Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 312 - 311 - Attack On The Elves(Part 6)

Chapter 312 - 311 - Attack On The Elves(Part 6)

Point-of-View: Bell Fairbairn


Humans...so many of them. And so many Elves dead, their corpses, blood and entrails strewn across the grass and tree trunks around...

"There\'s another one!"

"She doesn\'t look like an Elf."

"It does not matter, she is not one of us, therefore she must be another of God\'s enemies!"

"Kill her!"

Lightning crackled violently around me as my rage swelled up and grew further beyond what I thought was even possible...

"You...FILTHY...DISGUSTING...CREATURES! You...you are all a disease to this world...and I shall eradicate you all!" I snapped furiously, as several bolts of lightning burst down from the sky, shattering through the top of the barrier and striking all the humans in my sights dead in a matter of seconds.

Tch, I let my rage overpower my thoughts...killing them instantly was too merciful, I should have made them suffer before they die. No matter...I will not make that same mistake again...


A short while later, having wiped out a few thousand of the humans, I came across a small clearing that served as a residential area to some of the Elves...and a pair of humans were slaughtering them, one of them with nothing but a sword and the other with a large hammer.

I gritted my teeth in anger and fired out a large blast of lightning at the one with the sword right before he could bring his sword down on a young Elf, which he responded by quickly spinning around and blocking my blast with his sword, which somehow absorbed all the impact, my lightning dissipating after striking his blade.

But the bright flash that erupted upon contact blinded him briefly, and I took advantage of that, zipping around towards him at top speed and springing up to his right before my initial attack fully dissipated and slamming my lightning-coated fist onto his face, sending him rapidly flying through the air and slamming onto a tree with a devastating impact, cracks appearing in the bark of the tree as he collapsed onto the ground, coughing out blood.

The other human, a female with white hair, was watching me warily, with her hammer held out defensively in front of herself.

"Quickly, leave this place, young one!" I urged the surviving Elf, as the male human got back onto his feet with a groan, the tree that he had crashed onto cracking and breaking along the point of impact, before falling to the ground with a loud crash, the ground shaking slightly.

That male human is powerful, not quite as much as the leader of Abyss, Kuro, but still more than capable of competence. Ordinarily, the amount of lightning in my fist would have been enough to kill a human twenty times over, but he is barely even dazed, the blood coming out of his mouth is likely from a broken tooth caused when I punched him.

And while the female human is showing caution, she does not appear to be afraid, even after seeing my speed. I must not allow my rage to take over my mind against these opponents, I must maintain my clarity...I cannot afford to be careless...and I refuse to allow myself to suffer the ultimate disgrace of being slain by humans.

I exhaled slowly to calm myself and focused my Mana, the sky above me darkening...ordinarily, Lightning Magic users do not have enough power to manipulate the friction in the clouds and use natural lightning instead of relying only on their own lightning, but as the Lightning Sage, not only can I manipulate it, but I can also increase and intensify it...at almost no cost to my own Mana supply.

"Hm, you\'re not an Elf, are you?" Remarked the male human, as wind swirled around his blade.

"She must be a Dwarf or a Halfling, I\'m guessing," Chimes in the female warily.

"It does not matter what I am...all that you need to know is that I will be the death of both of you, of that much, I can guarantee," I responded coldly, as I got ready to attack.

I do not care how strong these humans are...because regardless of that, I will kill them without fail...


Point-of-View: Dwayne Alan


Damn, this Elf is one slippery little bitch. I blasted out a barrage of fireballs at her from my mouth, which she quickly countered with powerful wind blasts, which struck and dissipated my flames, sending a stiflingly hot breeze bursting towards me, causing me to stumble back with a gasp.

Lily then sprang up behind the Elf and slashed at her with her trident, to which the Elf swiftly responded by teleporting away right as the trident began to nick her back, reappearing a few meters away and swinging one of her daggers towards Lily, sending out a sharp wind slash towards her.

Lily swiftly dropped to the ground to evade the slash, right as I silently closed in on the Elf from behind and began to swing my spear up at her. She noticed just in time, quickly spun around and sprang back while firing out a burst of wind from her hands to propel herself faster, my spear narrowly missing her shoulder.

But I don\'t need direct contact to do damage...she let out a surprised cry of pain as a shallow slash appeared on her right shoulder. I then swiftly changed my grip and drove my spear straight towards her...for a brief instant, panic appeared in her eyes, before she teleported out of the way, narrowly avoiding getting skewered.

She reappeared a few meters away, a small cut on her midsection, where I\'d just attempted to stab her. She then gritted her teeth and fired out a couple of powerful wind blasts at me, before jumping away to narrowly evade Lily\'s water slashes. I slashed at the wind blasts fired at me, dissipating them as I cut through them. I then swiftly regrouped with Lily, while the Elf kept her distance.

"Hey, have you noticed? I don\'t think this Elf can teleport too far away, both times she teleported, she reappeared just about ten meters away at a slightly elevated angle to her upper left...I\'ll try to make her teleport again, predict where she\'ll reappear and then fire out a barrage of attacks or something powerful enough to kill her the instant she disappears," I suggested quietly, as I coated my spear in flames, "And it also looks like it takes her a second or two to activate the teleportation, she can\'t do so instantly like Belia does, so if we attack her the instant she reappears, she probably won\'t have enough time to teleport again."

"Yeah, it\'s worth a shot, if nothing else," Replied Lily affirmatively.

I then shot towards the Elf at top speed and unleashed a rapid horizontal slash at her midsection as I closed in, she quickly reacted by firing a wind blast at the ground to shoot herself up and evade my slash.

As she began to drop back down, she rapidly spun herself around with an agile twist, letting go of her left dagger and swinging her right arm across, whipping the dagger down towards me. I hurriedly sprang back in alarm, as the tip of the dagger narrowly missed slashing through my left eye.

Or at least, that\'s why I thought...as the instant the tip of the dagger came into my sight, my left eye suddenly went dark, as an agonizing pain burst out from the left side of my face, a excruciating scream escaping my lips before I could stop myself.

Damn it, she extended the reach of her dagger with wind the instant it got within range...damn it, this hurts...she cut through my eye...my eye!

"You little b-...oof!" I began to exclaim furiously, before a blast of wind struck me and sent me flying back, crashing and skidding along the ground painfully, before slamming onto a tree next to Lily, my remaining vision and hearing blurring slightly as I let out a sharp gasp of pain and coughed out blood, the impact travelling throughout my body and rattling my bones.

"Hey, you okay!?" Inquired Lily with a look of concern.

"Y-yeah, I-...hey, look out!" I yelled urgently, as the Elf gripped the middle of the rope connecting her two daggers and then began spinning them above her head, wind rapidly swirling and growing around the blades of the daggers.

"Oh, shit-!" Lily began to exclaim in alarm, as the Elf flung the spinning daggers at her vertically, in a massive, slicing disc of rapidly spinning wind.

"Die, filthy humans!" Exclaimed the Elf with a look of pure rage in her eyes.

Lily began to jump off to the left to try and evade the large spinning vertical disc of slicing wind, but she was too slow, letting out a deafening scream of pain as her right arm got sliced off in the blink of an eye, like it was made of paper, blood bursting out as she screamed in agony.

The Elf then shot towards us with sharp, drill-like spirals of wind swirling around her hands, a murderous look in her eyes as she rapidly closed the gap between us.

"You little shit...!" Growled Lily, a look of pure fury on her face, which was twitching with pain as blood poured out of the stump where her right arm had been...she then let out a enraged roar as she raised her trident with her left hand, the prongs pointing downwards, before exclaiming as she plunged it towards the ground, "You\'ll pay for that! Take this, Poseidon\'s Wrath!"

A massive wave of water burst out from the ground as the Elf closed in on us, eliciting a surprised gasp from her, before washing over her and flowing forward in a powerful torrent, several trees bending as the force of the flood pushed them back.

Lily then collapsed onto one knee, her breathing labored and her face pale...she\'s losing too much blood, not good.

"Sorry about this," I remarked, as I pressed some flames onto her stump, eliciting a shriek of pain from her, her body trembling violently, "There, the bleeding is stopped."

"Thanks...that hurt like a bitch, but it\'s better than the alternative, I guess," She replied, as the water began to spread out and disperse, revealing that the Elf we were fighting was collapsed against a tree.

She looked like was barely conscious, the sheer force of the wave, along with her breathing abruptly being cut off, must have seriously dazed her.

"Mind if I deliver the finishing blow?" I inquired, grimacing as a wave of pain emanated from my left eye.

"Go right ahead...I feel tired after losing all that blood."

"Alright, then, let\'s finish this-...," I began, stepping forward, before halting and trailing off as a loud crash burst out in front of the Elf, kicking up a dust cloud.

What the...!? What just happened? As the dust began to clear, to reveal another Elf, with a infuriated look on his face. He glanced back at the other Elf with a frown, before looking around at the other corpses...and then shifting his gaze towards me, sending chills down my spine as I got a clear view of his rage.

"Just to make sure...are you the ones that did all this?" He inquired icily.

"And so what if we are?" I retorted, though I couldn\'t help feeling a growing sense of dread as he stared me down.

"Isn\'t it obvious?" He remarked in a cold, calm voice, with an absolute death-glare in his eyes, before a powerful, shockwave-like explosion of wind burst out from him, causing me to stumble back and nearly fall back, as green streaks appeared in his hair and he snapped furiously, "I\'ll fucking kill you, you goddamned pieces of shit!"


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