Be happy with sports

Chapter 337 Busy Holiday 1

Chapter 337 Busy Holiday 1

In addition, Jake’s training over the next few months would only further help him participate in this marathon, would be intense training for a number of different sports and to improve on the few weaknesses that Jake still had in long-distance running.

Meanwhile contrary to what everyone thought Lola was working normally even after hearing about the news about Jake, everyone could see that she had cried a lot the day before, but she didn’t let down and went to work normally.

This relieved everyone in the restaurant and made Eva and Anna proud of Lola’s strength of mind even though she was so sweet and young Eva and Anna really liked Lola because she was such a strong woman.

Eva wanted her to be with Jake, but since it hadn’t worked out, it was better for Lola to meet someone in the future to be happy and they would continue to be friends, after all as a mother, Eva had to root for Jake’s happiness.

Who was happiest with all this was Julius, while this problem happened and everyone was worried about Lola, Julius was secretly thinking about maybe secretly leaving the restaurant with his daughter.

If Lola couldn’t seem to get over his love for Jake and continued to suffer at Julio’s restaurant, he would have to resign and look elsewhere, he didn’t want to because he was so happy working at this restaurant and was so grateful to what Eva did for him when he needed work.

Julius knew that while in Miami Jake did not come to the restaurant out of respect for Lola and at Eva’s request, Julius could not even imagine a restaurant that the owner could not enter just out of consideration for an employee’s feelings.

Luckily it seemed that Lola was stronger than he thought and would be able to get over it, Julius was not angry with Jake because he knew he had no fault in this whole situation.

Jake also didn’t know that because of a misunderstanding his mother’s restaurant had almost lost two of the best employees and was just focusing on his training, for the next few days Jake just kept training the positioning and finished his training and learned everything that could with Coach Davis about the techniques of track and field.

Now it was time to go back to marathon and long-distance training, as Jake didn’t have much training time before having to stop recording commercials for Tiffany and Clara’s companies, Coach Davis went through another training session off the training track for Jake.

It would be a training session since they were in Miami, they went to a beach that was less frequented for Jake to do various resistance training, aerobic exercises and cardiovascular exercises.

Knowing how great Jake’s stamina and stamina was, Coach Davis took advantage of them being on the beach for the next few weeks and decided to prepare one triathlon a day for Jake to train as much as he could.

The goal was to train Jake’s body to handle the longest runs and not the speed, so the time Jake would have to swim in the sea and ride the bike didn’t matter, to make it harder Jake would swim in the sea and run in the sand.

Coach Davis was responsible and even made Jake pay some lifeguards to stay on a jet ski in case Jake drowned while swimming, Jake swam very well in his past life before suffering the accident so Coach Davis had him swim 500 meters since the first day.

Jake had a hard time swimming in the sea and going through the waves and the way to swim was different, even to breathe it was difficult to find the right way, but with the stamina, Jake had no problem swimming the 500 meters.

After swimming with no time to rest Jake started the bike ride, it was 15km because Coach Davis knew that Jake would have no problem with that, Jake really had no problems and pedaled slowly while catching his breath at sea.

After quietly doing the 15 km Jake went for the sand race, running in the sand without stable terrain for 8 km was the hardest for Jake, even though he was used to running Jake almost fell several times and had not done the drills heating properly could have been injured.

But Jake can finish this weird triathlon done by Coach Davis, even though doing less than he normally did. Jake felt tired from this activity that day, he felt many muscles that he normally did not use sore and felt it was an interesting experience.

Jake didn’t think it was that hard to swim in the sea even at such a short distance, after all, 500 meters was swimming 10 times round trip in a pool, cycling for so many km despite not being tiring was a different experience for Jake too.

Coach Davis and the lifeguards were only impressed that Jake wasn’t so tired after doing such a triathlon for the first time, he’d done a sprint triathlon even though he swam a shorter distance and walked less on the bike’s path.

On the other hand, it was his first time doing this and Jake had run more than usual and still run on the sand, it was his first time swimming in the sea and Jake didn’t use any special clothes or shoes to do this triathlon.

Jake’s performance made Coach Davis excited, the coach thought that after this triathlon training that was perfect for Jake, many of his failures would end, after the lifeguards he hired found out who Jake was they were less surprised by it.

Jake didn’t know that, but the Captain America nickname he had received at the marathon had become well known, all his fans and many people knew Jake as Captain America, so to see Captain America doing a lot of high-level triathlon sports It wasn’t that hard to believe.

For the next few days Jake continued to do Coach Davis’s triathlons, in a few days he got the hang of swimming in the sea and it was easier for him to ride his bike, just running in the sand was more complicated because he couldn’t get used to running in uneven ground.

An interesting fact that happened 5 days after Jake started training on the beach was that he had an accident of a yacht almost 800 meters away from the beach, this yacht was going to a party and had 22 people inside.

Because of the drinks and other party stuff, this yacht had only one lifeboat which was forbidden for the yacht to have, something happened and the yacht caught fire and the people inside had to go out to sea drunk.

When this happened Jake was close to swimming the 250 meters in the sea and was coming back, for safety reasons Jake always hired two lifeguards on a large jet ski that could seat up to 6 people.

The lifeguards no longer had to worry about Jake swimming very well in the sea after 5 days of training, they both saw the yacht on fire in the distance and warned the coast guard and beach lifeguards on the safety radio.

Even doing so both lifeguards thought there would be no time for the rescue to reach the yacht and they did not know the situation the yacht was in that had not yet started putting out the fire, because all the yachts had a fire extinguisher.

So they called Jake who was nearby to see what they could do, after all, it was Jake who was hiring them and they had a jet ski and were closer to help the yacht in time.

"What happened that you called me?"

"There was an accident with a yacht near here Mr. Smith, that side has a yacht that is on fire, we think to take advantage of jet skiing and go to help those who need it, after all the rescue may not arrive in time."

"I see, let’s go there."

After saying that Jake climbed on the jet ski too and without saying anything one of the lifeguards started guiding the jet ski towards the crash site, they arrived quickly and saw chaos there, some people were on objects while others were swimming to stay on the surface of the water.

The two lifeguards quickly took the jet ski lifeboat and threw it into the sea and soon 7 people climbed into the lifeboat, while Jake had already seen that almost everyone in this accident was drunk, he sought someone soberer and called a man to talk.

"What happened here?"

"I don’t know, we were having a party and the yacht started to catch fire, we all jumped into the sea and the yacht owner is too drunk to talk."

Jake told what happened to the two lifeguards who soon understood what was going on, one of the lifeguards continued to help the others while the other climbed into the far yacht to look for some more lifeboat to help the others who were still in the water.

"How many people were on the yacht?"

"There were 22 people, I remember that."

Jake stopped talking to the man after that and started counting how many people they had, he found only 17 people counting those at sea and lifeboat, so he told both lifeguards and dived into the sea to see if anyone was found.

One lifeguard opened the only lifeboat he found and started putting some people in while the other dived with Jake to see if anyone was found, Jake diving saw some people drowning, luckily they had been quick to rescue, otherwise he could not have time to save no one.

Jake rescued two women who were almost unconscious and left those who were better off for the other lifeguard because he knew it might be riskier to save the conscious and drown himself trying to save someone desperate.

When Jake went up to the sea surface with the two women the other lifeguard had also risen and the other plunged into the sea, Jake put the two women in the lifeboat, and the others were rescued gradually.

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