Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 335

Chapter 335: Chapter 45

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Miramon was a male of an unknown age, self-described as a young and talented man. He was born into the Green Tooth tribe of the Lycan clan in the Orc Empire. As an excellent scout, he was good at almost all necessary skills, such as investigating, stalking, tracking and shooting, and so on, everything but close combat.

Besides that, he was also a sincere gourmet who strangely believed that delicious food was God’s last mercy. To put his sincere belief into practice, he had taken a great risk to sneak into the Void Mask Land and investigate the over one hundred kinds of food there, then he made real and reliable comments on them.

When Jose and Frost had gone to murder the high-level clergymen of the Orc Empire, he had also been one of the killers. However, because of his sincere love for delicious food, he resolutely gave up his belief in the God of Lycan and became a Semi-Orc. Then he joined the Void Mask Church and took the glorious post of clergyman.

In this position, his major achievement was to launch a journal named Miramon’s Comments on Food, which was published once a quarter, mainly introducing various delicious foods in the mainland. It was a best-seller not only in countries on the Main Plane, but also on other Planes. A plane-traveller once said firmly that he had seen a super giant of the Earth Element the size of a mountain reading this journal, which had been magnified with magic, with great interest.

As for Miramon, he was different from others’ imaginations. He wasn’t a gloomy killer, nor a fat man with a big stomach, and not a smiling senior who had extensive social experience and liked to touch his moustache. With a round face, he was short and of a medium build. He was definitely a Lycan, but nobody knew why he had fluffy hair and a short tail that made him look like a dog—a kind of dog called a Pomeranian.

Sui Xiong had asked him about that, but received no answer. Miramon had once had his blood taken for a magic analysis, and the results had shown that he had 100% pure Lycan blood. There was definitely no dog blood in him.

Then how could a pure Lycan look like that? Nobody knew the reason.

The reason why Miramon had left his beloved village of delicious food and come to Keane Hill to be the Bishop was that he had to work hard to advance into the Legendary Realm.

He had been a high-level Scout before. Over the years, his strength had steadily improved on his post as a clergy. Now, he was close to the Legendary Realm.

Theoretically, as long as he liked to work hard on the aspect of delicious food, he could easily become a second-rate legendary master through his civilian post. However, he was a valiant Lycan. If it was possible, he preferred to become a real legendary master through a military post.

This meant that he had to find a suitable path for himself. He pondered in the Void Mask Land for a long time and determined at last that he’d better travel to see the outside world. At that time, the former Bishop of the Void Mask Church in the Keane Hill had been asking for a transfer back to the general church. Thus, through learning and practicing, Miramon had adjusted his strength in different fields and applied to transfer to the Keane Hill.

In Crick’s eyes, this guy, who had a total level of 19 (Level five in Ranger, level ten in Scout, and level four in Bishop) was no doubt the top master in the Keane Baron Hill. Considering that his reputation was a 320 and his intelligence was a 17, there would be nothing wrong with consulting him if something happened.

After all, he was a master who had successfully sold a food and beverage journal on the Earth Element!

Miramon gave Crick very reliable advice—if a rich harvest in Keane Hill came from the blessing of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest, then what about the heavy rain in the surrounding areas during the harvest season? Why had the God of Richness been so kind to Keane Hill and so mean to the surrounding areas?

There was definitely something wrong!

In the Duchy of Thunder, there were few people who believed in the Goddess of Bumper Harvest. Here, thanks to the good natural environment, agriculture had developed very well. As long as there were no special disasters, life was comfortable for the residents. Therefore, compared to the Goddess of Bumper Harvest, who had little influence on people’s lives, other gods were more valued by people, like the God of South Wind.

This God wasn’t highly valued in other places, either. However, in the Duchy of Thunder, when the south wind began to blow, it ushered in a wet rainy season that brought abundant rain and vigorous vitality, as well as disasters, so the residents there respected the God of the South Wind very much. They put him on the same level as the God of Rain and the God of River. In almost every city, there was a united Divine Temple that worshipped these three gods together.

The Church of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest had always wanted to strengthen its support in the Duchy of Thunder and had been looking for opportunities. This rich harvest of Keane Hill, which had been more than a miracle, was the opportunity they had been waiting for!

But people always said that profit would blind logical reasoning. They only saw opportunities in their eyes and ignored possible crises.

Yes, the Keane Hill had a bumper harvest, but the surrounding area had been unlucky this year. There had been a disaster before the harvest.

If the Church of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest hadn’t shown up, people would have only complained that the God of Rain was unkind, but they showed up, claiming that the Keane Hill’s harvest was the Goddess’s blessing...

Well, people might not have forgotten that more than a decade before, the Goddess of Bumper Harvest had done something very desperate in response to her failure to grab people’s belief in a competition with the Goddess of Wealth in Garth City, a famous commercial city in the eastern mainland.

At that time, she had given the surrounding areas of two key locations on the mainland that were filled with believers of the Goddess of Wealth—the Commonwealth of Gold Coins and the Dhaka Commercial Association—a good harvest, then left these two key places with harvest failures. As a result, a large-scale famine had broken out, and a lot of people had died.

It hadn’t been too long. At least, if someone mentioned it on purpose, everyone would be able to remember it.

Then they would connect that with the Keane Hill’s harvest and the disasters in the surrounding areas.

All right, the Church of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest had said that the Keane Hill’s super harvest was a blessing from the Goddess...

Damn! Didn’t that mean that the disasters in the surrounding areas had also been done by her!

Although Crick knew that this wasn’t true at all, neither the Keane Hill’s harvest nor the disasters in the surrounding areas had anything to do with the Goddess of Bumper Harvest, but it didn’t matter. She had admitted it herself!

What? The disaster had nothing to do with you? No way!

Miramon’s plan had been carried out in secret, and rumors about what the Goddess of Bumper Harvest had done were frequently mentioned in the surrounding areas. Then someone helped the Church of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest to publicize the blessings made for Keane Hill.

It had nothing to do with Crick.

He had only delayed a little, temporarily not contacting the Church of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest through official channels. As for why the Church’s Bishop and over a dozen clergymen had died in the wild with their souls imprisoned by magic, it had nothing to do with him or any of the people of Keane Hill.

The angry Goddess of Bumper Harvest tracked them with her Divine Power, only to find a few Hill Lords from the disaster-stricken areas, who no doubt didn’t believe in the Goddess of Bumper Harvest. They had joined forces to destroy the followers of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest who were planning to come to Keane Hill to develop a career. There was no other information.

As for taking revenge on those Hill Lords? Come on, didn’t they have a background? They were all followers of the God of Aristocracy, who was known as the most popular God in the new generation of the Human God System. She was always ready to call her allies together to fight directly against enemies.

What was worse, the God of Aristocracy didn’t like to fight back directly, since she was better at trickery and assassinations.

In those days, she had been a mistress of the God of Royalty and Diplomacy. It was through conspiracy and trickery that she had killed the God of Royalty and seized the divine position.

To deal with such a cruel God, the Goddess of Bumper Harvest had really had no confidence.

Besides, even if she’d had confidence and taken her revenge, what would have been different?

The God of Aristocracy could beat her badly with just one hand! If she could last even ten minutes in a fight with him, she would be tough enough!

As for a confrontation between churches, it wasn’t realistic. The Church of the God of Aristocracy had great military power and royalties, as well as great nobles on their side. In contrast, the influence of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest mainly affected common people and average nobles. If the secular forces of the two sides fought with each other, the Goddess of Bumper Harvest would suffer a devastating loss.

So the matter was ended even without an end. Nobody worried about it anymore.

Crick made some comments on this. He said that the bird that took the lead would be shot.

Alas! How could these fellows of the Church of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest not even understand the simple truth of making a fortune in silence? They had to learn it well for next time!

However, he himself was no happier than them. This problem had just been solved, but another problem was coming.

Knowing that Keane Hill had been blessed with a bumper harvest, the Thunder Lord issued an edict asking him to make a special donation to support the disaster-stricken areas in the Duchy of Thunder.

Crick’s mood collapsed when he got the order from the emissary of the Thunder Lord.

How could His Lord do things this way? It was robbery!

Weren’t there any laws or rules? Or principles?

Unfortunately, the Thunder Lord held supreme power over the country. As long as the great nobles didn’t object to what he said, he was the laws, the rules, and the principles.

Crick was trembling with anger. He wanted to pull out his sword and cut the emissary into two pieces, but he managed to hold back his anger at the last second.

He asked the guards to escort the pale-faced emissary back for a rest. He tried to breathe deeply and to Layton, who was also very angry, said, “Go to Mage Damwade and let him use magic to contact the high-ranking officials of the hill. Let them come as soon as possible. We’ll have an emergency meeting to discuss what to do next.”

He had a hoarse voice, and after his short speech, he couldn’t help coughing violently. He coughed so badly that his chest ached.

Or maybe the pain hadn’t actually come from coughing.

Layton looked at him worriedly and didn’t leave immediately.

He squeezed out a smile, waved his hands, and dismissed Layton. “Go ahead.”

After Layton was gone, he coughed violently again. He couldn’t help clenching his fists and smashing them on the table.

“What a damn b*stard!”

Severe coughing accompanied by a deep roar echoed in the reception room...

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