but what? For some reason, I felt very little to no mana here, and if it wasn\'t for the properties of my throne world, I wouldn\'t have been able to use my skills.

"It\'s the past… the far past before all of the technological advancements. I would also assume it was before mana had taken over the world… I remember a theory of that, but I guess it was erased by the leaders and higher-ups… interesting." 

Instead of hopping to the next traumatic memory, I raised my hand into the air, and like I was moving the stars, I pulled the entire sky back. I sifted through all of them. Every. Single. One. But, something had caught my eye before I found that single deciding moment. 

"Help… me…" 

Facing the exit of a cave, I was bathed in a warm light, just barely stretching past my torso. The stench of blood was potent, to the point where I expected to see the entire cave covered in blood if I turned around. 

I hesitated to look around, but upon hearing the painful groans radiating from behind me, I swiveled my head slowly around, meeting eye-to-eye with a young man. He was chained up by his wrists and ankles, completely bare naked, and covered in various kinds of torturous injuries. 

Cuts, whip marks, burns, everything you could think of had been done to this young man. His short brown hair had been dyed red with his very own blood. His fingernails had been ripped off, dripping with even more of his blood. 

"Help me… please…" 

"W-What the hell," I stuttered, quickly rushing over and breaking the chains. He had been starved of food and water for so long that his body collapsed into my arms, completely limp, almost lifeless. 

"Hey! What are you doing!?" A voice yelled from outside the cave. 

"Shut up." 

I didn\'t even get to see the man as the wings on my back stretched out into massive claws, tearing him apart into massive fleshy chunks of red. He didn\'t even get a chance to scream as his head had been torn into three significant pieces, splattering across the ground and allowing me to pick up the frail young man into my arms. 

"It hurts… it hurts so bad… please… help me…" The young man begged, but it\'s not like I could do anything as of now. I had no heals, and I felt even more people coming after me… although they were extremely weak. 

"Tsk… stay here," I gently smiled after clicking my tongue, laying him down against the trunk of a tree. He sat there, his entire body shivering while he watched me utterly obliterate all seven of the assailants who had followed. 

The wings on my back once again turned into claws, but the nails on each end extended into massive blades, slicing through each and every single one of them. The surrounding grove with a small pond was soon dyed a crisp red. Body parts were scattered everywhere, and the screams of terror that bellowed from the depths of each young man were music to my ears. 

And upon returning to the young Orion, who was shivering with fear as he saw some otherworldly being tear apart people he most likely thought was invincible. In addition, I couldn\'t help but smile and pamper him as he was just too cute. Shivering with fear, shrunk back into a ball, and flinching whenever I moved my hand towards him… it was just way too fucking cute. 

[You have interfered with a key memory]

[Memory will not be affected]

"W-What are you?" The young man asked while I finished reading a couple of miscellaneous panels, not doing much but reminding me of where I stood in this world. 

"I\'m nobody really… but you, you\'re somebody special. I doubt you know who you really are, so don\'t ask much and just get some rest… it\'s okay… I\'m here for you," I gently smiled once more, stroking his short brown hair. He soon fell asleep in my arms, and as I began to get only more interested in this world, I decided to stay here for a bit longer. 

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