Reincarnated With A Badluck System

Chapter 3 Meeting With The God Of Death

"Fuuu Hnnn! What is this unpleasant odor? It has been decades since I smelt the scent of bad karma. Let\'s see the soul that Artorias sent to me. Kukuku..." A man who seems to be ageless and whose age was anonymous thought as he was meditating in what seemed to be a pool of spiritual aura.

The man stood up and began waddling in the sky, he was going to meet the soul that was sent to him.


When Vincent was teleported by the Eternal, he unexpectedly found himself in a large golden room that seemed to have no perimeter. Confused as to why he was teleported, Vincent decided to sit on the flawless floor.

"Is my Bad Luck so incessant that the heavens decided to give me a separate chamber!" Vincent thought and chuckled at his Bad Luck.

He was in his thoughts before he abruptly felt a surge of spiritual energy fill the room that looked like an endless abyss. Suddenly, a tall figure tore through space like tofu and appeared inside the room.

Vincent who was sitting down immediately stood up when he felt the presence. He was shocked to the core as the being in front of him tore through space like it was paper.

Vincent wanted to bow down his head and worship the entity in front of him, now and then. However, the aura of the entity was making Vincent choke despite being a mere soul, he felt that if he moved or talked from his stance, he would cease to exist.

"Hmm, haven\'t I sealed my aura to the minimum, why is he frightened? I recall the time I mistakenly unleashed my aura and killed billions of souls. It was a great loss!" The entity thought and he sealed his aura to the bare minimum he could and made it similar to that of the Gatekeeper.

Vincent sighed in solace as the murderous aura decreased significantly. He could see the entity in front of him, clearly. It was a man whose age he couldn\'t guess nor how long he had been existing. The man wasn\'t wearing any clothes but he was clad in a spiritual aura. So, Vincent didn\'t have to worry about seeing the chimney of the entity.

"Ye mortal, it\'s a privilege to see me and survive! My name is Laximus, I\'m the god of death. Your bad karma has made you be directed to me. Now stay still while I check all your deeds." said Laximus.

Vincent nodded his head and didn\'t even bother to respond as he kept his body still while the god of death began to send his spiritual energy deep inside his soul.

Vincent\'s soul trembled as the aura dominated him, it was so sharp that his intuitions were screaming at him. Vincent carefully stared at the entity that called himself the god of death. He wasn\'t expecting to see an ageless man with an unshaven beard, he was expecting to see a large entity with huge horns and scary glowing eyes that could pierce into one soul. However, all he could see was a man with an unshaved beard.

Unbeknownst to him, the god wasn\'t in his true form, and he will come to regret his notions in the future.

Laximus closed his eyes as he peered deep into Vincent\'s soul, he skipped all the parts of Vincent\'s fetishes, but, still, there was nothing of good in Vincent\'s daily basis of life.

Skimming through Vincent\'s life, Laximus saw that Vincent\'s life was full of Bad Luck and terrible karma.

Withdrawing his spiritual energy, Laximus instantly comprehended the reason why Artorias directed Vincent to him, his bad karma was as huge as a mountain, to overstate, he had no good karma. 

"Mortal, you have terrible karma! And it made your reincarnation cycle seem impossible. However, there are five ways in which I could solve your dilemma. Firstly, I can solve your problem by casting you into the hellish dimension. Secondly, I can make you reincarnate as a dog, I guarantee my statement, you will have an amazing owner. Thirdly, I will make you reincarnate as a eunuch. Fourthly, I will eradicate your soul out of existence. And the last option is to reincarnate with a system in a different world, far away from the solar system of your previous world, however, it comes with a cost. Now, you have to choose an option, don\'t keep me waiting." Laximus said and he closed his eyes, seemingly waiting for Vincent\'s feedback.

Vincent nodded his head and swallowed hard as he began weighing the pros and cons of the options he was given.

"Fuck! No one in their right mind would want to be cast to the hellish dimension, the second option... No way I would want to live my life as a dog while I\'m being patted now and then and I wouldn\'t want to spend my life as a eunuch! I mean who would want to live without a dick! No erection, no masturbation, no pussy! Dammit." Vincent cursed inwardly and made up his mind for the option he selected.

"I would like to go for option five" Vincent spoke out with a stern expression, he had made up his mind.

"Are you sure about this?"  Laximus asked while still keeping his eyes closed.

"Yes, I have concluded to go by the fifth option" Vincent answered back.

"Okay, if it\'s what you wish for, I shall grant you" Laximus replied and waved his hands in the air, in a pattern that Vincent couldn\'t grasp.

Suddenly, Vincent felt like his soul was being pricked by a million needles while his ethereal form began to crumble. At the same time, a large vortex that contained a spiritual aura opened up above his head and began to absorb his soul. And the next moment, Vincent was gone.

When Vincent was gone, Laximus seemed to ponder over a thought.

"Mmm, ever since I created this system, I have never tested it out, it was one of my failed experiments anyways. I never expected him to choose it, as most people would want to live an easy life as a dog with a nice owner." Laximus thought and his body began to change into a terrifying form, that even the most powerful Eternals wouldn\'t dare to look at him.


Note: Yo! Guys, if you are reading this novel and enjoying it, please vote with your power stones once it gets verified. The story is slow-paced but it is worth your time.

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