Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 488 - Have More If It Is Delicious

You want to have sex with me? Xu Que thought.

Xu Que was stunned by Su Yun Lan’s soft but thrilling voice.

What...the h*ll? Why does happiness always have to come so abruptly? How could she bring herself to make such a sudden request? As an Acting Tough King, I have experienced many love affairs. But this! This is the first time a woman has been the first to ask! What should I do? Should I wait?

D*mn! I can’t wait! This must be a temptation! A conspiracy! As an upright and honest man, I shall resist the temptation of this beauty. I shall never take away the purity of this woman!

Xu Que’s body shook, his face full of righteousness. Then... he hugged that soft body in his arms.

“I know you will leave soon,” Su Yun Lan said. “I am afraid I can’t wait until you are back. I am afraid everything will be changed when you get back,” she softly.

If the Celestial Sect had not bullied her today, maybe she wouldn’t have been bold enough to make this decision. However, she now realized that time and tide wait for no man.

This time Xu Que would be away for a long time, much longer than one or two years. She was worried that she wouldn’t be able to wait for such a long time. She worried that when Xu Que came back, she would already be an old lady or maybe even dead.

In this bloody and cruel world of cultivators, nothing was predictable. She made this bold decision without any hesitation, falling into Xu Que’s arms.

Xu Que was perplexed for a while. Then he came to himself and smiled softly.

“I will be back and nothing will be changed. Even if something is changed, I will change it back again!”

Xu Que was filled with ambition and obsession. He made a promise to Su Yun Lan in his mind.

If I need it, the heavens shall not remove it. If I don’t need it, the heavens shall not allow its existence! I will always need you, Su Yun Lan! Xu Que thought.

He devoted his body to her selflessness.

Ugh! This was maddening!

If he accepted her, he was a beast!

If he refused her, he was worse than a beast!

“Hmm!” a soft moan came from Su Yun Lan’s hot lips.

She was enjoying the warmth of Xu Que’s hot chest. She hugged him even more passionately.

Su Yun Lan’s mind was spinning. She had never had intimate contact with a man before. Just like firewood which had been dried in sunshine for weeks, her desire was instantly ignited.

The two of them became tangled up like raging flames. Even the cultivator couldn’t resist such instinctive desire.

When love and desire merge, a woman is able to forget everything and entrust herself to the man she loves. This is where a woman can find true happiness.

For Xu Que, this moment was just like a good rain after a long drought. When he looked upon Su Yun Lan, all he saw was a delicate, sexy babe. However, he knew in his heart that Su Yun Lan was still that mighty Sect Leader who shouldered the whole Great Change Sect by herself.

However, no matter how strong a woman was, she still needed love from a man. The tougher and stronger a woman was, the more eager she was for a reliable shoulder to lean on.

Men were more often tempted to conquer and care for powerful and strong women rather than delicate and charming women. By caring for a powerful and strong woman, a man could reveal his true strength and give a full display of his male hormones.

“Xu Que, it is so good...to be with you...”

Xu Que looked at her mouth as she spoke. Her tender and hot lips were so intoxicating. Her sexy tongue behind her white teeth was just as much of a turn on.

Su Yun Lan looked up at the man who she felt was the perfect and most fantastic man in the world for her. Either her extravagant wishes were coming true, or this was just a dream.

However, even it was just a dream, Su Yun Lan was grateful. If she dreamt like this every day, she would rather not wake up! Since she knew that this might be only a dream, there was an unspoken second half of her sentence:

“even if we can only enjoy this for a moment.”

If they missed this chance, they would lose it forever.

They should grasp this opportunity so that they wouldn’t regret it.


The happy hour can never be too long.

The happy hour is always unforgettable in one’s life no matter how short it lasts.

Su Yun Lan had no regrets. Before this moment, she used to imagine being with the man she could entrust her life to. However, Xu Que’s appearance, abilities, and personality went beyond her wildest imaginations.

In her imagination, this man would always crush her obstacles like a celestial being during her most vulnerable times. He would then leave with a faint and wicked smile. Her imaginary man was a hero, but not an upright, honest and mighty hero. If Xu Que had been a truly benevolent hero, she wouldn’t have favored him. Luckily, Xu Que was a handsome playboy who always appeared in her life like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water.

Such brief contact!

Just a very short touch...

It had created ripples which kept drifting in Su Yun Lan’s heart.


The torment of waiting!

But this waiting had also been a kind of torturous happiness!

This happiness was a decoction made by countless amounts of the water of lovesickness!

Such a tight hug!

Su Yun Lan gently closed her eyes and began to enjoy Xu Que’s fiery and domineering desire inside her body.





This man!

A man that was not destined to be hers!

He was her entire world, but maybe just for this moment!

Crystal tears rolled down her cheek.

A slight trace of pain!

Then endless pleasure!

Just cherish this moment!

Su Yun Lan had forgotten herself!

Now she was neither the mighty Sect Leader of the Great Change Sect nor the spoony woman who waited for Xu Que desperately.

On the road of love, ignorance was bliss.

The stars were shining in the night sky.

The moon above the clouds was even more obscure than before.

The summer insects were silent and the birds were sleeping. The fantasy in the midsummer night was fulfilled.


When the sun rose again, Su Yun Lan woke up. The familiar smell of Xu Que was still beside her. However, Xu Que was not in the bedroom. He was just like a dream, vanishing when she woke up.

However, she knew it wasn’t a dream. She didn’t regret anything. She would rather have a momentary love that meant the world than pursue a lifelong love that meant nothing. Last night had satisfied her completely. As she recalled the details of the night before, Su Yun Lan flushed and couldn’t help smiling.

Just then, she heard a voice in the distance.

“Mantis Shrimp, let’s go! Mantis Shrimp, come on!”

“Sh*t! Don’t push me like this! I can’t believe this. Dragging me along to do early morning labor... As a mighty and dignified celestial, I refuse to do trifles like setting up magic spell formations...Ouch! Stop beating me! It hurts!”

Hearing those voices, Su Yun Lan was very delighted. Xu Que hadn’t left yet! He was setting up magic spell formations!

As she sat up, she suddenly felt a mild aching in her lower body, which was also a little bit numb. Thinking of last night’s passionate love-making, Su Yun Lan couldn’t help flushing. She gently raised her slender legs and got out of bed to get dressed.


Meanwhile, Xu Que was walking around in the Great Change Sect, dragging Buttface along with him. They were searching for good places to set up the spell cores.

This spell, which was purchased with 3,000 Acting Tough Points, was very powerful. Even powerhouses at the Infant Transformation Stage or the Form Synthesis Stage couldn’t break it. However, it was also more difficult to set up this spell formation.

Fortunately, Xu Que was a Spell Master. He managed to set up the spell formation within four hours. To ensure the spell lasted as long as possible, he placed one Best-grade Spirit Stone in each spell core. The Spirit Stones would supply each spell core with enough energy to keep the spell active for several hundred years.

Seeing this magnificent spell shield, many disciples of the Great Change Sect were very excited and shocked.


Now that Su Yun Lan was dressed, she opened the door and walked out. She was immediately stunned. Xu Que had finished setting up the spell formation.

Just then, Xu Que walked into Su Yun Lan’s bedroom door with a bowl of freshly made porridge in his hands.

“You are up! Have a bowl of porridge. It will do good for your health,” Xu Que said with a smile.

Su Yun Lan felt a warm current in her heart. She took the bowl and sipped the porridge. The porridge was sweet and delicious, just like the dense happiness which seemed to wrap around her.

“It’s good,” she said, smiling sweetly.

Xu Que also smiled.

“Have more if it is delicious. Tonight, I will cook noodles for you.”


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