The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 127 - Dad

The days passed quickly, Alfonso put his men to work and everyone was busy everyday, the incident with Usurios calmed down by the days, however, the scene when Alfonso cut the tongue Of Usurios still lingered on everyone\'s mind, when soldiers and wolves passed by, one group of people would hide themselves while other people had their loyalty boosted and made a reverence towards them. Deferio and the others were obviously upset for the first group of people attitude however, he couldn\'t do anything about it. A thing to recall was that , sine that day, Susana when to Alfonso\'s room everyday to chat with him, they didn\'t chat anything in particular they just chat about random topics, however, Susana felt, every time that both of them talked, that Alfonso was truly a genius among his peers, his view of the world and the ideas that he has were outstanding, for example, one topic that the both of them talked about was the education.

"I think that Dragon\'s Academia as well as the others Academies should restrict their admission to the ones who truly felt passionate about studying, for that, I think that they should make people take an exam so they could enter, the current policy is that , if you part of royalty then you can enter at the age of twelve with some basics knowledge, however, that only make nobles who has cero interested in learning go there to lose their time and the time of others, also, I think that commoners should also be able to take this exam, who knows how many brilliant minds we are losing with the current system" Said Susana.

Alfonso looked at her and made an approval smile.

"I admired your view; however, I think that you are mistaken the crucial point here, how are the commoners supposed to pass an exam if they don\'t have a private tutor since child like the nobles do?" Asked Alfonso.

"Oh…yeah…I didn\'t think about that" Said Susana with some embarrassment.

"Don\'t need to be embarrassed, in fact, you are not to blame, you have always live as part of the royalty, that\'s why, your ideas and set of mind are always set on how to do things in the royalty world, however, what you lack, is to extrapolate those ideas to the rest of your world, that is called getting out of your comfort zone, you lack experience that\'s why you can\'t put the real needs of the commoners in your mind, however, the fact that you can think of a project that view nobles and commoners as equals shows your worth as a human being, quality that is hard to find in people at your age, I must say that Felio has a lot of luck to have you as a daughter" Said Alfonso.

Susana stood stupefied for some time before making a happy smile.

"Then… what is my lord\'s view about this?" Asked Susana.

Alfonso though for some time before answering.

"I would avoid any kind of restrictions to enter an academia, of course, that includes the money that you have to pay" Answer Alfonso.

"Wha-what?" Susana was surprised by Alfonso\'s answer.

Alfonso stood up and looked at the surprised Susana and made a small smile.

"You see, I think that education is the base of everything, think about it, if people had education, what would be the use of robbing and killing? This world makes us different, some of us are born with a spoon of silver is our mouths while others struggled day by day just to have something to eat, however, education erase that differences and made as equals, that\'s why I inserted an educational program that everyone must assist, because I want everyone to have the same point of start, so no one has any kind of excuse to do bad things, maybe is naïve and too unrealistic, however, I firmly believe that this is the first step towards my goal" Said Alfonso.

"What is your goal?" Asked Susana.

Alfonso smiled before closing his eyes.

"A world where people won\'t call me \'my lord\' when they see me"

Alfonso made a small chuckle

"instead, they will just call me Alfonso"

Susana felt an incredible feeling on her chest, she suddenly remembered something from her childhood, a memory that has been lost in time.


"Dad, why did my grandparents don\'t come to the visit mom\'s grave?" Asked a little girl while holding the hand of a man.

"… Because they don\'t like dad" Said the man with a bitter smile.


"Because I am not a noble, I am just a retired soldier who became the lord of faraway town, a low class noble" Said the man

"I don\'t understand" Said the little girl.

The man only made a small smile, he kneeled and pat the little girl\'s hair.

"It\'s too soon for you to understand, however, remember this, Susana, this world divided people since their birth, I accepted this reality a long time ago… but" Said the man while looking at the grave.

"She told me one day… "The barriers that this world put on us, can be destroyed only by us" I firmly believe that, one day, your mom\'s conviction will probe to be right" Said the man.

The little girl didn\'t know what to say, however, she felt a sudden sadness on her heart.


Susana suddenly realize the meaning behind her mother\'s words.

"You are truly extraordinary…" Said Susana.

Alfonso didn\'t say anything and took a sip of his water.

However, the next sentence of Susana almost made him felt from his chair.



Alfonso spit out the water that he just drank.

"What, what did you just say?"

Susana made a small smile.

"Nothing" Asked Susana.

"Oh, okay that\'s good for a moment there you scared me, well, it\'s getting late, we should be going" Said Alfonso.

"Okay" Said Susana while grabbing her wheelchair.


Before Alfonso could make open the door, he heard the word one more time.

"You are doing it on purpose don\'t you?" Asked Alfonso.


"You know what"

"I don\'t know what you are talking about…"

Alfonso made a small sigh and open the door.


This time Alfonso didn\'t turn around, he knew that Susana was teasing him.

"Just don\'t say it in front of the other ones, especially in front of Demeter and Artemis, got it?" Said Alfonso.

"Okay~" Said Susana with a big smile.

The two of them went out to the hall to receive little pit and everyone else.

Just like this, the days pass by and the day were Alfonso had to go with Antiope finally came.

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