Fire Mage

Chapter 627 Towering Pillar

Chapter 627: Towering Pillar

"You? What do you mean?" Taken aback by Charles\'s words, Cardinal Damian showed a surprised look and gave him a deep look.

Although he knew Charles appeared strong and mysterious, his words made a strange chill in his heart.

Instead of responding, Charles returned his gaze toward far southern woodland and asked.

"Whenever Star Tombs entrance appears, will there be any appearance of a towering pillar?"

"Towering Pillar?" Cardinal Damian gave a thoughtful look and soon spoke.

"No," Damian replied, shaking his head solemnly.

"According to the ancient records, it is stated that once every hundred years, a massive metallic gate, towering at a height of 5 meters, materializes. This gate opens, unleashing a powerful surge of magic that ripples through the surrounding area. Simultaneously, numerous cave-like structures around the gate serve as portals for otherworldly creatures and magical beasts. These creatures emerge endlessly, their numbers reaching into the tens of thousands. Although most of these beasts are of a relatively lower rank, hovering around Rank-4, their sheer quantity poses a threat. Even legendary powerhouses can fall prey to these relentless creatures without caution."

As Damian shared this information, a sense of caution permeated the air. Charles listened intently, absorbing the gravity of the situation. The prospect of facing countless otherworldly monsters and the uncertainty of the upcoming encounter weighed heavily upon them all.

"Hmm," Charles murmured, his brows furrowing as he contemplated the situation. "Something feels different this time. We must be prepared for the worst-case scenario."

Even as the words left his lips, a sudden, blinding light pierced through the sky, descending from the distant southern horizon. The radiant beam illuminated the surroundings, casting an ethereal glow upon the land. A surge of magical energy pulsed outward in all directions, causing the very fabric of reality to tremble.

The sudden eruption of energy reverberated through the air, jolting Damian and sending a shockwave of astonishment rippling through the assembled members. It wasn\'t just the Sun Church\'s followers who were taken aback; representatives from various other churches and influential families, who had gathered on this momentous occasion, stood in awe and disbelief at the spectacle unfolding before their eyes.

As the dust settled and the blinding light gradually subsided, the onlookers witnessed a sight that defied their wildest imaginations. Against the southern horizon, amidst the residual haze, a towering structure emerged—a unique and unsettling tower that seemed to defy the laws of scale and proportion. Its height stretched upwards, appearing to reach into the clouds, dwarfing all surrounding landmarks and structures. The tower\'s formidable presence cast a foreboding shadow over the land, its very existence an enigma that stirred a sense of wonder and trepidation within all who beheld it.

Thousands of meters in height, the tower loomed with an eerie aura, its form shrouded in mystery. It exuded a mystical essence as a gate to a realm beyond mortal comprehension. Its architecture defied conventional design, with spiraling patterns and intricate carvings adorning its surface, captivating the eye while simultaneously inspiring a sense of unease.

"What the hell is that towering structure?" Damian said with a disbelief look and slowly turned his gaze towards Charles.

"How strong are you, Zephyr?"

At that moment, he realized that this young boy wasn\'t just a man hiding his strength but a true powerhouse who could see the future!

"Strong enough to survive," Charles said with a smile and slowly turned his gaze towards the right side city wall.

In that pivotal moment, as the crowd stood in awe of the towering enigma on the horizon, an elderly figure moved toward the edge of the city wall and looked ahead. Clad in garments befitting his distinguished stature, the 80-year-old man commanded attention with his presence alone. His long, flowing white beard cascaded down his chest, a testament to the wisdom and experience that had shaped his many years. With an air of solemnity, he raised a telescope-like artifact to his eye, focusing his gaze on the faraway tower that dominated the landscape.

Despite his advanced age, the man carried himself with remarkable poise and grace. Standing at approximately 170 centimeters in height, he possessed a lean yet resilient physique that belied the passing of time. His fair-skinned face bore the marks of a life well-lived, adorned with the telltale signs of wisdom etched into the delicate lines and wrinkles that crisscrossed his features.

Upon closer inspection, one would be drawn to a unique symbol emblazoned on his forehead—an intricate star, its meaning veiled in secrecy and significance.

The elderly figure donned a regal attire that mirrored his esteemed status. A red cassock, mozzetta, and papal sash draped his form, symbolizing his authority within the religious hierarchy. Yet, it was a unique amulet that hung prominently around his neck, bearing the unmistakable emblem of a goat\'s head, eliciting a sense of intrigue and curiosity.

Completing his ensemble, the elderly man wore a miter, a ceremonial headdress that denoted his position of authority within the religious order.

"His Holiness is here," Someone from the crowd shouted, causing everyone standing at the entrance to go silent.

The murmurs in the crowd subsided as all eyes turned toward the elderly figure standing atop the city wall. The recognition of His Holiness, the supreme leader of the Order Church, sent a ripple of reverence through the gathered masses. Even Cardinal Damian, Charles, and the other group members couldn\'t help but feel a sense of awe in the presence of the religious leader.

His Holiness, known as Pope Silas, slowly lowered the telescope from his eye, his gaze still fixed on the towering structure in the distance. He had seen many Star Tombs entrance manifestations in his lifetime, but never had he witnessed a tower of such magnitude and mystique. It signaled that their upcoming trials would be unlike anything they had experienced before.

With a regal air, Pope Silas suddenly stepped on thin air and descended from the city wall, moving towards the front before landing at the entrance. The crowd parted respectfully, allowing the pontiff to pass through. As he approached, his robes billowed in the gentle breeze, creating an aura of majesty around him.

Once he arrived at the center of the crowd, he pointed his finger at the towering structure and spoke.

"Nothing changes in the plan. However, the appearance of this strange tower seems a bit of trouble, so be careful after entering the Dungeon. The Beast wave will begin in five to ten minutes. Before it starts, the Celestial Keyholders and the participants should move ahead and enter the Dungeon."

"Yes, Your Holiness." Almost everyone responded in unison.

"Now, go ahead. A group of elite Holy Knights will follow you closely and intercept any beast that dares to block your path." He said in a loud tone and gestured for everyone to move.

With a sense of urgency, Cardinal Damian was the first to respond to the situation, swiftly rising from the ground. Engaging his divine powers, he invoked the \'Sun\'s Wings\' spell and propelled himself forward like a speeding bullet. Tucker, Jett, three Archbishops, and three Head Deacons quickly followed suit, employing their flight spells to pursue Cardinal Damian.

Meanwhile, the other eleven groups, comprising individuals with unique abilities, utilized different movement spells or skills to make their way toward the imposing structure.

\'I should also follow suit.\'

Drawing upon his wisdom power, Charles effortlessly suspended himself in the air and shot forward, matching the velocity of a bullet.

As the group neared the towering structure, the vibrant grasslands gradually faded from view, making way for a dense forest that now surrounded them.

As Charles continued his flight towards the towering structure, he unleashed his wisdom power, allowing it to envelop his surroundings and scan everything within its reach. What he discovered startled him—a total of seventy-two mysterious caves were scattered around the structure. However, what shocked him was that the magical beasts emerging from these caves were not of Rank-4, as expected, but of Rank-5—a significantly higher level of power.

Although their numbers were currently only around a hundred, Charles instinctively knew this was merely the beginning. Furthermore, he observed a formidable Rank-6 Magical Beast near the entrance, positioned at the base of the dark and imposing structure. This sight furrowed his brow, indicating the severity of their situation.

At that moment, he noticed a few groups decelerating their flying speed, expressing their concerns. Charles deduced that some mystics from influential families had likely noticed the presence of the magical beasts and decided to let others clear the path for them. Reflecting on this, he lightly touched the silver bracelet adorning his wrist, activating its power to engulf him in shining golden armor.

With the armor covering his entire body, even his face was concealed by the helmet, effectively hiding his identity from prying eyes. Although a few individuals noticed his actions, they paid no further attention, regarding him as another participant in the chaotic scene. After a brief moment, two eerie wings of blackish flame materialized behind him, fluttering independently.

Before anyone could recall or recognize who he was, Charles forcefully flapped his wings and accelerated at full speed, swiftly overtaking the others. It didn\'t take long for him to catch up with Cardinal Damian, and he immediately relayed the crucial information.

"There\'s a Legend Rank Magical Beast guarding the entrance,"

He announced, surprising Damian, who turned his gaze towards the black wings and furrowed his brow.

"You\'re a Fire Mage?"

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