Thriller Paradise

Chapter 905 Early Month Trailer 1507(Chapter Preview)

Basically ... They were all about the side Story, Thriller Paradise-Halloween adventures.

It just so happens that this chapter\'s timeline is in time for the side Story. Let me first talk about a BUG in the side Story ...

And that was ... Brother Jue in the side Story had not explicitly told RUO Yu about spiritual powers. Of course, when I wrote it a year ago, it didn\'t exist. But after a year, the plot of this chapter has advanced to this stage.

I must apologize for this. As the magazine had been printed and published for a long time, it was impossible to make any changes.

"As a strict person, I\'m the most conflicted about this kind of irreversible BUG. Let\'s just ignore it on the account that this BUG doesn\'t have any impact on the plot.

To be honest, he still felt depressed when he talked about other things.

In last June\'s chapter titled "thank you, everyone," I\'ve already said that "due to business considerations, my creation will be limited, but I will still try my best to write interesting stories. Please rest assured."

In fact, at that time, I wanted to create a story that had nothing to do with this chapter, which was a short detective story called "the second-rate detective and the cat."

​ It was a pity that my plan was rejected, and I was asked to write a short story with so many characters appearing in it ...

Even though it wasn\'t something I wanted to write, but something I had to write, I still had a responsible attitude towards the work and did my best to complete it.

When I submitted my manuscript, I told a friend from Qidian that ... I can only give 60 points.

This score had not changed so far.

However, from another perspective ... This regret and helplessness was undoubtedly a very valuable experience.

Creating words under certain restrictions and reaching a certain level was a professional quality that a professional writer should have. Although the side Story was hard to write, it was beneficial to my creative career. It was a good experience.


Back to the main topic, let\'s talk about this month\'s plot.

The tournament\'s semi-final for S2 is already in my mind, and many team battles are about to take place.

Feng bujue\'s true identity and ability will also be revealed, but I think it is still too early to fully reveal it ...

Because I plan to be fully full-time in July, the plot will unfold relatively quickly. Please wait and see.

Also, starting from this month, Qidian\'s monthly ticket system seems to have changed again. There\'s also some weird settings like the Billboard ranking. Anyway, I don\'t understand those messy settings.

"Here, I would like to ask everyone to vote for those authors who need it. Don\'t give me monthly votes just because I did a daily update, which is a matter of course for others. If word gets out, it will lower the lower limit of the industry. I don\'t want to become a cancer in the industry, thank you.


Alright, we\'ve talked about some heavy topics and abandoned some moral principles. Let\'s relax a little.

Write a poem, write a poem~

There must be wind, there must be meat, there must be hot pot, there must be fog. There must be a beauty, there must be a donkey~

Then ...

In the golden age of harmony, wine and meat were hidden in the Vermilion gate.

The dog swam in the copper pot, and the steam rose.

Birds chased popinjays, and snakes, rats, jackals, and wolves roamed the wilderness.

A donkey-riding poet scolds first, but a fool\'s words don\'t know the truth.

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