Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 517

Sui Xiong was rooting his own horn, but he didn’t really lose his alertness. He knew that his elder brother’s fear was very reasonable.

Before this, his enemies were only the aristocrats. Relying on the two groups, citizens and businessmen, he had the confidence to defeat the aristocratic society without using Divine Power, and he could open a new era.

Although aristocrats were all over the Main Plane and extended into many other worlds, he could also defeat them. Sui Xiong believed that as long as he carried out a great policy like land reform, the high building of the aristocratic society would immediately become a castle on the beach. It would be overthrown by a mere push.

However, if the Hatred Departed Souls were also involved in, the situation would be different.

People couldn’t carry out a campaign without any justifiable reason. This principle was universal in every world. If the aristocrats attacked the Republic of Northwest, it would be an ordinary political struggle. No matter whether they won or lost, it involved neither good nor evil. It belonged to a low-level struggle. However, if it rose to being the contradiction between the living and the dead, it would involve the field of good and evil, and the field of life and death. At that time, it was likely that some good gods who supported him before would change their positions and become his enemies.

Of course, Sui Xiong wasn’t afraid of being the enemy of the good gods. He was not an idealist who insisted on good. If necessary, he wouldn’t mind using some evil means. For example, in this world, it was absolutely an evil means to use skeleton laborers. Even on earth, it wouldn’t be a good means.

In the same way, if necessary, he wouldn’t mind fighting with all the good gods. He would defeat them and make them bow down so that they wouldn’t dare to criticize him.

However, unless he had no alternative, he wouldn’t want to be the enemy of the good gods.

It was a pleasant thing to defeat and even kill the evil gods. However, it was completely different to defeat or even kill the good gods.

Even though the good gods were a group of ignorant old-fashioned guys, Sui Xiong still didn’t want to fight with them, or eventually kill them.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, he sent an avatar to contact the good gods and to explain the problem of skeleton laborers in the Republic of Northwest.

“Ugh! Gods are much more troublesome than humans!” Sui Xiong complained. As he complained, he also thought about what to say. He had on a long face.

The development of the incident was in general much better than what Yorgaardman had thought. Probably, in the last war, Sui Xiong was so powerful that the gods of the evil camp didn’t take advantage of this opportunity to jump out and provoke a war with the Void Mask.

However, the negotiations with the good gods were not successful.

Sui Xiong worked hard to explain it, and he also emphasized that those skeletons weren’t made of dead bodies. They were the natural storage of the Ashes Woods. However, few of the good gods were willing to accept his explanation, understand him or support his actions.

Fortunately, although most of the good gods didn’t support his actions, they weren’t against him strictly. In fact, a lot of gods weren’t willing to meet Sui Xiong at all. Even though some met him, they weren’t willing to talk with him in detail. They just said a few words casually and said goodbye to him, making him lose his honor.

However, that was enough. For Sui Xiong, as long as those good gods didn’t turn against him, that would be successful.

Of course, he didn’t want to be a worldly enemy, but he really didn’t care about the so-called “friendship” with those guys.

For him, as long as his friends coordinated with him, and as long as his friends agreed or at least didn’t oppose his actions, that would be enough.

As for the others, well, although it seemed that Sui Xiong was pretty urgent and went to explain himself everywhere, in fact, these words remained the same in his heart:

If you’re dissatisfied with this, fight me. I’ll take you on.

With such an idea, the effect of his negotiations was naturally unsuccessful. The gods in this world were different from the politicians on earth. They were not afraid of fighting for their own ideas until the last moment. Even if they died, they would never give up their ideas.

On earth, as long as a small country held a powerful killing weapon, it could threaten the surrounding powers. If it was willing to start a global nuclear war, then it could force the world’s three major powers to sit down and negotiate with it. The reason was that everyone feared death, and so did the politicians and the bureaucrats. They feared that their power, status and wealth would disappear in a large-scale nuclear war.

However, in this world, the situation of the gods was completely different.

Nature Gods were better than Gods of Belief in this aspect. Gods of Belief were a group of idealists who were extremely stubborn. If they believed in something, they wouldn’t hesitate to use their lives to guard it.

If they weren’t sincere in front of their own ideas, how could they go beyond the mortal world? How could they evoke the resonance of the source of the world and create an immortal priesthood?

So it was really difficult to convince the gods in this world.

Sui Xiong was busy for a long time. In the final statistics, about a dozen gods expressed clear hostility towards him. Unless something unexpected happened, the Republic of Northwest would continue to use skeleton labor on a large scale. It was possible that one of them, or a few of them, or perhaps all of them along with their allies would come to fight against him.

“Well, unknowingly, it seems that I will be besieged again by the gods,” Sui Xiong said. He was reading a list. In the list, there were the names of those opposing gods, the names of their close allies, and the names of the gods who would take this opportunity to fight against him.

It was a large number of names.

He smiled, waving his tentacles. The paper with names turned to ashes.

“I have already said what I should say and have done what I should do. From my personal point of view, I have already done my best,” he said, smiling. “If anyone else insists on coming to bring me trouble, they shouldn’t blame me.”

A famous Chinese writer, Gu Long, had once said that the end of roads was the end of the world, and the end of words was a war of swords. Sui Xiong thought that he had said all he could say. If he continued, he could only ask swords to speak for him.

Coincidentally, Sui Xiong was good at using swords to negotiate.

With such an idea, he sent an Oracle to the Church of the Void Mask to get ready for the possible outbreak of a big war.

Of course, Leon and the others also thought of this.

Their experience might not be as rich as Yorgaardman’s. They probably didn’t know how the wizard, who had attempted to establish a Dead Soul Labor Force System, had died. However, it didn’t prevent them from understanding the problems that the Republic of Northwest was facing.

The Great Governors had argued fiercely more than once on whether the practice of using skeleton labor on a large scale should be abolished.

In the end, Leon put an end to this debate.

“The rise of a strong man must inevitably impact the spheres of influence of the old strong men. There is limited meat in the bow. If you eat it, the others will have no meat to eat,” Leon said. “All the time, we are developing silently at the border of the civilized world. Therefore, we have no conflicts with others. However, with the further development of the Republic of Northwest, sooner or later, we will compete for resources with other countries. Sooner or later, a war will break out.”

Looking around at the Great Governors who supported or opposed him, he said again, “Ladies and gentlemen, I think it will be better for us to start the war early. The earlier we start the war, the fewer enemies there will be, and the higher chance we have if winning.”

“With the present opportunity, we can force some potential enemies to jump out first. We’ll hurt them, and then they will fear us. In the long run, it will be beneficial!” Leon said.

With his words, and together with the Oracle of Sui Xiong, the gods settled on a conclusion for this controversy.

Thus, with the Republic of Northwest and the Church of Void Mask, the huge war machine began to operate slowly.

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