Reincarnated With A Badluck System

Chapter 2 Getting Judged

While descending, the man kept his eyes closed. A strange aura was surrounding him which made the entire area quiet. Everyone\'s instinct was screaming that the man could obliterate their soul out of existence with the snap of his finger.

"It is time to be judged!" The man says in a calm voice, yet billions of people heard him.

Immediately the words left the old man\'s mouth, billions of people from different races began to levitate In the air. A white aura enveloped the old man as he harnessed the spiritual aura that was lingering in the atmosphere, giving him the majestic look of a God.


With the snap of his finger, Vincent, along with the other people were suddenly teleported to an expansive field that couldn\'t even be measured by a mere mortal like him. Looking at the floor and the surroundings, he was shocked to the core, the scenery in front of him was so similar to the dreamland he had once dreamt of as a kid. The floors were all made of pure Gold, the huge buildings that surrounded him were 1000 times taller than the highest skyscraper on earth, the walls were also made out of emerald crystals, giving it a shining and glistening look. In this place, there is no Sun, only the spiritual energy known as Qi filled the surroundings and reflected a dim light that allowed them to see clearly. It was such a good feeling, just like the one you get when you see the sun setting on earth.

The Qi in the air is so pure that ordinary mortals or cultivators won\'t even dare to absorb it, only Gods are capable of harnessing it. You might all be wondering about how he knows this, of course, he is neither a cultivator nor a mage but he overheard it when the people who were once cultivators discussed it amongst themselves.

Vincent was still admiring the scenery in front of him when he heard the voice of the old man.

The man began to open his eyes, and to be sincere, they were scary. They were like glowing white lights. And, If there was something more clear or pure than the color white, then it would have been the perfect description.

"Hear me out, mortals, my name is Kunfa, the gatekeeper of heaven. This place looks nice right? You all want to stay here forever, right?

Today, you are all going to be judged according to how you lived your lives. Your deeds determine if you will be reincarnated or be cast to the hellish dimension. Perhaps, you might even get the chance to live here forever and be free from all worldly tribulations. Now, your judgment shall begin. Each race has a pocket dimension where they are going to be judged because the rules that bind you all are different." The old man said and disappeared immediately after he finished his speech.

Looking up at the sky, Vincent saw many flying Eternals that he could only describe as angels as they descended to the ground with large wings sprouting from their backs.

"All humans should follow me!" One of the Eternals shouted.

"Get out of the way, human!" A cow shouted and kicked Vincent away. Vincent wanted to retaliate but before he could do that, he felt his ethereal body levitating in the air along with other humans. However, before he moved far away from the cow that kicked him, he heard it gossiping with a creature that looked like an octopus man.

"Why did you kick him away?" The octopus man asked.

"Humans are perverts! They milk me every day without caring about how I feel, they deprive my calves of their milk and kill us to make steaks and beef" The cow replies with disgust.

"Well, I see no problem with that. After all, your purpose is to serve them" the octopus man shrugged.

"Tch... I guess you like the way your brethren on earth are used as Chinese delicacies, muahahaha!" The cow laughed evilly and followed the Eternal that is leading the cows, leaving the octopus man to stare at humans with disdain.

Vincent didn\'t know whether to cry or laugh. After all, he also enjoyed eating octopus like most of his friends who were Chinese and Japanese.

His ritual for eating octopus was to beat it black and blue before settling down and eating it in peace while he jerked off to Saray Jay\'s videos.

Vincent, along with several other humans are currently levitating in the air and seem to be moving at a crazy speed that is almost as fast as the speed of light. 


The cloud ripples as the Eternal suddenly comes to a halt.

Vincent sees several million golden desks, and sitting on them are different Eternals that seem to be of higher ranks than the one that transported them.

"You all are going to walk towards the desks in order to be judged one by one" The Eternal that brought them announces, using spiritual energy.

Everyone nods their head and begin walking towards each desk.

The Eternals are enough to attend to all the humans as it won\'t take up to 2 minutes before a single person is judged.

Vincent could see other people crying and rolling on the floor while the Eternals cast them into the hellish dimension. Meanwhile some people Jump around in excitement as they are going to live in the afterlife and become Eternals as well. At the same time, some people are looking happy and depressed as they are going into the reincarnation cycle again.

With Vincent\'s soul trembling since he no longer has a heart, he walks toward one of the Eternals sitting on the desk.

"Name?" The Eternal asks.

"My Name is Vincent"

 The Eternal nods his head as he picks up a glowing scroll that was on his table and begins sending his spiritual energy into it. immediately, he begins to view all that Vincent has done right from birth till his death.

"Jie! Jie! Jie! You died pathetically.  You\'ve earned a ton of karma, I\'ve never seen a human who has such an enormous amount of  bad karma. I\'m afraid that I can\'t make this decision by myself, you will have to see the God of death himself" The Eternal says as he snaps his finger, and causes Vincent to be teleported to another place.


Note: There is a reason for so many info dumps.

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