Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 418 - Feng Su’s Transformation

Chapter 418: Feng Su’s Transformation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"We are now heading for planet Risserd. Both your candidacies in the Congregation are settled. Hehe, we from the planet of Guang Hua will surely surprise them all," Liu Sheng chatted eagerly with Ye Chong.

Ye Chong received an entirely different form of treatment compared to Feng Su, but the latter did not hold anything against him, since this was the result of their difference in strength. Ye Chong\'s strength was acknowledged by everyone here, including Feng Su herself. The first to fight against Ye Chong was Tackan, and everyone else watched with interest, eager to be next themselves. If it was someone else, they would have been intimidated by the fierce glares from so many strong people. However, for Ye Chong, who had spent time at the Sang Family Village, it was only child\'s play.

No matter who Ye Chong fought against, everyone else would be there to watch the battle. After all, it was a rare opportunity to watch an expert fight. Watching him fight was important in improving themselves. After attaining Jie, any kind of improvement would be hard won, so Tackan and his group had came up with this method after much discussion.

Feng Su was surprised every time she saw the young man fight. She felt increasingly familiar about the young man, but could not remember who he really was. She was confident of her feelings, and believed that she must have seen him before. It was only a matter of time before she remembered him.

Nonetheless, this was the free space zone. She had never been here before. No one should look familiar to her here, so why was she having this strong sense of familiarity? The question vexed her.

Feng Su had fought against Ye Chong countless times, but she was defeated completely every single time. Ye Chong never held back. He never particularly liked her anyway. It was just that sometimes seeing her reminded him of Shang, and that made him more wary. After all, he and the Xi Feng Tribe were in conflict.

Now that he was stronger, Feng Su\'s combat style no longer impressed him as much as when he first saw her. He could even tell how she made her tricky moves. Ye Chong was not a mentalist, but Huang Baiyi\'s influence had given him a strong theoretical understanding of mentalist skills, stronger than Feng Su\'s. Xi Feng Tribe\'s mentalists failed to inherit a lot of their predecessors\' knowledge. In terms of mentalist skill theory, Ye Chong was definitely superior.

However, Ye Chong did not tell any of this to Feng Su, but adopted an apathy towards her instead.

"These are the young lady\'s things, best if you keep them. I\'m just a careless guy, I might just lose them somewhere." Liu Sheng handed over a small bag. After some time of getting to know each other, Ye Chong and the six in the group had formed a strange form of friendship.

"Okay." Ye Chong took the small bag. He opened it to inspect, and found a dimension keystone inside. Without betraying his findings, Ye Chong accepted the small bag quietly. The dimension keystone itself was not particularly valuable to him. All advanced level mechs of the Three Aristocratic Families would keep their owner\'s information in them, even after the master\'s death. Hence, outsiders would almost never be able to get their hands on advanced level mechs from the Three Aristocratic Families. It was extremely unlikely to have a person like Ye Luo, who would willingly give away his mech.

However, Ye Chong still accepted the bag. With the dimension keystone in his hands, Feng Su\'s usage of her mech would be for him to decide. Without her mech, Feng Su was like a toothless tiger, unable to touch him. Otherwise, Ye Chong would never have one of Xi Feng Tribe\'s advanced level mech pilots so close to him.

The starry sky outside the starship was mesmerizing. Ye Chong suddenly had an impulse to just leave the starship with Moon King. It must be a wonderful experience, flying Moon King in outer space.

Ye Chong and the rest of them were now in a starship, albeit a very ancient one. Fortunately, Ye Chong had experience with it, so he was not too surprised. Feng Su, however, was seeing a starship this old for the first time, and could not hide the surprise in her eyes.

"First time riding a starship, huh?" Liu Sheng grinned widely. Once he grew close to someone, he would turn very friendly. He had asked his question because for most of the residents in the free space zone, few of them had ever sat in a starship.

Seeing the ancient starship, Ye Chong nodded a little helplessly and replied, "Yes, first time."

"Hehe, don\'t worry. You\'ll get to fly with her again in another four years. You know, the first time I flew in this large metal can, I got dizzy as hell. After that, I got used to it. Truth be told, she flies too slowly, this one. Such a bore!" Liu Sheng shrugged and explained, affecting a weathered tone.

The starship was far from comfortable, and it lacked in facilities, nothing compared to the luxury of Coxcomb. Ye Chong nodded in agreement. "Yes, you\'re right." He could not help but notice Feng Su, who was holding on against Sisko\'s fierce attacks. He was surprised to see her improve so fast.

Hearing Ye Chong\'s agreement, Liu Sheng continued, encouraged, "Sigh, ain\'t that it? The journey\'s long and dry. If only I can bring along a lady or two to help pass the time!" Liu Sheng looked regretful.

Ye Chong\'s attention was diverted to the fight between the two. Feng Su seemed to show an unusual persistence, and her rare retaliations were sharp, disrupting Sisko\'s rhythm.

Observing the battle from the outside, Ye Chong realized that Feng Su\'s special ability must have been awakened. Initially, Ye Chong had thought it odd that Feng Su, a Jie expert, performed so weakly. However, after watching her fighting against others repeatedly, he gradually realized that firstly, she lacked combat experience, and secondly, her special ability was not yet awakened.

Xi Feng Tribe had a long history in mentalist training. What would their special ability look like? Ye Chong\'s apathy was broken by a sudden curiosity.

"Huh?" Even Liu Sheng began to notice something was amiss.

Sisko was very strong. His bulky muscles showed as much, making him look like a small tower of a person. His muscles bulged up with angular edges, which gave him a scary look. He was ill tempered, and fought like a mad berserker. His overwhelming attacks was also a pain for Ye Chong. His techniques were simple and practical, with no flowery moves, aiming to win by pure strength. Besides, his stamina was just as impressive as his muscles. He could sustain his attacks continuously for long periods of time.

Before his large, towering figure, Feng Su looked just like a seven year old girl standing before a large man. A mad beast fighting against a weak and beautiful woman - this was the proverbial beauty and the beast.

Usually, Feng Su could only brace herself against Sisko\'s attacks like a tiny boat weathering a storm in the middle of the sea. Her strength was like a mosquito\'s against Sisko - they were on completely different levels.

Today, Feng Su remained on the defense, barely holding off her opponent, but with all the expert eyes studying the fight, of course they would notice that something was different!

However, the only one who knew exactly what was going on was Ye Chong. He understood the situation even better than Feng Su herself. Huang Baiyi\'s education on mentalists allowed him to make an accurate analysis of the situation.

"Hmm, Mental Foresight, a very practical skill." Ye Chong thought to himself as he watched Feng Su grew steadier and more relaxed in her battle.

The transformation of a Jie expert was often over in a second, but this short moment was the culmination of all earlier experiences, none of which could have been skipped over.

Feng Su moved like a delicate butterfly, avoiding the continuous blows with ease. It was as if she could predict Sisko\'s every move. Often when Sisko had just began his attack move, she already had begun her evasion.

It was a strange sight to behold. The two of them were like a pair of coordinated lovers. Soon, Sisko\'s attacks could no longer touch Feng Su. His every attack was avoided, and that frustrated him to no end. However, Feng Su could not pose a threat to Sisko too, since she could not hope to compare against the man\'s strength or speed.

Ye Chong\'s mind was turning quickly, trying to figure out a way to overcome this special skill. Huang Baiyi had said that it felt like watching an event on rewind in his head. The fierce battle no longer held his interest. He lowered his head and began to think.

Once he began, Ye Chong did not stop thinking about it for three days. In these three days, Feng Su had challenged another four of the group. Aside from Dong Mo, who had won against Feng Su with great difficulty, the other three had ended up in a tie against her. Of course, as an alchemist, Kurdi was not one of Feng Su\'s opponents.

These battles eventually led the group to acknowledge her status as an equal in the group. Strength determined everything. Since she was strong, she would receive equal treatment.

On the fourth day, Feng Su approached Ye Chong.

"Please return my things to me," Feng Su demanded coldly. She heard from Liu Sheng that her bag was not in the hands of this young man. After spending so many days enclosed in the ship, her dark skin had turned fair again. Her former beauty was once again presented to the people around her.

Ye Chong lifted his head, annoyed by the disruption in his thought process.

Ye Chong looked at Feng Su, and was surprised to find that she looked a little different. She was imbued with faint a sense of confidence found in skillful experts.

"Please return my things to me!" Feng Su repeated her request louder, raising her eyebrow.

Ye Chong studied her silently for half a minute before replying in a gentle but determined voice, "I refuse."

Returning her things to her! Ye Chong was not like the other six ignorant people. To return the dimension keystone to this strong and definitely not friendly mech pilot was something that Ye Chong would never do.

The other six in the group looked towards them, surprised. They could not understand why Ye Chong would deny this perfectly reasonable request.

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