Godfather Of Champions

Chapter 413 - The Night Before A Tough Battle Part 2

Chapter 413: The Night Before A Tough Battle Part 2

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A long, difficult wait came with rewards! In comparison to the scene before them, what were the insect bites from hiding in the grass worth? As they watched Tang En open the car door and tuck himself into the vehicle, the reporters were already beginning to make calls for the cabs they had reserved.

They did not know where Tang En and Clarice Gloria were heading to, but everyone hoped they were going to have dinner, visit a bar to indulge in drinks before going to a hotel to have inebriated sex… Then, they could take photographs of it and publish them in the newspaper, on television, and on the internet… They were eager to see what expression Tang En would have then. At that point, it would probably be useless no matter how he cursed or swore.

The paparazzi were in great anticipation, all of them eagerly tailing behind the yellow FIAT in the cabs they had called.

At the same time, in the car, Tang En’s heart started to settle down somewhat. Perhaps, he should not display too much of his true emotions in front of Gloria.

“In truth, Tony, I am quite curious. Who could make you so anxious to meet them at this hour?”

“Uh…” Tang En was at a loss about how he should answer her.

Gloria was an intelligent woman. There are two kinds of intelligent women; one liked to use their intelligence in an overbearing manner, causing others to be afraid of them; the other knew when they should be intelligent, and when they should pretend otherwise.

“I’m thinking it must be a person affected by the ‘scandal’ about us,” Gloria said with a laugh.

Tang En coughed twice, indicating a quiet assent.

“I’m truly sorry,” Gloria apologized again.

“Actually… it’s not what you’re thinking…” Tang En began saying. “But what it really is, I can’t explain clearly enough.”

It suddenly became quiet in the car. Gloria pointed at the car’s stereo system.

“Would you like to listen to music?”

Tang En shook his head. “No, thank you.”

He turned to look out the windows and suddenly noticed a few vehicles within the side mirrors. He laughed.

” Ms. Gloria.”


“I think there might be some even more explosive news published tomorrow.”

Gloria took a glimpse in the rear-view mirror and nonchalantly said, “Let them be.”

“You’re always the one apologizing. I think I should apologize to you too. I’m sure this matter has brought you some trouble?” Tang En said sincerely.

Gloria laughed and unexpectedly shook her head. “I’ll hope for it to bring me some trouble, but unfortunately there’s nothing.”

“Uh, you… are you still single?”

“Are you accosting me?” Gloria asked, turning to wink at Tang En.

The two laughed.


The car reached its destination. After Tang En got out of the car, Gloria asked, “Do you need me to wait for you?”

Tang En looked at all the people that were hidden in the darkness and shook his head.

“No need. Thank you, Ms. Gloria…”

“Call me Clarice.” Gloria winked at him. “Give my regards when you see her. If you meet with any trouble, I can explain it to her personally.”

Tang En noticed that Gloria had used “her.” He smiled.

“I will. I’ll tell her what a good person you are.”

“Goodbye, Tony. Good luck.”

“Goodbye, Clarice…”

Tang En waved his hands and saw Clarice drive off in her car. He looked towards the slab of darkness again.

Sorry to disappoint you all!

The paparazzi were indeed tremendously disappointed. They had thought that they would be able to witness a passionate night between the two. Although they did come to a hotel, they did not get off the car together and go in to get a room. Instead, they bid their goodbyes at the door and went separate paths, doing their own things!

What was this!?

However, Tang En could care less about what the paparazzi felt. He walked through the main building and directly got into the connecting low-storied building behind it. This was the venue where CD’s new product launch was being held. The parking lot outside was filled with all sorts of luxurious cars. Evidently, those who could attend the launch were not mere common folk.

So, it was more than normal for Tang En to be stopped at the doors by security.

“Ah, I need an entry ticket?”

Tang En was faced with expressionless guards.

He peered around, showing his lack of class, attempting to find a ticket booth.

“Where do they sell tickets?”

“Please show me your invitation card.”

How could he have an invitation card? It was a sudden decision for him to come to look for someone. He patted his pockets.

“I don’t have one.”

“I’m very sorry, Sir. I can’t let you in.”

“I’m just looking for someone…” Tang En tried to walk in but was stopped.

“Only people with invitation cards are allowed in.”

Tang En looked at the pitch-black doors and stretched his head out to peer around but saw nothing. He looked again at the two icy guards and knew there was little chance of barging in. He glared indignantly at the two guards and looked at the doors once more before turning swiftly to leave.

Was he giving up?

Of course not.

He skirted around the building, looking for the back doors.

He ended up finding them. Like the front, there were some cars parked outside. However, they were not as luxurious as the ones parked in the front. While he was rounding the building, Tang En understood one thing: trying to look for Shania from the front was a silly idea. That was certainly not where the models entered and left from. There must be a back door, one that led directly backstage.

Now that he had found it, it was a pity that the doors were tightly locked from the inside.

He pushed it, but it did not budge. Pulling it was also an exercise in futility. He even tried knocking the door, but there was no response.

Tang En was at the end of his rope; the front door had refused to let him in, and he could not enter from the back. However, he did not intend to give up.

The new product launch would come to an end eventually. I’ll wait here. I’ll wait until you come out!

Unfortunately, he happened to be in a windy spot. The night winds in Milan made him feel rather chilly. Tang En could only turn up his jacket collar and squat at a spot facing away from the wind.

Just as Tang En began to get a little dizzy from stooping there, a ray of light shone over him.

“Who is it?”

The glaring light from the torch shone directly into Tang En’s eyes, blinding him entirely. He could only squint heavily and use both hands to block it out. The way he looked now made him seem anything but good.

“Who are you, and what are you doing here?!”

As the other party spoke, they kept the torchlight shining directly into his eyes. He had no choice but to completely shut them to prevent himself from temporarily losing his sight.

“I said…”

Tang En abruptly remembered that he hardly understood or spoke any Italian. He shouldn’t have tried avoiding gossip by letting Gloria leave. She could speak Italian fluently! “I’m not the bad guy you think I am! I’m not a thief either! Or a pervert!”

He could only shout in English and hope the other man had at least gotten through eighth grade for English. But his hopes were dashed. The man only continued loudly berating him again and again in Italian. Both Tang En and the other man failed to understand each other.

The man decided it was just as well to dash forward and grab Tang En’s hand, but Tang En would not allow just anyone to put their hands on him. The two started to tussle. One wanted to catch the other, while the other refused to be caught. Amid all the pushing and pulling, Tang En’s jacket pocket tore. The other man even called for reinforcements.

Five tall, burly men surrounded Tang En with unfriendly faces, treating him like a thief.

Standing in the middle of them, Tang En did not panic. He opened his mouth to ask, “I say. Do any of you understand English? Chinese would work too!”

A slew of gibberish in Italian came back at him.

“F**k. The English penetration rate in Italy is not high enough!” Tang En cursed. He truly wanted to explain his identity to this group of people. “I am Nottingham Forest’s main manager. I’m a person with status! Hey, surely there’s a football fan amongst you? Football, football!” Tang En lifted his feet, intending to mimic the action of kicking a ball. Instead, the nervous guards perceived it as an attempt to attack them; all five of them sprung up and swarmed over him, pinning Tang En onto the ground.

“Dammit, Englishman! Even if we don’t understand English, don’t think we can’t understand you cursing at us. We can hear F**K as clear as day!” The Italian security said furiously, “Get a hold of yourself!”

Despite being pinned on the ground, he was still struggling, unwilling to succumb. He knew that this group of people was going to remove him. But, if he were taken away, wouldn’t it be a waste of a trip? He could not let that happen no matter what!

When the group of them were making a fuss to no end, there was a sudden creak, and a ray of light made its way into the battle, as did the laughter and chatter of some girls. However, all those sounds disappeared swiftly. The people outside looked up towards the back door while those within looked back in surprise at the several men tussling on the ground outside.

Tang En was no exception. Even though he had his head pressed down by a guard, he still tried to glance sideways at the back door. From the voices, he could tell that the models had come out. In that case, that girl should be with them too.

But the backlight obscured everything; he could not see.

The light from within the doors was blocked by the crowd, casting streaks of shadows across the ground. Even so, there was still some light passing through, lighting up the ground.

Shania, who was among the crowd, had been chatting jovially with her companions but was now stunned. She saw a familiar face. Despite it being somewhat dirty after the scrape with the ground, at the wrong angle, and with weak lighting, she could still recognize it.

“Uncle… Tony?”

Without letting down their guard, the guards who had been putting their all into holding Tang En down suddenly felt the body beneath their hands relax. Like a balloon that had deflated, the “thief” who had been continually struggling stopped fighting against them.

Tang En’s heart finally settled.

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