Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 477: And So It Begins

Chapter 477: And So It Begins

“This is the current situation right now,” William said with a serious expression. “Sadly, my plan to harass the Elven Army in the mountains will have to be cancelled.”

Conner nodded. “It’s fine. Can you give me an estimate on how long it would take for you to finish what you’re doing right now?”

“The soonest will be a week from now, it might take a little longer though because of their numbers.”

“Understood. I’ll handle the rest.”

Conner tapped his finger on top of the table as he formulated a plan in his head. “This informant that you spoke of… can he send us up to date information on the movement of the Elven Army? Also, can the information be trusted?”

William nodded. “I already spoke to him about Brendan. He will send regular updates whenever he can to your aide.”

“Okay,” Conner replied.

William looked at Conner’s projection with a serious expression. He knew that by the time he finished his work, the Elven Army might have already entered the borders of the Hellan Kingdom. The Leader of Deus had already briefed him that they would not engage them in a confrontation and just defend Gladiolus with all the forces that they could muster.

Even so, William was still worried that he might not arrive before the final battle took place.

“Just a glance and I can tell that you don’t think that we will be able to resist the Elven Army,” Conner snorted. “Boy, you sure underestimate what I can do.”

“Can you really hold out?” William inquired.

“Of course. If it’s just against the Elves then I can defend the city for a few days.”

William crossed his arms over his chest as he eyed Conner. “They have a Pseudo-Demigod among their ranks, you know?”

“What of it?” Conner asked as if a Pseudo-Demigod didn’t amount to anything. “It’s just an Ancient Earth Golem that thinks too highly of itself. I’ve long wanted to put it in its place.”

“Well, if you say so then it must be true.”

“Just don’t take your sweet time and get here before they invade the second defensive wall of the Inner City. Once they breach our last line of defense, the fall of Gladiolus is set in stone.”

William nodded. “I will do my best. If things go South, you can just surrender. I’ll take things from there.”

“Me? Surrender?” Conner sneered. “Surrender is not part of my dictionary, boy. Besides, I have prepared for many years for a faceoff against the Elves. This is a good opportunity to test them all out. I’ll cut the connection now, report to me as soon as you finish King Minos’ condition.”

“Very well. I pray for your success,” William replied.

Conner nodded and his projection faded completely.

William sighed as he gazed at the countless members of the minotaur race that had gathered to see him.

Just as King Minos had said, the members of the Minotaur Race were in a weakened state. They could at most only use half of their original strength right now. None of them were in a good condition to fight in a war where the fate of their entire race was at stake.

“Sir William, everything has been prepared,” Icarus said. “We can start anytime.”

William gave the Minotaur Prince a brief nod before going to the center of the city. It is where he would meditate and channel his powers to help dispel the weakness that had plagued the entire Minotaur Race.


Meanwhile, high above the skies of the Zelan Dynasty, the Blood Eagle, Scadrez, flew in the direction of the Hellan Kingdom at full speed.

William had given him an order to visit Takam in the Kyrintor Mountains. There was something that he needed to confirm with the Demigod, who seemed to have predicted that things would turn out the way they did.

Also, William wanted to confirm the type of help the Demigod had promised him. Right now, he didn’t want to hear any vague answers. What he wanted to know was what concrete action Takam would take in order to aid him in this war against the Elves.

The members of William’s Herd and Legion had redoubled their efforts in increasing their ranks, while training inside the Atlantis Dungeon. This was their last chance to get as strong as they could before they rushed towards the Hellan Kingdom to reinforce the defenders at the City of Gladiolus.

William took a deep breath as he sat cross legged at the center of Spire Horn Haven, where all the members of the Minotaur Races, including their young, had gathered.

He summoned his wooden staff and laid it on top of his legs, before closing his eyes to meditate.

Soon, a gentle breeze washed over those who were near him. The power within William’s body started to overflow and resonate with the wooden staff in his hands.

A minute later, a golden circle expanded around William’s body. Slowly, but surely, it grew in size as it began to encompass everyone that was near him. This process required a lot of concentration on William’s part and an endless supply of magical energy.

Fortunately, the place where he was sitting was directly on top of a leyline that contained tremendous magic power. King Minos had given him permission to tap into this vast magical power and help the Minotaurs regain their strength.

This was a long and tedious process, and William could only grit his teeth until his task was completed. He knew that if he really succeeded then he would have the aid of a mighty army that would help tip the scales of battle in their favor.


“Advance!” Elandorr ordered.




His order was repeated by the Elven Army as they started to enter the Teleportation Gate located in the Capital City of Briar Glen.

Although the majority of the gates found on the Northern Regions had been destroyed, there were still a few that were in good working condition.

Even though they had no other choice but to traverse the mountainous path of the North-Western regions of the Zelan Dynasty, Elandorr, as well as the High-Ranking Officers of the Elven Army, weren’t worried about any possible ambush along the way.

Eneru and Drauum were currently guarding their planned route, and had already made adequate preparations, just in case William and his reinforcements appeared to delay their advance.

They still didn’t know how the Half-Elf managed to escape from their encirclement last time, but two of the Guardians were sure that there wouldn’t be a next time.

The two Guardians were even looking forward to William’s appearance, so that they could capture him once and for all.

Unfortunately, the Half-Elf was busy with other things and had no time to play with them.

At the same time, the Army of the Kraetor Empire also started to stir. The Myriad Ant Queen had already reported the Elven Army’s movement, and the Young Empress deemed that it was also the right time for them to head out.

Although they had a Non-Aggression Pact with the Elves and the Hellan Kingdom, that didn’t mean that they couldn’t spectate and watch the battle between both sides.

‘And so it begins,’ Empress Sidonie thought as she sat on her throne, which was mounted on top of a Flying Golden Ant Overlord that was at the peak of the Millennial Rank.

The Grand Archmage Evexius, Priscilla, and the two Sword Saints of the Kraetor Empire, sat on their respective seats behind the throne of the Empress.

“Advance!” Empress Sidonie ordered.

Cheers, and shrieks of approval answered her command as a grand procession of Warriors Ants began their journey to witness the final battle that would be fought in the Southern Continent.

Empress Sidonie, and her retainers wanted to see the outcome of this war. Naturally, the majority of the Kraetor Army, including its High-Rankings Officers, had already assumed that the victors would be the Elves.

The Young Empress was not one of them. She didn’t know why, but she believed that her beloved Shepherd would somehow turn the tables around and give the Elves a crushing defeat.

‘I’ll see you soon, Sir William. Show me the power of the man worthy of my love.’

[ You mean, ‘Our Love’, right, Sidonie? ]

Empress Sidonie gave her other half a teasing smile before looking towards the West. She could still remember the words William had said before parting with her in the capital city of Veritas.

The Half-Elf had said that if he survived the war then he would seriously consider her feelings.

‘Don’t worry. No matter what, I won’t let you die.’ Empress Sidonie vowed. She had already made her preparations, and would see them through to the very end. The only question that remained was whether the star of the show would make his appearance.

If not then Empress Sidonie had no other choice but to flip the tables and settle the matter with her own hands.

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