Adorable treasured fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Chapter 741 - Forgive Me, Okay? (5)


The soft voice instantly sent the poor woman racing over to the bedside. Pulling the little steambun into her arms, she unleashes her pent up anxiety into various forms of kisses and hugs.

“It’s so good you’ve recovered, it’s so good…”

Perhaps its due to the kid only just waking up from his nap, but as soon as the haziness left those eyes, the boy immediately showed clarity and realizes what’s happening. “Don’t cry Mother, I will always be a good child and never leave you…”

“I’m sorry Xiachen, I’m so sorry…” her voice filled with regret and pain.

If I wasn’t so incompetent then he wouldn’t have had to suffer such heavy injuries.

The reasons why she didn’t forgive Di Cang right away earlier most definitely had to do with the dishonesty and lack of trust between them both, but the other remains mostly because of their son’s injury. Though not deliberate, the careless dote did have a hand in the cause!

As punishment, she intends to make him suffer for a while.

“Mother, I have something to tell you…” biting his lower lip, Bai Xiachen grew hesitant in his demeanor. “Baddie Father told me that the incident wasn’t his intention, it’s someone pretending to be him. Also… he only left the palace due to something and had Fire Plume come back to inform us. But he didn’t expect the fool to screw it up.”

Bai Yan’s expression gradually darkened following every step of those words, yet Bai Xiachen remains oblivious to the fact and continued: “Mother, do you want to meet with Baddie Father?”

Unbeknownst to the na?ve little kid, his actions have already sold himself out and that could be seen in the woman’s chilling smile.

Making an involuntarily shudder: “Mother, your smile is very scary….”

“Sweetie, tell mother this one.” Creepily chilly in her voice, “During the past couple of days, were you with him the entire time?”

Shrinking his neck in, he silently nods: “I… I was taken away by Baddie Father.”

Mother is angry, so scary….

?In order to protect himself, the little steambun could only push the fault entirely onto his old man.

“So it’s you who drew Di Cang here?” Bai Yan’s smiling face deepened with the use of a menacing tone.

Blinking his eyes in confusion, the poor boy clearly didn’t understand the last question: “I didn’t bring Baddie Father, but I did promise him I would ask for your permission Mother.”

“I understand then.” Slowly coming before the doorway, Bai Yan promptly slid the door open to reveal the eavesdropping man. Instantly, the kid gawked at the sight of Di Cang in his awkward position of leaning forward like a thieving spy.

Why is Baddie Father here?

“Di Cang, you are quite skillful you know? To think you would trick your own son into leading you to me and could even make him speak kindly on your behalf.” Moody in her appearance, Bai Yan’s smile grew very dangerous.

Towards this, the demon lord himself only felt a creepy chill running through his robe and under his skin. It’s so bad that he actually shivered for a bit, something that shouldn’t be possible.

“Yan Yan, let me explain!” In his urgency, Di Cang makes a grab for the woman’s arm, “I just….”

“Let go!” she snaps upon contact.

“I’m not letting go!”

If I let go then I won’t be able to find you again.

Turning red in his eyes, the man didn’t care anymore and pushed forward to allow his size advantage to take hold. Pressing his lips against hers, he begins to vent the frustration and longing he’s held thus far onto his wife.

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