The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 299 - Fight At Hell's Asylum -part Five-

Mindbreaker was currently in a stage of rage while looking at the room in front of him.

"It\'s too dangerous to let it out… but…" Though MIndbreaker.




These shouts have been going on for a while now, he recognized the voice of his chief between them. Mindbreaker didn\'t want to imagine what could have happened to him to shout like that, he, who has gone by his hard mind training.

"I still have number one, number one should be able to do it…" Though Mindbreaker.

However, for some reason, he couldn\'t feel at ease.

"Number one is the second most dangerous patient here, even three champions weren\'t able to stop him, there shouldn\'t be a problem… there shouldn\'t be a problem… and yet…" Though Mindbrekaer.

He looked back at the room once more before taking out a key.

"I will stay here just in case, there won\'t be a problem, yes there won\'t be-"

"Well, hello, who do we have here isn\'t it the doctor~?"

Just as Mindbreaker was about to enter the room, a voice who seems to came from the evil itself. Between fear and rage, Mindbreaker turned around and saw a bloody person in front of him.

"Alfonso Lockheart!" Said Mindbreaker.

"Doctor, it is good to see you so soon" Said Chrono/Alfonso with a smile.

"I have a small give for you" Added Chrono/Alfonso.

He showed the arm that was hiding behind his back, it was a round head that bounced a little before arriving at Mindbreaker\'s feet.

"Chief!" Said Mindbrekaer.

He wasn\'t angry at all that the chief died, after all, everyone here was disposable except for him, rather, he was angry by the look of the chief\'s head.

"He is smiling in extasy, how, how the hell did he do that!?" Though Mindbreaker.

"Oh, him? He was a fail, he lasted less than the previous one, just a couple of months~ I guess he had a lot to regret right?"

"You see, I respect a lot your profession, not you, of course, your profession" Said Chrono/Alfonso with eloquence.

"In fact, I also did some research on my own, it took some time and a lot of volunteers but I get the results, but… it just feels empty don\'t you think~?"

Mindbreaker trembled a little while seeing Chrono/Alfonso\'s wide smile.

"After all~ the fun is in the trial and failing, isn\'t it doctor?"

"You are crazy" Said Mindbreaker.

Chrono stopped for some seconds before grabbing Mindbreaker by the collar.

"Of course I am, isn\'t that why I am here!?"


Mindbreaker felt his own sanity going down while looking at the laughing man in front of him.

"Alfonso Lockheart! You cripple bastard! Who the hell do you think-"

However, just as he was about to continue, he saw Chrono/Alfonso stopping in a sec.

Mindbreaker will slowly but surely, know the real meaning of fear.


Back in Wasteland Valley, Artemis and Io had just arrived, they traveled day and night without resting and made a trip that it was supposed to last one month in a couple of days. Of course, both of them were exhausted and on the verge of starving, however, neither of them complained. They went back to the manor where someone was already waiting for them.

"Wait, why only the two of you are coming back?" Asked a mummy to the duo.

 "Shut up, I don\'t have time for your stupidity, call Ribeiro" Said Artemis.

"Wha- who do you think you are to treat a goddess of my caliber like this!?" Asked Aphrodite.

"NOW!" Shouted Artemis.

Aphrodite was taken back before noticing the exhausted face of Artemis, she made a small \'Hmph\' and went to get Ribeiro.

"Master, I think you should rest a little" Said Io.

"There is no time, go to the Amazon and tell them to work faster, I still have things to do" Said Artemis.

Io stood there for some seconds before turning around.

"My lord wouldn\'t want you to be like this" Said Io before disappearing.

Artemis looked at the place where Io departed before sitting in the couch of Alfonso before grabbing her forehead.

"I know" Murmured Artemis.


The day when by, Artemis did a good job of handing out the orders of Alfonso plus doing a few on her own to accelerate the progress.

"Master, at the pace you set, we will able to meet the deadline just in time" Said Io.

"Good" Answered Artemis.

"However, there is a small issue…" Said Io.


Io hesitate for some seconds speaking

"There seems to be discomfort in the sudden change of labor hours between the workers" Said Io.

"Rise the paid" Said bluntly Artemis.

"I already did that, however, there still a small group that gave me some trouble" Said Io.

"In the end, they wanted to speak with my lord in-person" Added Io.

Artemis looked sharply at Io.

"Do I have to tell you what you need to do in these kinds of scenarios?" Said Artemis coldly.

Io stood there for a minute before nodding.

"No, you don\'t" Said Io with a tired voice.

"Then go, however, remember that they still need to work" Said Artemis.

"Master, if they insist in not yielding?" Said Io.

Artemis turned and looked at Io with a sharp gaze.

Io also looked at Artemis with a complicated gaze.

"If you have to…make it clean" Said Artemis.

"I understand, Master"

With that Io disappeared, leaving Artemis alone.

Artemis looked by the window.

"What I am doing?" Murmured Artemis.

"You are anxious, and I understand, but, don\'t let your worry cloud your judgment" Said a voice behind Artemis.

Artemis turned to look at the owner of the voice, it was no other than Aphrodite.

"And who are you to tell me that? You, who only thinks about how to bang the next guy?" Said Artemis.

"Believe or not, I do have my worries, however, I am not immature enough to let my worries get the better of me, unlike you" Said Aphrodite.

"What did you say?"

"Artemis, I will tell you something, if you want to do the job of someone else, first, you need to think how the other person will address the problem at hand"

"Cool your head and think with the head"

"No with your heart"

With that, Aphrodite turned to leave without giving the opportunity to Artemis to say anything.

Artemis looked at the departing Aphrodite with a complicated face.

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