Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1329 - Zhikang, you will endorse it

Aiwa did not introduce this low-cost mobile phone, as they want to limit the sales to Wind and Rain brand to break records.

Feng Yu rubbed his chin. This is not what he expected. Why are people not buying this cheap mobile phone? In his previous life, even a homeless guy along the streets are using mobile phones. Did he introduce it too early?

But even if it’s slightly early, they should still market it well.

Feng Yu suddenly remembers reporters had photographed a US company’s top executive for using a basic mobile phone in his previous life, and that was already in the smartphone era.

People’s comments about this incident are, ‘The type of mobile phone does not determine the person’s success. It is about who’s number is stored inside and who he calls.’

Feng Yu felt this could be used to introduce this low-cost mobile phone. If someone people look up to uses this mobile phone, it will not be embarrassing to use it.

It will be most effective if Feng Yu, the World’s Richest Man, is using this phone. Many people want to imitate him, but he does not want to appear before the media.

Feng Yu must find someone reputable and related to Tai Hua Holdings for this advertisement.

Zhong Qingxian is old and is reluctant to appear on the screen now. Furthermore, he was photographed using his latest Wind and Rain mobile phone by magazine reporters. It will be too fake if he switches to this phone now. Shi Dazhu doesn’t mind appearing in front of the media, but his image is...

Feng Yu thought about Tai Hua Holdings’ higher executives. They realized he had forgotten about the person in front of him.

Wu Zhigang suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and he notices Feng Yu looking at him. “Boss, why are you looking at me like this?”

“Zhigang, have you ever thought of becoming a celebrity?” Feng Yu asked.

“Me? Celebrity? Stop joking with me. I cannot act or sing. I sang during last year’s company event, and many people laughed at me.”

“No. I am talking about an advertising celebrity. It’s very simple. All you need to do is to pose.”

“Ah? You want me to star in an advertisement? Boss, I have never tried before. Furthermore, I am not a superstar and not handsome. Who would want to watch me?” Wu Zhigang hesitated.

Feng Yu could tell Wu Zhigang does not reject this idea from his tone. He should not mind appearing in front of the media.

As Tai Hua Holdings’ Deputy President, Wu Zhigang is not as famous as the rest. Even reporters are not interviewing him.

Some people avoid the media, but some prefer to flaunt their fame.

Wu Zhigang belongs to the second type. He wants to show off his success.

“Don’t worry. If I say you can do it, you can do it.”

“Then which product are we going to advertise? Songjiang Motor’s latest model?”

“No. It’s Wind and Rain’s latest mobile phone.”

“S2? Didn’t we decide to use that overseas celebrity to endorse it? The contract is signed, and I was the one who signed it.”

“No. Not S2. It’s this model.” Feng Yu picks up the 49 USD mobile phone.

Wu Zhigang’s eyes opened wide. “Boss, what did I do wrong? Why are you asking me to endorse this phone? Is there a need to endorse a 400 RMB mobile phone?”

“Zhigang, you are the first few people who joined me. Have I ever tricked you? You are most suitable to endorse this phone. But it is not those types of TV advertisements. It will be those advertorials, and I promise you will not regret it. When this phone becomes the world’s top-selling mobile phone and enters the history books, you will be remembered as the person who endorsed it.”

Wu Zhigang looks at Feng Yu, depressed. “Boss, advertorials are also considered endorsements? If I endorse this phone, does that means I can only use this in the future?”

“No. You can use our company’s latest mobile phone too. Don’t you have two phones? Just change one of it to this model will do.”

Wu Zhigang had joined Feng Yu since the start of his career and knows what soft advertising is. But that is not considered a real endorsement. But he understands that if Feng Yu wants to push this product, his exposure in front of the media will be high.

“Boss, how are we going to do this?”


“Oh, Huazhi, you bought a mobile phone? Why did you get this model? The screen is still black and white.”

“What’s wrong with this phone? I can make calls and send SMS. It also has Snake and Tetris games in it. You don’t even have a phone.” Huazhi retorted.

Huazhi is a university student, and it’s not easy for him to save up to buy a mobile phone. The phone he wants costs a few thousand, and he cannot afford it.

“If it is me, I would rather not get any phone than use this. It will be an embarrassment to be seen using this model!”

“Who says? Look at the brand. It’s Wind and Rain brand, and even the wealthy people are using this phone!” Huazhi argued.

“Wealthy people are using this lousy phone? Do you know who is considered wealthy? They will only buy the most expensive items. Tell me, which wealthy person will buy this? The richest man in your village?!”

Huazhi’s face turns red with anger. “It’s Tai Hua Holdings’ Deputy President! He is using this phone!”

“Which company? Tai Hua Holdings? Do you mean the World’s Richest Man, Feng Yu’s company? Their company is paying their staff well, and their Deputy Presidents are getting more than 10 million RMB annually. Why would he use this phone? Even their Deputy Department head will not use this.”

Huazhi is mad. “Why should I lie? It’s reported on the internet and in newspapers. There are even photographs of him using it. When reporters ask him about his phone, he replied. Using an expensive phone will not show one’s status. What’s most important is the contacts on the phone and who do you call!”

“Are you serious?”

“Let’s go to the internet café. Sina should have this report, or you can search for it on Baidu. I am not lying. You should also get this phone. It’s only 400 RMB, and your parents will give you the money.”

These two students went to an internet café and entered to Sina news website. They immediately saw this article, and it is even the most searched article.

“Tai Hua Holdings’ Deputy President Wu Zhigang uses a 399 RMB Wind and Rain Mobile Phone!”

“Wu Zhigang says: This 399 RMB Wind and Rain Mobile phone is good.”

“Wu Zhigang said he is not testing this phone and is using it. He is using this 399 RMB phone.”

Articles of Wu Zhigang using this phone are on almost all the news websites, and many people are discussing this phone on the online forums.

Many people said they are thinking of getting a mobile phone and they will get this model. This Wind and Rain phone is of good quality and cheap.

This mobile phone becomes popular suddenly!

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