Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 909: Purification (Part 2)

Chapter 909: Purification (Part 2)

The chairman of the Association of Mages of the Republic of Northwest, the chief Legendary Master of the Church of the Void Mask, the captain of the first generation of mages of the Church of the Void Mask, the Wise Man of Purification… these elders who all had glorious titles sat on the watchtower at the top of the mage tower and looked into the distance.

After decades of preparation and planning, today, the moment of reaping the fruits of their hard work had finally arrived.

At this moment, he was gazing into the distance. In truth, his eyes were not focused, and his mind was simply thronged with thoughts.

Because of his instructions, no one had come up to disturb him. Even the gods who watched him closely also kept their distance—of course, this bit of a distance was not a big deal at all. If an accident really happened, they would still be able to rush over in no time.

But Satan was not thinking about this. He was thinking about his own life.

He came from a poor family. But with his outstanding talent and hard work, he became a mage and was known as a genius. He was forced to leave his hometown because he had offended some big shots. Then he roamed from place to place, leading a homeless and miserable life. And his youth was thus wasted in all these wandering and adventures.

After meeting His Majesty, the Void Mask, Satan became his follower. From a mage, he had changed his profession temporarily to be an educator, where he gave lessons to the first batch of pioneers. However, he often fumed at them.

Then he was attacked and died. His soul was imprisoned, then rescued and resurrected.

When Void City was established, he headed a group of low-level, or even just mages who were rookies, and formed a mage group from scratch.

According to the principles of the array of positive energy and the Leyline Spell, he developed the pioneer version of the purification array.

Leading the mage group of the church of Void City, they built a mage tower and improved on the purification array. Then he established the Association of Mages of the Republic of Northwest. To exalt the younger generations, he held many rounds open classes and took in many disciples.

His disciples gradually grew up and all achieved their own successes. Satan himself, with the help of His Majesty, the Void Mask, stepped up into the Legendary Realm.

He continued to refine the purification array while expanding the scope of the purification array in Ashes Woods with the help of the power of the entire country. And he also set up spell nodes around the place.

Now, everything was finally properly set up and ready to commence.

His power had far exceeded the ordinary “legendary peak” a long time ago. If he wanted to, he could have stepped into the Demigod Realm—it was simply borrowing the vast amount of magic stored in the magic tower and nothing more.

But he was reluctant to take such a path. From Legendary to Demigod, then from Demigod to a real god, he had to go through two difficult levels. The most important thing was that in the midst of leveling up, a great deal of power of belief had to be consumed.

Satan was a proud man. He would never become a god by drawing power from the power of belief. He did not want to be bound by it. If he wanted to be sealed a god, he would only exist by relying on the power of the world to become a truly immortal Nature God!

He did not need belief. He did not need the church. He would be truly free and unrestrained.

That was what he sought after!

So all of this was worth all the preparation and all these years of waiting. He could not help laughing at this thought. Then he turned to look in the direction of the municipal building.

On the top floor of the municipal building, Demigod Leon Igor’s aura fell into the mortal world. It was simply as clear as the sun in the sky. But by virtue of his own belief, he could clearly detect the aura of another god who had kept his own aura hidden within that of Leon’s aura.

It was a wonderful, incredible, unfathomable, great and admirable jellyfish.

Satan laughed again and looked back at the magic plate made of crystals and gemstones that was right in front of him.

The magic plate was transparent and reflected the general view of the entire Ashes Woods. There were many big and small golden light rings and countless faint blue light spots on it. The light rings had already formed a purification array, while the light spots were the many nodes set up within the Ashes Woods.

The setup of these nodes was completed. They were ready to be activated any moment.

According to tradition, when a magician was about to hold a large-scale magic ceremony, he usually required many assistants. He would also need to choose a suitable time. The sun, moon and stars… all had to arrive at a certain appropriate position before the ceremony could be completed. But Satan did not think of these things at all. For him, everything else was secondary. His preparation, as well as confidence, were the keys to success.

(It’s now!)

When a flash of inspiration suddenly flickered in his heart, he smiled.

Taking a deep breath, Satan closed his eyes. Paying no attention to the heavens or the stars, he pressed both hands on the magic plate and without hesitation, he launched the spell.


Countless light rays spurted out from the Ashes Woods and turned into streams of blue light columns that shot right up the sky. When they rose to a certain height, they suddenly burst and cracked apart due to prior set-up arranged within the woods. They became dense lines that connected with each other and formed a massive magic array that enveloped the entire sky of Ashes Woods.

This was closely followed by many purification arrays also glowing brilliantly, one after another. The magic that had been stored for a long time was completely stimulated within a split moment. The golden light rays were like little suns falling into the world, but there was not a tinge of scalding sensation. The people within the area could only feel warmth and comfort.

Amidst these warm golden light rays, the people who were originally sick recovered speedily and the health of those who were not well was quickly restored. Even those who were handicapped due to various reasons were slowly growing back the parts of their body that they had lost earlier on.

Because there had been repeated promotion prior to the commencement of the purification process, the people were considerably calm. Their reactions were full of shouts of surprise and praise, especially those who had benefited were—they were all the more full of praise for the purification process.

There were two reasons as to why the people could remain composed in the face of such a strange sight. One was because there was good publicity prior to the commencement of purification. Two was also because Sui Xiong had given them prior warning—over the past few days, Sui Xiong often transformed into a giant beast and flew high above the Republic of Northwest to get everyone accustomed to such an intriguing sight.

However, it was purely accidental regarding attracting a large number of followers when he was flying around.

Thanks to the preventive measures put in place via a multi-pronged approach, the people of the Republic of Northwest could cope with the strange occurrences without flustering now. If it had been another country, seeing such a massive scene would probably have thrown the people into frenzied chaos.

A moment later, a blue curtain of light descended from the sky and slowly fell to the ground. With every bit of distance covered along the way down, its color became a little brighter. The more it fell, the slower its speed and the brighter and clearer its color became. When it was less than a hundred meters from the ground, its color had turned from blue to gold and was no different from the light rays of the purification array.

A massive curtain of light enshrouded the entire Ashes Woods. The hills, fields, rivers, valleys, forests, deserts, snowfields, marshes… everything was enveloped within it. There was no exception at all.

The curtain of light fell slowly. Gradually, more golden light spots were seen falling like rain drops, looking just like a light golden drizzle raining down on the ground.

Amidst this golden drizzle, the blackness that pervaded the entire Ashes Woods was slowly fading.

This was the power of purification.

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