Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 53

Yubiri noticed her looking at him and smiled. “This town is very close to the magic city of Farifa, in the markets if we find anything interesting I’ll buy it for you.” he cheerfully said.

Ethan and Aiden, who were walking in ear shot, glanced back with a pout.

“Feng, don’t take anything from him!!” Ethan shouted.

“Yes, Feng, don’t accept any of his gift. He is a bad man,” Aiden said with a sweet smile.

Besides him, Elle too pouted at her. “Meimei, I’ll buy you all the gifts. Don’t take anything from him,”

Feng awkwardly glanced at the young mage. “Sorry about them, they are just kids I hope you don’t take offence,”


The young man just smiled at her. “Don’t worry; I was once their age, too. I guess they are felling quite jealous form the attention I’m getting.” Saying this, he gave a smug look towards the twins who were growling at him.

“Boys behave please,” lady Hiliana had to intervene and take hold of the two rowdy children. Even Alvin had to restrain his little sister Elle, who was growling just like the twins.

“I promise these three get more animalistic as days go on,” the lady grumbled as she gently tugged the twins in the correct direction.

Yubiri chuckled loudly with an unknown look, “looks like I’ve got you all to myself my little lady,”

Feng just smiled without a word. ‘If you can save my life that is more than enough, ah! I just wish I was as powerful as you are. I could have just smashed those slavers by myself.’

‘Wait, didn’t the game say that I’m mage class too? So even I would get a chance to become a strong mage,’ she cheered herself up a little.

Walking through the harbour she could feel the creepy feeling of being looked at.

Without even looking back, she knew who were responsible for that.

‘Darn, those salvers must have noticed me right at this spot.... they must have waited until I was alone to attack.’ her hands started to shiver a bit.

“Here, wear this.” Yubiri removed his own glove swiftly and handed it to her.

“It’s okay you should wear it,”

“No, you should.” he gently took her hand. “Look at how much you are shivering,” he whispered, and gently slid the black leather glove over her hands. They were slightly large and there was a large gap in the finger slots, but it was very comfortable.

“Thank you,” she whispered awkwardly. Her shivers were most likely due to fear rather than being cold, but she did not want to mention it now.

Feng glanced around the harbour at the people who were disembarking from their luxury ship just like them.

‘This is not the right place. If Yubiri attacks here he might cause great damage to the harbour as well as the people around here.’ Her grip on her skirt tightened.

A hand suddenly gently tapped her head.. “is everything okay?”

“y-yes, everything is okay,” she tried to reply as cheerfully as possible, but the looming though that she might lose her life if she failed this task lingered in her mind. “Everything will be okay.”

‘Yes, I can do this. I can do this task and live. Fuck this game, I’m gonna pass this test with flying colours,’

They went past the harbour and into the bustling town. As per the previous time first they went to a dress shop.

Surprisingly, Yubiri was more than exited to choose for her.

“That should be 12 quils,” the shop lady gently whispered to lady Hiliana as she was packing up the clothes that they had chosen.

“Please send it over to our ship.” lady Hiliana said her thanks and was ready to move to their next destination, but the young mage glanced around the shop with interest. “Did something catch you eye, young Yu?”

“Yes, I think everything here suits Miss Feng. Lady Can you pack all your dresses here?”

Feng, who was vigilantly looking out the window, heard this statement. “What!!!! No!!”

“No?” Yubiri looked slightly hurt by her refusal.

“I mean... why would I need so many dressed sir Yu. I am a growing child. Day by day by body changes a little and all of these clothes will become a waste,” she said, wringing her kerchief.

“I wish to gift my first friend something to remember by.....” Yubiri slowly glanced at her with his mouth in a pout and his eyes slanted down like a wounded puppy dog. “If this shop is not of adequate quality, we can go to another,”

“I much appreciate the gesture but..... This is too much.” she awkwardly laughed and speedily left the store in fear he might really buy it all. ‘My goodness, why is this guy acting like a rich CEO? Is he really that rich enough to by this store though? What am mi thinking he is the youngest grade a mage in this nation how can I underestimate his richness,’

At the next stop, the shoe store Yubiri acted out again and tried paying for her things multiple times, but lady Hiliana just silently glared at him which stopped the exited young man.

Just as they were crossing over the street over the pen shop, Yubiri suddenly paused and glanced back.

“What is it?” Feng whispered doubtfully. ‘Are the following us already? Did they get close? Fuck, we are not even that close to that alleyway what if they attack in the open? Lady Hiliana might get hurt,’ she thought nervously.

Yubiri just touched her shoulders and whispered, “I found an interesting shop that’s all.”

“Which shop?”

“That one,” he pointed to an antique shop that was right next to the pen shop they visited previously. He walked over and placed a hand on the display glass. “Do you see that?” he pointed at a small hollow medallion like thing on display.

Feng feared answering this question because she knew that this mage was known for impulsive buying.

“Oh, that shop has known to have fakes. So no one actually buys things there anymore,” lady Hiliana said before they could decide anything. “But if the things inside caught the sir Yu’s attention it would only mean that there is a treasure inside. Let’s check it out,”

“But lady... your pen...” Feng mumbled as she was pulled in gently into the warm, cozy shop.

‘Everything was going by plan but what now.... what if we don’t reach the pen store in time and what if those men in the dark alley don’t appear? Fuck, I’m doomed. This is my last chance to complete it though,’

Feng anxiously dwindled with her thumb as she sat in the waiting area wafting for Yubiri to finish his shopping.

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